The Duggars are inviting you to watch

Discussion in 'General' started by Gordana, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    What is the World coming to? Gini, Anne, & Kelly are agreeing?

    Quick, to the Rapture-mobile!
  2. tashatank24

    tashatank24 Well-Known Member

    My sister lives next door to them, so she sees them and the camera crew quite often. Her dog often ends up on the Discovery Channel when he runs down the road to check out the commotion. Maybe I'm a little sensitive because they live so close to me, but I like to stick up for them whenever I can. I am in the final two weeks of my twin pregancy (4th pregnancy) and it breaks my heart everytime I think about the fact that this will be the last time I can have babies, and strictly for monetary reasons. As much as my back hurts and I have very little use of my own lungs, I want to cry each time I think "This is it for me, no more babies after this." I know that their religion guides their decisions, I on the other hand, am atheist. This does not make me closed minded to others beliefs, I feel it actually opens me up to explore the other sides. I can see how it pulls at her heart strings to stop having them. There are some things about the family that I disagree with, but much more that I think is very positive. The kids are taught responsibility at a very young age. Sometimes young enough to draw criticism from others. I've seen this family out in public several times, and the kids are all very well behaved. I have a 19 month old who requires 2 parents being on top of what she's up to, so I would love to take a page from her book as far as how to straighten out your kids. I think they are a wonderful family, but I do agree that they are an oddity. Is it simply because they are living out the old days in a new world? Reminds me of that movie "The Village" by M. Night Shyamalan. Go Duggars!!
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twin_trip_mommy @ Dec 4 2008, 02:42 PM) [snapback]1097468[/snapback]
    I would have to say that anyone could share their opinion of not rejoicing about the decision to broadcast the birth of a child but that is not all that is happening in this thread. Their are personal attacks being posted against this woman (her family) and the way they choose to live their lives. This IS a woman who has two sets of twins. She or anyone in her family could easily be members of this site and if they were how do you think they would feel to read this type of judgment.

    So what if she has twins? Julia Roberts has twins, can I not criticize her acting because she might be on this site? What if poor Laura Bush reads the Corn!
    The Duggars are profiting off of having a large family. It's their "brand". Big deal! There are plenty of other families with lots of kids who do it privately, I have more respect for them. And yes, I do have a lot of problems with the way the Duggars parent, but that's another story.
  4. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    You don't seriously believe that Michelle Duggar is sitting in front of a computer somewhere reading TS do you??? Looking for advice form other twin mothers??

    Good grief, I doubt they even have a computer, not that the woman would have time to chat on the net. ;)

    They are fair game, IMO. The parents chose to put their kids in the limelight for financial gain. End of story. It's very sad really. Like a PP said, it's insane that they do not watch TV yet have their own TV show, and expect all of us to watch them and let the cash roll in (which we do, and it does :rolleyes: )

    These kids will never hear any of this talk of them since they are way too sheltered. I'm certain they don't have access to websites, magazines, etc. They certainly have no friends outside of the other members of their Quiverfull community.

    If the Duggars don't want to hear confliciting opinions on their lifestyle, then they should have stayed a quiet rural family and not be on the talk show and TV circuit.
  5. Anne-J

    Anne-J Well-Known Member

    What is the World coming to? Gini, Anne, & Kelly are agreeing?

    I know! That IMO is more newsworthy than anything else. ;)

    And I have to ask.. Patty, what in the world is a Jim Bob? Is it an American term for something naughty?
  6. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Anne-J @ Dec 4 2008, 02:47 PM) [snapback]1097477[/snapback]
    They choose? I highly doubt those poor children get to choose anything. They resemble robots, and it's all thanks to their parents who exploit them. Twin parents or not, I have no respect for such people.

    are we going to get into a debate about choice? No child gets to choose weather they come into a family or not.
  7. happybearsfan

    happybearsfan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Anne-J @ Dec 4 2008, 01:54 PM) [snapback]1097497[/snapback]
    I know! That IMO is more newsworthy than anything else. ;)

    And I have to ask.. Patty, what in the world is a Jim Bob? Is it an American term for something naughty?

    :lol: No ... it's that guy's name! Mr. Duggar! ... I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SweetpeaG @ Dec 4 2008, 02:52 PM) [snapback]1097487[/snapback]
    What is the World coming to? Gini, Anne, & Kelly are agreeing?

    Quick, to the Rapture-mobile!

