When did you have your twins? and vent

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Soon-2-BMomof3, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. RHastings

    RHastings Well-Known Member

    I was put on modified bedrest at almost 32 weeks because of pre-term contractions. When I was a little over 35 weeks I got a UTI that caused me to start contracting. I was already 3cm when I went into the hospital, and by the time they stopped the contractions the next morning, I was 4cm so they decided to schedule my c-section for later that day. My girls were 35 weeks 4 days and only had to go to the NICU for the first night (my c-section was at 2:00pm) because of hospital policy (before 36 weeks). They spent the other 3 days with me and came home when I did. We had some issues with breastfeeding, but it wasn't because of the girls, it was me (inverted nipples and not producing enough milk). We got really lucky that they didn't have any problems, and now they're both 2 happy, healthy 9 month olds... [​IMG]
  2. Soon-2-BMomof3

    Soon-2-BMomof3 Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much. I know that it is better to keep the babies in as long as I can, I was just being a baby!!! Hopefully by wed or thurs we will know how long until we move. I talked to my doctor about it again today and he really wants me to go ahead and go if I am going. No more waiting around. Although he thinks it would be best for me not to go right now at all. I talked to him a lot about hospitals and doctors and he was very helpful with that. He also said that unless I have the babies in the next week or two I shouldn't let the NICU level be the only reason I choose a specific hospital because the chance the boys will need it is very low. I am also doing great so far. Absolutely no blood pressure issues, only 1/2cm dilated (have been for a month), both babies seem wonderful as far as heart rates, size, fluid levels, etc. so he has no reason to think that I will have the babies this early. Although, twin pregnancies are very unpredictable so there really is no way to be sure of that!!!!! Anyway, I am feeling a little better about the prospect of moving. I will be able to do very little as far as the move is concerned, just packing and that won't be that bad. Thanks again for all of the words of support!
  3. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    I had my girls at 33 weeks, and even then it was very hard, doing housework was a battle, DH helped out as much as he could around working. i just wished I could sit on my butt allll day everyday. when i stood up my feet swelled to the size od balloons!

    its not as bad with a singleton, i must say.
  4. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I had the girls at 35.3 weeks but I was induced due to TTTS and growth issues and my body was nowhere near ready to have them. Like you said, your babies could be born anytime in the next 6 weeks and the anticipation and lack of ability to plan can be nerve-wracking. I'm at 39 weeks now with this singleton and I've been waiting every single day in anticipation since 35 weeks. Chances are you'll deliver in the next couple of weeks though so you'll probably want to fight through the sleep (which I totally understand as I took about 2 naps a day and slept at least until 10am everyday at that point [​IMG]) and get some things thrown in boxes. The packing doesn't have to be done well, it just has to be done. Maybe set aside a couple of hours everyday between naps to do it and keep ample amounts of trash bags around so that you can throw out a lot of stuff you don't really need and donate other things. That will cut down on the work. [​IMG]
  5. Melissa3113

    Melissa3113 New Member

    PLEASE keep them in as long as possible. Mine were born at 32 weeks and we've been in and out of the hospital with them. I had a friend with twins born at 36 weeks and they also had problems. It will be well worth the pain for a few more weeks to avoid long-term health problems for your twins. I was MISERABLE for the end of my pg (I am very small-framed) but it was nothing compared to the NICU and all the health problems afterwards. DO NOT deliver before 38 weeks if you can help it. ANy doctor who tells you otherwise you should not trust. Take a tour around the NICU and you will understand.
  6. Maytwinsmom

    Maytwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 36 1/2 weeks (due to pre-clampsia) and I KNOW the extreme level of discomfort that you are referring to. I would cry at least once a day because I felt so useless and HUGE. I wanted them out since 30 wks. I couldn't sleep because I had to pee literally every 20 minutes, and it wasn't as though I had soo many liquids but because my bladder was getting crushed. And it was a 10 minute struggle to get to the bathroom because I couldn't get out of bed or the reclyner or whatever I was trying to sleep in. Plus I couldn't eat because even a bite of an apple would give me heart burn. My feet and entire legs were sooo swollen that I could only wear flip flops, thank God I live in San Diego. The swelling only got worse after delivery, per the MDs that was normal because they pump you with fluids at C-Sections. It didn't clear for about 2 weeks after delivery. Anyway, enjoy that sleep now, don't feel guilty, in reality you are working very hard. And do whatever you have to get others to pack for you and care for you older son because the care of twins will require all you energy.
    Good luck, and hang in there!
  7. Mattsgal

