
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by yeytheirtwins91907, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    At this point I am NOT vaccinated my girls. I will not considerate vaccinating until they are over the age of two. A child's brain grows and matures until the age of 2 and I will not risk anything by injecting them with chemicals. In my personal opinion I do not believe that it is necessary for children to be vaccinated at a young age.

    ETA: My girls have been very healthy. From everything that I've read it seems to me that the unvaccinated children are healthier. Not sure if its any correlation to vaccinations or that most people who do not vaccinate practice a all natural lifestyle.
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I vaccanate my children so that children who cannot receive vaccines are safer. I know several children who can't receive vaccines for medical reasons(eggs allergies, comprised immune systems or a religious issue) and by vaccinating my girls they are at less of a risk.
  3. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(returntoshore @ Jun 16 2007, 08:21 AM) [snapback]294721[/snapback]
    Correlation does not equal causation, and if your doctor actually told you there is a definite link, your doctor is frighteningly misinformed. Studies cannot find any concrete link, much less a direct one. In Japan, for instance, the MMR has been discontinued, and autism rated have increased, not decreased. There's a lot of this false information floating about on the internet, however, linking MMRs and autism. Here's what the WHO has to say on the subject:

    Edited to get the poster's name correct in the quote


    The truth is that there is NO answer as to what causes Autism. There is speculation...genetics, vaccinations, environmental factors...but few answers. Unfortunately, the most vocal corner is the anti-vaccination group and you don't really get to hear from the families who have completely different views with plenty of evidence to point the contrarty.

    I'm SO glad you pointed that out.
  4. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    Well, after reading all that I almost forgot what the original post was! lol! Anytime you talk about vaccinations or spanking, expect a debate!

    So, I do not vaccinate. Dh and I have done our research and feel this is the best decision for our family.

    All I would like to say is, either way you go... Do your research. I know many parents (alot on this site) that do extensive research and decide to vaccinate, delay vaccinations or not do them at all. It is a VERY PERSONAL decision. So, just like you wouldnt take someones word to not vaccinate, dont just take someones word to do it either.

    You wouldnt give your child a cold medicine without reading the label first, just make an informed decision, whichever way that may be.


    Oh and BTW this is the nicest immunization thread I have seen in a long time! Bravo ladies! lol!
  5. Tif3

    Tif3 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(stbmomof3 @ Jun 15 2007, 01:37 PM) [snapback]293843[/snapback]
    Then, when we found out "why" the chicken pox vaccine was created - that really sealed the deal for us on that one.

    Why was the chicken pox vaccine created?

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