    :rotflmbo: I know! It's the third time in a row I've agreed with Gini!
  9. Anne-J

    Anne-J Well-Known Member

    are we going to get into a debate about choice? No child gets to choose weather they come into a family or not.

    Thank you for making my point more clear. :)
  10. happybearsfan

    happybearsfan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twin_trip_mommy @ Dec 4 2008, 01:50 PM) [snapback]1097482[/snapback]
    So then any family who shares their story on TV deserve such horrible judgment comments against them?

    What about the families we have here on TS that interview with media outlets to share their family/twins stories with the world? I can think of at least 3 that have been on talk shows or TLC in the past sharing their stories that are members here on Twinstuff. Because they shared their story are they also deserving to get what they get (rude comments) like these posts? :(

    Hopefully they'd never get such harsh criticism. But if people disagree with what they had to say (and I don't know what that is) ... well, they did put it out there.
  11. Anne-J

    Anne-J Well-Known Member

    No ... it's that guy's name! Mr. Duggar! ... I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    Ok thanks.. but I'm curious again as to why you shuddered when you mentioned his name? :D
  12. OneBoyOneGirl

    OneBoyOneGirl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Gordana @ Dec 4 2008, 07:52 PM) [snapback]1097486[/snapback]
    People - this may be the fastest birth ever. After 17 kids, this one is just going to roll out of that stretched uterus. I doubt there will be any pushing involved. ;)

    Maybe it will be kind of like a commercial? :D

    QUOTE(2plus2Tasha @ Dec 4 2008, 07:52 PM) [snapback]1097488[/snapback]
    My sister lives next door to them, so she sees them and the camera crew quite often. Her dog often ends up on the Discovery Channel when he runs down the road to check out the commotion. Maybe I'm a little sensitive because they live so close to me, but I like to stick up for them whenever I can. I am in the final two weeks of my twin pregancy (4th pregnancy) and it breaks my heart everytime I think about the fact that this will be the last time I can have babies, and strictly for monetary reasons. As much as my back hurts and I have very little use of my own lungs, I want to cry each time I think "This is it for me, no more babies after this." I know that their religion guides their decisions, I on the other hand, am atheist. This does not make me closed minded to others beliefs, I feel it actually opens me up to explore the other sides. I can see how it pulls at her heart strings to stop having them. There are some things about the family that I disagree with, but much more that I think is very positive. The kids are taught responsibility at a very young age. Sometimes young enough to draw criticism from others. I've seen this family out in public several times, and the kids are all very well behaved. I have a 19 month old who requires 2 parents being on top of what she's up to, so I would love to take a page from her book as far as how to straighten out your kids. I think they are a wonderful family, but I do agree that they are an oddity. Is it simply because they are living out the old days in a new world? Reminds me of that movie "The Village" by M. Night Shyamalan. Go Duggars!!

    You really dont want to have to do what they did/do to get those kids to act like that. Look up blanket training.:( I would take a wild 2yr old anyday over one that is like those kids.
  13. happybearsfan

    happybearsfan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Anne-J @ Dec 4 2008, 02:00 PM) [snapback]1097511[/snapback]
    Ok thanks.. but I'm curious again as to why you shuddered when you mentioned his name? :D

    :D He creeps me out. Big time. They all do.
  14. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Anne, Jim-Bob is a phrase/name used in the US to suggest that someone was a real redneck (back-country hick).

    Do redneck, back-country, and hick need clarification?
  15. OneBoyOneGirl

    OneBoyOneGirl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SweetpeaG @ Dec 4 2008, 08:04 PM) [snapback]1097522[/snapback]
    Anne, Jim-Bob is a phrase/name used in the US to suggest that someone was a real redneck (back-country hick).

    Do redneck, back-country, and hick need clarification?

  16. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twin_trip_mommy @ Dec 4 2008, 01:42 PM) [snapback]1097468[/snapback]
    I was NOT directing my post at any individual post.

    Now I am because I am responding to this individual post.

    What lifestyle? the lifestyle of a large family? and what critics, other parents of twins on a twin web forum? "WE" are not critics we are ALL parents of twins or twins or people who love twins.

    Her health is fine and so is the health of all their children. Or do you know something we all do not know?

    I would have to say that anyone could share their opinion of not rejoicing about the decision to broadcast the birth of a child but that is not all that is happening in this thread. Their are personal attacks being posted against this woman (her family) and the way they choose to live their lives. This IS a woman who has two sets of twins. She or anyone in her family could easily be members of this site and if they were how do you think they would feel to read this type of judgment.

