Where do you buy tights?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Nearly all our girls' clothes are hand-me-downs or secondhand, and I just realized I have no clue where to buy basic things! I bought some gorgeous Christmas dresses (secondhand of course [​IMG]) and now need tights to go with them. There's a Target, Macy's, and Gymboree close to us, and other options (Baby Gap, Hanna Anderson, etc.) in the mall a bit farther away. BRU is kind of a schlep. Where do you get yours? I need 12-month size. Thanks!
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Nearly all our girls' clothes are hand-me-downs or secondhand, and I just realized I have no clue where to buy basic things! I bought some gorgeous Christmas dresses (secondhand of course [​IMG]) and now need tights to go with them. There's a Target, Macy's, and Gymboree close to us, and other options (Baby Gap, Hanna Anderson, etc.) in the mall a bit farther away. BRU is kind of a schlep. Where do you get yours? I need 12-month size. Thanks!
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I loved the target tights for under 24 months. Now that Catherine is 2 they are size 2-4 and are WAY too big, but the smaller ones were great! I loved the knit ones b/c they were thick, warm and hard to ruin! Children's Place has nice tights that are more pantyhose like, but still hard to destroy and they're pretty inexpensive as well - 3 for $10 I think. Gymboree has cute ones with a ruffled heiny for 2 for $12. Hanna Anderson has cute tights, but they're pretty pricey. HTH [​IMG]
  4. Jill R.

    Jill R. Well-Known Member

    When Ally was younger, Walmart tights worked fine. Now that she's older, it's harder to find them in her size.

    The microfiber tights from Childrens are really soft and feel great. I also like the thicker ribbed tights from Old Navy.
  5. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I was at Target the other day and they had textured tights in the size that you are looking for. They had black, red, cream, white and then they had fun ones that were pink patterned, red patterened, etc. They are relatively cheap too.

    I was in Target th eother day and they never have the size I need there and their stock is always picked over when it comes to tights. So, I haven't been too successful there.
  6. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    I have to say that all of you are so brave! I have yet put tights on my girls. It's like wrestling an alligator to get their diapers on them. I can't imagine what tights would be like. [​IMG]
  7. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    Sounds funny, but my sis has three little girls and buys all their tights at the Dollar Tree. She swears by 'em. Also, at ours they have a huge selection right now because of the holidays...
  8. Elizabeth H

    Elizabeth H Well-Known Member

    I buy mine at Target. The girls love the diamond check I got there the other day. They seem to have a good variety. I saw some cute ones for Christmas in the infant/toddler girl section.

  9. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    For my petite almost 7 year old, Osh Kosh has the best for fit for her. All other brands, gap, gymbo, childrens place, sizing is weird. Either 4-5 which is too small or 6-8 which is too big [​IMG] But we have an OK outlet and the 5/6 fit perfectly!!! And the white pair is still white!! HA.
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! I will check Target first -- I have to go there today at lunch anyway.

    I have to say that all of you are so brave!
    [​IMG] This will be my first attempt. Of course in the summer they never needed them, and last winter (when they were newborns) it sounded totally insane to me too. But they have gotten so much better about letting me dress them -- it's still like wrestling an alligator, but at the same time, they sort of help, if that makes sense -- pushing their arms through the sleeves, etc. Plus, I'm not as worried about hurting them if I have to pin them down for a minute. [​IMG]
  11. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    A&B wore tights for the first time a month ago. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! Ainsley did try to pull off her "socks" in the carseat and had a fit when she couldn't take them off.
    I also got The Children's Place tights. The sizes were a little odd I thought, I can't remember what I ended up getting. With Ainsley doing her butt-scooting, her tights got filthy. [​IMG]
  12. dmoden

    dmoden Well-Known Member

    the tights thing gets a little easier when you can figure out how to change their diapers without having to take off the tights...getting them on the first time in the morning is hard enough. I like the ones from the Childrens place because they are pretty thick and seem warm.
  13. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I thinkg I got most of my girls tights in target. I just changed my avator to a picture that you can see their tights.
  14. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Just got back from Target -- I just got plain black & plain white because I didn't want them to look funny with their Xmas dresses. I got size 0-9 months though, because I took a 12-18m pair out of the package and it looked huge...? Even the smaller size seemed like it would fit generously. I will never understand kids' clothing sizes.

    I also got some Robeez knockoffs for Sarah and some cute Oshkosh T-straps for Amy. [​IMG]
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