Were the twins the last kids for you?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by natmarie, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    I always thought we would end up with four kiddos, but we're pretty sure we're done. My pregnancy with DD1 was wonderful, but since then I've only had problems both physically and emotionally since we've gone through the loss of four babies. Two years of ups and downs, saying goodbye to our Caylia and Molly, bed rest, etc. was sooooo incredibly hard on our entire family. I'm finally feeling somewhat like a "normal" person! We feel so blessed to have our three girls. Children, no matter how many, are truly such sweet little miracles crafted by God!
  2. hezza12

    hezza12 Well-Known Member

    We wanted two and got two... so we're done.
    Though a part of me wonders what it would be like to have a single baby. And a part of me would love to be pregnant again. And hold an infant again. And go through all these fun stages again...
    But no, we're done.

  3. hilly

    hilly Well-Known Member

    Yep, they are our last. DH got snipped when the girls were 6 weeks old.
  4. Megos99

    Megos99 Well-Known Member

    Yep, we are all done. I also had a tubal during my c-section. We wanted one more and ended up with the twins.. I was scared if I got the urge again to have one more. I may end up with triplets :) We are happy with our complete set, 2 boys and 2 girls.
  5. luv_my_kidz

    luv_my_kidz Well-Known Member

    Yep, our family is complete. I had a tubal during my c-section then 4 months later I had a total hysterectomy, so the option isn't even there!

    We were going to have 3 and the the 3rd pg turned into #3 & #4, so we're happy as can be!!
  6. Laurenbelle

    Laurenbelle Well-Known Member

    These are our first also. DH is adamant that we are done, he's going to get snipped. I came from a large family though, and would like to have one more. My only worry is having twins again and going through that kind of pregnancy, and then ending up w/2 boys again anyway knowing my luck! Maybe I can talk him into waiting just a couple more years to try for a girl....His mother wants a granddaughter also, so we may have to gang up on him! :)
  7. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    The twins are our 3rd and 4th. I always assumed I would only have 2, but now I'm thinking maybe just one more! But THEN I'm done!
  8. kathy.dube

    kathy.dube Member

    These were our first and last due to my age (just turned 49)! We would have loved to have had a houseful but timing is everything. This is my second marriage (long story) and no kids with it. Met my DH at church, married, started TTC, two IUIs, one miscarriage and one successful IVF later, we were blessed with two! If only we had met earlier in life, if only this, if only that.......But we are blessed with our beautiful Joshua and Kelsey and loving every minute with them!
  9. txsweetie

    txsweetie Well-Known Member

    These are our first two and I do want more. I plan on trying to get pregnant again but not for a few more years. My hands are too full right now. Though I'm already talking to DH about how exciting another one will be and he goes "yea, in a few more years". hehe. I'm very content but I hope I get blessed with another child or twins again!
  10. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    For now yes! I still would like to get "Frosty" out of the "freezer" and give it one more shot though! :laughing:
  11. ladybug03

    ladybug03 Member

    i think that the twins are the last for me but i am still young (21) so i have alot of time left to think abt it
  12. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    We're done ~ like so many others, we were trying for one and were blessed with twins. I also got a tubal during my c/s. Our family is complete....2 boys 2 girls :)
  13. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(hezza12 @ Sep 6 2007, 11:03 AM) [snapback]395210[/snapback]
    We wanted two and got two... so we're done.
    Though a part of me wonders what it would be like to have a single baby. And a part of me would love to be pregnant again. And hold an infant again. And go through all these fun stages again...
    But no, we're done.


    I feel the same way. We only ever discussed having two children and then they both came at once. I sometimes wish we would have another but I am pretty certain that we won't. Some days I am okay with that, some days I am sad.
  14. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    These babies are my first and i would love just one more but my dp says no way!! I am working on him though. x
  15. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I guess I can honestly say NO and YES to this question!!! :)
  16. shoudeshell

    shoudeshell Well-Known Member

    Yup, these are my last. We weren't even trying to get preggo...birth control failure...and we ended up with the two nicest surprises anyone could get. I will admit to wanting to have more when I got preggo, but DH was not wanting anything to do with it. He said he likes even numbers...well we ended up with two more and that makes and even 4! I too had a tubal with my c/s.
  17. kgolgo

    kgolgo Well-Known Member

    Yes, we are done, with a complicated pregnancy I would never want to risk it. How do i say... I wouldn't want to "endanger" another child with my incompetent cervix. But that isn't to say that every time I see a pregnant woman I get this extremely powerful twinge that makes me think, maybe.... But no, we are done :drinks:
  18. TLorentz

    TLorentz Active Member

    We only planned on one, but were blessed with two! I think God knew I really wanted two, but that I wouldn't want to go through another pregnancy:) We are DONE! I am back on the pill PLUS we use another method for now until we decide on what we want to do permanent-wise. Can't take any chances!
  19. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    It's so crazy because I've got three kids two and under, and some days I think I'm headed to the funny farm, and yet....I know I'm not done. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion I'll have another set of twins next time around. Isn't that weird? I have dreamt about each of my kids before they were born, and before I knew what I was having, and both pregnancies I got what I dreamed of. I guess in a couple of years you'll find out if I was right or not!!

  20. DanaLynn100

    DanaLynn100 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(natmarie @ Sep 5 2007, 09:14 AM) [snapback]393668[/snapback]
    Were the twins the last kids for you?

    I have a son from a previous relationship who is almost 13 and then DH and I have the twins. I never thought I'd want 3 kids, let alone 4, but I've been thinking about it lately. I don't think DH will agree though so most likely we are done. :(
  21. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    We are most definitely done. My husband had a vasectomy about a month ago. If age and money were not a factor, I'd contemplate it. I would probably have to take clomid to conceive again and run the risk of another set of twins. I don't think I could handle that!!
  22. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    After the twins were born just the thought of going through it all again would of had me running for the hills screaming!! :D

    But now seeing their little personalities develop, I catch myself dreaming of adding to our little family. Dh is all for it, he loves being a daddy. :)

    But I'll wait another year & see.
  23. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    So far the twins are the last, but maybe I'll get pg again!
  24. caba

    caba Banned

    I think for us the twins are the first and the last! We were blessed with one of each, and that's all I really every wanted. I wouldn't mind a 3rd, but we went through IVF to get pregnant, and who's to guarantee that we wouldn't have twins again? I'm not sure I could handle that ... mentally or financially! We also paid for IVF out of pocket, and it's not like we have all that money lying around! I'm pretty content with how it all worked out!

    So unless we have a miracle conception, I think we are complete.
  25. indy2all

    indy2all Well-Known Member

    Since our little ones were IVF miracles, I think they are our first and last unless we have $$$ dropping from Heaven to pay for another cycle. I would love to have another, but feel so blessed with our two that I wouldn't even dare to pray for it!
  26. pink and blue mom

    pink and blue mom Well-Known Member

    I want more! I am gonna wait...I told DH we will try again when the twins are 2 y/o. He says no way, we're done. But I guess it's a good thing I'm not gonna listen to him! I love being a mommy!!!!!

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