would/do you take your twins to the pool by yourself?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsBQ02, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    Mine just turned one and I take them by myself...just started last week. There's a children's pool that's 3 ft deep and 2 baby pools. In the children's pool I put them in floaties - in the baby pool I only bring them there if I have a "helper" like my mom b/c they are now walking (just started) and will fall w/o assistance.

    It's not too hard once you get the hang of it. I pack lunch and our stuff during nap one, then when they wake, I get them in their suits/swim dipes and we head out.

    Hope that helps. Good luck whatever you decided. It's definitely super fun for hte girls!
  2. mom2twinboyss

    mom2twinboyss Member

    Well my boys are turning 2 tomorrow and our first date for the waterpark is next week. Last year at the age of 1 was too scared to take them myself.
    When it comes to taking them to the pool, pool. No. Not when they are this young.
  3. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    I attempted to take mine yesterday and it was an utter and complete disaster. Mine are very close to two though. They know it all and are in full tantrum city. They absolutely did not want to cooperate at all. No one wanted in their floats, they wanted to run wild...even with a vest a two-year-old cannot run full force into a 3ft pool :shok: Luckily for me my very kind and patient neighbor showed up and she took one for me and I took the other so we could stay and my oldest could have some fun time, but I will not be attempting it again alone. They took about 10 years off of my life yesterday.
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