Twins born at 30 weeks. I am currently 30 weeks with twin baby girls and was taken to the hospital

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jolcia17, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. jolcia17

    jolcia17 Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone,

    I was just wondering if anyone had twins at 30 weeks or know anyone who did? I am currently 30 weeks now with twin baby girls and was taken to the hospital yesterday because my contractions were 4 minutes apart. They gave me some shots to stop the contractions as well as a steroid shot to help with lung development of the babies in case they come early. I was also put on bed rest. Just curious as to the development of babies who are born at 30 weeks if you guys know any that are couple years older by now. I am really worried about my girls and wish they stayed in there for couple more weeks but we cant predict anything. Its a really scary situation for me and just wanted to hear some advice from others.
  2. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I was in the Hosp at 26 weeks with a short cervix. I was put on Procardia at that time to stop contractions. I was put on modified rest. At 29 weeks I had a pos Ffn and they gave me steroid injection as well. At 30weeks 6 days I was dilated to 2 cm and 80% effaced and put in the hospital for 5 days on bed rest. I was sent home on bed rest and here I am at 34 weeks still at 2cm and about 70%. So take heart... it is very possible that you can go weeks still. Drink a lot of water and eat A LOT of protein. Sorry I don't know about 30 weekers, but I thought I could encourage you with my story! Good luck!
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I didnt have 30 weekers either, but I was hospitalized at 24 weeks for PTL. I was contracting every 2-5 mins, dialated to 2 cm, and 60% effaced. I was also given the steroid shots, and put on anti contrax meds. I was hospitalized 5 times total for contractions. I had a scheduled c-section at 37 weeks. Like the PP said, rest, drink lots and eat lots of protein, you can still go weeks before they decide to come.
  4. mkcondrey

    mkcondrey Well-Known Member

    I had my b/g twins at 30 weeks exactly. I has placenta previa with my son and was in the hospital on bedrest from week 26 on. I had several very heavy bleeds during that 4 weeks, got 2 rounds of steroid shots for the babies, and was on magnesium at least 3 times before the perinatalogist decided after my 4th bleed that it was time to deliver via urgent c-section.

    Today, my babies are 19 months old and thriving. They are walking, talking, basically normal kids. My DD was born tiny at 2#7oz and is still tiny for her age at only 19lbs. But, she is proportioned and healthy. My DS was born at 3#12oz and is now almost 30lbs (!). He's as big as she is little. They spent about 7 weeks in the NICU. DS needed a c-pap to help him get enough oxygen for the 1st 8 hrs or so after being born, but that was it. Neither had any brain bleeds or any other real health issues outside of just needing to learn to swallow, get bigger, and digest food. They also regularly had apnea spells which is very common with premies. So, they did go home on heart rate and breathing monitors, but they only had those for about a month after they came home.

    The only residual effect of their prematurity so far has been that they were both born with PDA heart murmurs. The Drs tried to get them to close with medication in the NICU, but that didn't work. So, since they were both asymptomatic, we just had them monitored by the cardiologist every 4-6 months or so. Last month the cardiologist decided it would be good to go ahead and close the murmurs which they did with a catheter. It was a same day outpatient procedure and my DD literally went home with a bandaid on her leg. (the procedure was complicated with DS and ended up requiring surgery, but he is fine now and there will be no long term effects from this)

    Good luck with everything! Modern medicine is incredible. Your babies will be just fine even though it is without a doubt a long road to travel when you have premies. Try to take it one day at a time, ask tons of questions, be your babies' biggest and strongest advocate, and know that these days will one day be a distant but indelible memory in your mind and heart.
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  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: The steroid shots will help. My twins were born before 30 weeks, see my signature for details. My DD weighed 1 lb 10 oz and my DS weighed 2 lbs 7 oz. My DD was on a vent for 4 days and my DS was never on a vent at all. But they will be 5 in February and are doing fantastic. They were in the NICU for 2 months and came home 5 weeks before my due date. They have no lingering effects of being micro-preemies. They were totally caught up by 15 months.

    It is amazing what they can do now with preemies. There are many success stories on here of babies born at 30 weeks and before and they are doing amazingly well.

    BTW, you can check my preemies out in my avatar. :)
  6. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    No experience with preterm labor but I just wanted to say that 30 weekers with steroid shots have a FANTASTIC prognosis for survival with no severe disabilities. But, I also think you have an excellent shot at hanging on for several more weeks--maybe even to term.
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I was also hospitalized at 30 weeks for PTL. From 24-30 weeks I was on procardia and terbutline and relaxed bed rest for pre term contractions, but then at 30 weeks I was 4cm dilated and having contractions every 3 minutes. I had the steriod shots just in case, but the mag sulfate slowed the contractions back down. I was on pretty strict bedrest (could only get up to go to the bathroom and take a 5 minute shower a day), and I was able to hold on to 34 weeks. I remember the NICU fellow coming and talking to me that first night in the hospital at 30 weeks telling me the prognosis, but honestly I don't remember all the details (couldn't open my eyes because of the mag sulfate). I hope you are hanging in there. :hug:
  8. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    What is an Avatar and how do you look at it?
  9. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The avatar is the picture under my screen name in my post(all the way to the left). Right now you should see a blonde girl kissing a red headed boy. :)
  10. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Aw, I know you're scared. Hang in there!

    I have no experience with anything to deter PTL, as mine started quickly and ended just a few hours later with my girls' births. They were 30 weekers.

    Samantha was 2lb7oz, Alexis was 2lb11ox. We did 50 and 35 days in the NICU, respectively. It was a scary time, but it actually went much better and faster than I expected. Both girls are over 16lbs now (at 10 months) and just as bright as can be. We have had no complications associated with prematurity whatsoever.

    No matter what, understand that all you can do is relax and follow doctor's orders. The rest is out of your hands. I'm sure they'll be strong and do well whenever they make their grand entrance.

    Good luck!
  11. jolcia17

    jolcia17 Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much everyone for the encouragment and great words. It means a lot. It sounds like a lot of you were in the same situation as me at 30 weeks but still continued to go on to 34-35 weeks. I hope I can do the same. Dblyblessed thank you so much for sharing your story. Its good to know youre twins are doing good. Summerfun and mom0f6 Its good to hear from someone whose twins are already 5 years old. I sort of wanted to know more about that and Im rally glad that they are doing good. Well Im glad I took the steroid shot, it sounds like most of you have positive things to say about it. Im really trying to do anything to keep them in there for a little longer no matter what it takes. Ill keep everyone updated on whats going on with me.
    Ankita likes this.
  12. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks for the update. It's great you are still hanging in there. :hug: For every day you those babies stay in it's 3 less days in the NICU so everyday does count. Hang in there and please keep us posted. :hug:
  13. lizzbeech

    lizzbeech Guest

    Just wondering how you are doing and if there's any update!
  14. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    my precious little morsels were born at 27w5d--3 years ago today! they are doing amazing now. we've had some lung issues but nothing serious. they pretty sailed through the nicu and were out 5 and 3 weeks, respectively, before my edd... as others have said, there's so much that can be done for preemies now. best of luck!!

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