    Mattsgal Well-Known Member

    36 weeks and 1 day. Hang in there girl...you are in the home stretch!! I remember when I was in labor and driving to the hospital...I was SO HAPPY AND EXCITED, because I wanted them OUT so bad!!
  8. twins1231

    twins1231 Well-Known Member

    I was 37 weeks and 3 days. I had a regulary scheduled dr appt and an ultrasound before hand. My dr told me she could induce because there was a slight problem with the placenta. My girls were born 6 lbs 10 oz and 6 lbs 6 oz. The younger ended up in the NICU an hour after being born. She had a breathing like she was out of breath (like you feel after you run). Then she preceded to get a nasal infection and she wouldn't eat. She was in there for 6 days. When we took her home she weighed only 5 lbs 13 oz. The longer you can wait the better for everyone. Good Luck

    Samantha 12/31/05 37 wk 3 d
    6 lb 10 oz and 18 3/4"

    Emily 12/31/05 37 wk 3 d
    6 lbs 6 oz and 18 1/2" (when we brought her home 5 lbs 13 oz)
  9. mom23cuties

    mom23cuties Well-Known Member

    Yes, the last few weeks are REALLY hard, aren't they?

    My twins were born 40w2d. We were all home in less than 24 hours. As hard as it was to carry that much baby that long, I would do it all again. NO DOUBT.

    Good luck with your move.
  10. kayleesmama

    kayleesmama Well-Known Member

    We're being induced tomorrow at 37 weeks, 6 days. I've been impatient & uncomfortable too these last few weeks. I can't imagine moving right now. goodness! GOOD LUCK to you & try to keep them in as long as you can! HUGS!
  11. bradynathansmom

    bradynathansmom Active Member

    I had mine at 40w2d!! Just like everyone else said, keep them in as long as possible!! Every single day makes a HUGE difference!!
    I was so nervous while I was pregnant that I was going to have them early...because that is all you hear about multiples....I was shocked that I had to be induced....at 2 days past my due date....but it was wonderful because they got to come home right away!!
    The end is harder...but SOOOOOOOOOOOO worth it!
  12. reeba1976

    reeba1976 Well-Known Member

    Keep those babies inside of you as long as possible!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would NEVER EVER wish a NICU experience on anyone no matter how long or short the stay is.

    There is no need to be selfish at a time like this. Yeah it is painful and uncomfortable, but it is SOOOO worth it in the end.

    Keep it up and tough it out.........Let your husband do all of the work. He can handle it.....he is apart of this equation too!!
  13. Frederica

    Frederica Well-Known Member

    Take it from me girl, I havent had the babies yet but we moved over the weekend and i ended up over exhausted and in the hospital. So the best thing for you to do is hire movers if you can. I know exactly how you feel about not being able to do anything but its for the good of our lil angels!!!
  14. Ehansy

    Ehansy Well-Known Member

    My boys were born at 37 weeks and 4 days. I was on complete bedrest and sick as a dog with a cold. The last couple of weeks are the worst. I had a scheduled c-section so I knew the day they were going to be born. Good luck with everything. [​IMG]
  15. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I had my girls at 39 weeks 1 day and they were 6 lbers. At the end it was hard and I wanted them out. Starting at 37 weeks I tried everything to get labour going but nothing worked, thank God. I am so greatful that I went as long as I did, and gave my girls the best chances I could. The girls were lucky enough to not need any NICU time, and I could never imagin leaving the hospital without one of my baby girls. It breaks my heart to even think about it. Stick with it, its all worth it in the end. [​IMG]
  16. pam2baby

    pam2baby Well-Known Member

    I was 36 weeks, and you are almost there so hang in, your babies will be here very soon.
    cheers, p
  17. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    I agree with everyone I had my girls at 37 weeks 3 days and they had 4 days in the NICU and believe me thats not were you want your boys. The longer they stay in you the better they are. I was were you were at the end I was on pain killers just so I could sit down I begged my dr to induce me but he refused and I am so glad that he did as for they had problems at birth as it was and I cant picture what it would have been like if i would have had them at 30 like I wanted to. I would agee if you could pocket it getting mover would be the best thing at this point. Just hang in there things will get better and just wait till you get to hold your little one's in your arms hopefull with out all the wires and stuff.
  18. Soon-2-BMomof3

    Soon-2-BMomof3 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the advice! Of corse I want my babies to be as healthy as possible and I am sorry if I sounded selfish!!!!! I was just venting. Anyway, we found out today that my husband's new company is going to hire movers for us on top of one month's salary for relocation expenses. That is great! Now I just have to pack my clothes and my son's clothes because we are moving up the weekend before my husband so that is going to be pretty easy. I was also able to find a peri that will accept patients that are as far along as I am. Today was full of good news. Now I just hope these babies will hold off for AT LEAST 3 weeks so that we can get settled before the big arrival!!!!
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