Those that live in rural areas

Discussion in 'General' started by Snittens, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    When you are burning in a fireplace, it's not nearly as large of a quantity as what the people are burning outside. A couple of logs vs huge pile of brush/leaves. When it's garbage, it has a more noxious odor. Yes, I can smell fireplaces from other people's houses, but it's not nearly as strong as the outdoor burning.

    I've just never lived anywhere where people burn stuff outside. It wasn't something I was expecting. It's something I will take into consideration when we move from here. I can't stand it.
  2. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    For you country-dwellers that don't notice burning in your area, don't people (burn their fields in the spring? Everyone does it here to help keep down the tick population, get rid of weeds, and fertilize the soil.
  3. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: Here too.


    I was terribly offended by that comment Gini.:girl_devil: :laughing:

    Is this not common? :blush: We don't have a trash service here. Part of our property taxes are allocated toward this "recycling center". We do recycle, but most of the people in our area, "aren't into that whole 'cycling stuff" and just make sure they use black plastic bags and then toss it all into the big dumpster.
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    OK, I guess I have to be grateful that people don't burn their fields!! That would truly send me over the edge. I think people just harvest the corn leftovers into straw.
  5. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Nope. The only place I've seen fields burned was in CA with some of the rice farmers and the state had just extended the deadline to stop the practice when I moved away many years ago. I'm hoping they no longer allow it. If you ask the organic rice farmers, they'll tell you that it's unnecessary and horrible for air quality. They use cover crops (aka green manure) to control weeds and fertilize the soil. They don't burn the fields here in TN that I've ever seen and I drive by tobacco and soybean fields frequently. I also never saw a field being burned in MN in the 5 years I lived out in the sticks there.
  6. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    I looked at what I wrote and I misspoke. It's actually ranch land that is burned. I don't know of anyone that burns their farmland. Here's a little bit of an explanation.`
  7. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    Burning garbage is something my family always did as we lived in the boonies. We weren't rednecks, but a farm family with no trash pickup available.

    We never burnt brush since we used it to fill ditches and areas of the fields that washed out to prevent soil erosion. Often times if it was trees such as hedge, locust, or junk trees we would cut them out for fire wood. Our home was heated mostly on wood we cut ourselves.

    It's a very common practice here in North Missouri to burn off land. CRP land usually is burnt off once a year. You want to burn it off otherwise you stand a huge chance of uncontrolled grass fires due to the build up of native grasses and stuff. It's nearly impossible to take a brushcutter to most of the land after it's let go for years.

    What gets my goat is that our citys and towns allow for burning as long as it's yard waste and in a burn barrel or 20 ft from a structure. It's stupid since our town offers free dumping and pickup of yard waste. They mulch it and offer it to residents of the town for use free of charge.

    The idiots around here love to burn trash and etc also underneath the brush.
    It nearly gags me every time our idiot neighbors do that. I have to call the fire department every time I catch them. I guess they just pay the fine and that's it.
    Nobody realizes it causes my neighbor to have resperatory issues and I can have severe allergic reactions to it. Way to go folks on keeping ER visits down and calls to emergency services morons. I keep waiting for someone to have some serious reactions. We just pray it isn't my kids when it happens.
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