When did you first find out it was twins?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 5280babies, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    We needed Clomid/IUI to get pregnant, so we knew there was a chance of multiples. During our second IUI, I had two mature follicles and several smaller follicles trailing behind when I triggered. At my first u/s at 5 weeks 4 days, we saw one healthy baby and thought we were just having a singleton. At 6 weeks 6 days, we went back for a second u/s and the doctor found 3 heartbeats! I journaled on another baby forum as well, so I have our reaction documented from there-

    DH said there were a lot of explicatives going through his head and all I could keep thinking about was "what have we done?"

    Unfortunately, we went back for another u/s at 8 weeks 2 days and the smallest baby didn't make it. That was one of the most bittersweet days of our lives. I was so terrified about getting the triplets here safely and couldn't stop thinking that they would be premature and spend a long time in the NICU and possibly have lifelong health problems, that there was some relief that just twins would be an easier pregnany with less complications. However, I was still so sad to lose another baby and now that the twins are here, I can't help wondering what the triplet would have been like. Was it a boy or girl? What would their personality be like? Etc.
  2. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    we found out at our 8 week ultrasound. the tech pulled up the image and sat back and said, "there you go," with a smile on her face. DH saw the two sacs and froze, like went still as stone. he said later he wanted to ask if he was seeing twins but he was afraid if he did she would say yes and he wasn't sure he could handle hearing that news. me? i was slow. i said, "well i see the baby, but what's that other thing?" the tech said, "that's your other baby." it still took me a moment to figure out what she meant, and when i figured it out i started laughing hysterically. then DH started laughing hysterically. then we cried and laughed and cried and laughed the whole way out of the office. then, halfway home in the car, DH suddenly stopped laughing and looked at me and said, "okay but that's it. two kids is enough." then more hysterical laughing.
  3. amymarie3

    amymarie3 Well-Known Member

    My doctor didn't want to see me until I was at 12 weeks. We went in and everything was fine. The doctor found a heartbeat and it was healthy. She measured my fundal height and said I was 15 weeks. I told her that it was impossible since my DH had been out of the state during that time period. She said okay and scheduled me for an ultra sound.

    Since it was a routine one my DH decided not to go. He had some other stuff going on that day. The tech and I were chit chatting back and forth.

    She very calmly in a conversational tone asked "Do twins run in your family?"
    I said "Yeah, my great-grandmother had 3 sets."
    She said "Well you are having a set!"
    I said "Nuh-Uh. No I'm Not"
    She said "Yes you are!"
    I said "No I'm NOT"
    She said "YES, Look here" and showed me 2 little heads.
    I instantly started to cry and repeated 4 or 5 times "Oh My God! Holy Sh*t!"

    I then proceeded to cry happy/shocked/crazy tears for the next 2 hours.

    I was supposed to go to work but called in and went home to tell DH instead.

    Needless to say he was super worried when I didn't call him and instead came tearing into the yard and walked up the sidewalk with tears streaming down my face. We spent the rest of the day on the biggest emotional roller-coaster of our lives.

    It was awesome!!!
  4. MyMayBabies

    MyMayBabies Well-Known Member

    Love the stories :ibiggrin:

    I began bleeding around week 5 of the pregnancy. We were fresh off a loss due to an umbilical cord accident. We lost our little boy, Jaren :( only a few months before conceiving the twins. We went in for an ultrasound since I have a history of an abdominal ectopic pregnancy. During the u/s, the tech said to us, "Well, I can't be certain, you see what I see." and I said, "I see two...." She said, very seriously and concerned, "I see a bunch of them in there...." (O....M.....G.....!!!) We used Clomid to conceive two of our children (we have both birth & adopted children) and were pregnant with the help of Clomid again.

    We were told to wait a week and repeat the ultrasound. I have NEVER been so nervous in my life. I cried every day every time I remembered her saying, "a bunch of them". The next ultrasound showed two perfect little heartbeats and a hemotoma by Baby B. We were told we were at risk of losing one or both because of it. I bled the entire first trimester and was terrified we would lose the babies because of the hemotoma or another cord accident.

    I can hardly believe they are here, sleeping right beside me :wub:
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We did fertility treatments, and we had 3 follicles that were mature when we did our trigger shot and IUI. So twins were a possibility in the back of our minds, but that was about it.

    I started spotting at 6wks 4days, I had had 2 prior m/c's and was very upset and concerned about the spotting, so instead of waiting for my scheduled u/s at 7 wks, my RE got me in later that afternoon. Our RE office has a seperate tv screen so you can watch the u/s and we immediately saw 2 sacs, but only one baby. After much digging, the u/s tech found both babies, but we could only get a reading on baby A's heartbeat, we could count baby B's (although we could see the flutter). I was floored, we couldn't even successfully have 1 baby, what are the odds of having 2?!?!? Dh said he knew all along it would be twins, from the minute we got our bfp he just had a gut feeling it was twins, so he wasn't surprised at all!

    I don't think I relaxed until we went for a follow up u/s in 2 weeks and saw two, perfectly, healthy beating hearts! That's when the excitement and joy set in. I was still on pins and needles until we passed the 12 wk m/c risk mark, and still nervous until we got to viability. Once we hit about 28-30 wks I started to relax and realize we WERE going to have twins, even if they came early!
  6. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    I passed out from dehydration at Quiznos of all places when I was 5 weeks pregnant and found out I was having twins while in the ER. I cursed. For the record, I take the cursing back because I not only love my twinks, but also the multiples community. And, even though the news startled me, I will never forget the relief I felt after hearing their heartbeats because I had miscarried a singleton 3 months prior.
  7. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Loved your story!

    We did IVF and put 2 embies in so we knew twins could arrive. Our first u/s at 5w5d came back with one baby definitely there and the 2nd not developing. It was such a bitter-sweet moment as I was pg but it looked like baby 2 wasn´t going to continue. I can still remember that day. However, at our 2nd u/s, a week later, we had the twins comfirmed (DD made it! I just know it was DD who took a while to implant as she is someone who takes things slowly whereas her brother is always in a rush!!! He started my labour too & was the first to be born whereas DD refused to come out - haha!!). We were elated. Not only was it our first IVF but we´d got a 100% success rate! It´s been an amazing experience if somewhat challenging!!!
  8. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    at my 8 week u/s the doc was looking for the HB and found one and then another. I was oddly expecting it or had a feeling. DH's mouth dropped open and then shock and the rest of the day we walked around like zombies. DH was in denial for months, I kept saying twins will be a lot of work but he was just oddly giddy about it all and if you ask him now he'll tell you he is glad that he didn't know what was coming b/c he just enjoyed my pregnancy for what is was... amazing!
  9. browneyedgirl

    browneyedgirl Well-Known Member

    I was 5 weeks 4 days. I freaked a little, but I was on clomid so I wasn't surprised. :)

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