    Oh please. You were directing that at me and you know it. Come on, at least be honest here.

    What lifestyle? The one where she keeps churning out children like she's a one woman Little Bundle of Joy Factory. The one where she pawns off her youngest child into the care of the older siblings so she can stop nursing and have another baby. That lifestyle where they shelter their children from any type of outside, normal experience; yet have no trouble with selling them to the highest bidder and the proclaiming that it's what God wants them to do.

    A woman's body cannot handle birthing that many children in such close proximity to each other. Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should. It is incredibly risky to put your body under that much stress. Any responsible OBGYN will tell you that it's isn't a smart decision. I got that lecture from my OB when I got pregnant with the twins three months after giving birth.

    It's not "attacking" someone to say that it's unwise and unfair. When you put yourself out there into the public arena, you open yourself up to critics (hmm...I seem to be repeating myself here) of all kinds. Even on websites inhabited by parents of twins. And quite honestly, the stuff I've seen here is mild in comparison to a lot of what I've read and heard.

    It's an opinion. Some people think it's great (Brandy's post), others are disturbed by it. That's life.

    QUOTE(Snittens @ Dec 4 2008, 01:50 PM) [snapback]1097481[/snapback]
    Great post Gini! :clapping: I just don't see anything to "celebrate" about the Duggars.

    That's three posts where you've agreed with me. That's a little scary. :lol:
  17. happybearsfan

    happybearsfan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(OneBoyOneGirl @ Dec 4 2008, 02:00 PM) [snapback]1097512[/snapback]
    Look up blanket training.:(

    I just did. Ugh ugh ugh.

  18. caba

    caba Banned

    I always think it's funny how crazy this family gets people worked up. My personal opinion is that they are media whores, they are making money off their baby factory ways, and they are raising their own little crazy army! I think their kids will end up totally screwed up ... and many will rebel and do lord knows what! On top of the fact that the mom can't have more than 20 minutes a day to offer each kids, and that's totally screwed up! I think children need their actual parents to parent them, not their older siblings.

    And that's what happens when you put yourself out there as a quasi-celebrity family ... you open yourself up to public opinion! And that's what I'm giving ... my opinion ...
  19. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Snittens @ Dec 4 2008, 01:56 PM) [snapback]1097504[/snapback]
    :rotflmbo: I know! It's the third time in a row I've agreed with Gini!

    Looking to see if Jesus is standing in my backyard, because I'm pretty sure this is a sign of the Second Coming. :lol:
  20. Anne-J

    Anne-J Well-Known Member

    What lifestyle? The one where she keeps churning out children like she's a one woman Little Bundle of Joy Factory. The one where she pawns off her youngest child into the care of the older siblings so she can stop nursing and have another baby. That lifestyle where they shelter their children from any type of outside, normal experience; yet have no trouble with selling them to the highest bidder and the proclaiming that it's what God wants them to do.

    A woman's body cannot handle birthing that many children in such close proximity to each other. Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should. It is incredibly risky to put your body under that much stress. Any responsible OBGYN will tell you that it's isn't a smart decision. I got that lecture from my OB when I got pregnant with the twins three months after giving birth.

    WTH? ITA! :unsure: :lol:

    Do redneck, back-country, and hick need clarification?

    No, but I'd love to see you clarify in your own words. ;)
  21. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Interesting...I had never heard the Duggar philosophy as Quiverfull before today.

    Wiki suggesting that Andrea Yates was a product of the Q movement. :(
  22. allgood2000

    allgood2000 Well-Known Member

    I liked the Duggars and respect their choice to have such a large family. However, I agree with the pp'er who said she can't figure out how their belief system jives with this decision to broadcast such an intensely personal moment in their lives!
  23. OneBoyOneGirl

    OneBoyOneGirl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(4lilmonkeys @ Dec 4 2008, 08:05 PM) [snapback]1097529[/snapback]
    Oh please. You were directing that at me and you know it. Come on, at least be honest here.

    What lifestyle? The one where she keeps churning out children like she's a one woman Little Bundle of Joy Factory. The one where she pawns off her youngest child into the care of the older siblings so she can stop nursing and have another baby. That lifestyle where they shelter their children from any type of outside, normal experience; yet have no trouble with selling them to the highest bidder and the proclaiming that it's what God wants them to do.

    A woman's body cannot handle birthing that many children in such close proximity to each other. Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should. It is incredibly risky to put your body under that much stress. Any responsible OBGYN will tell you that it's isn't a smart decision. I got that lecture from my OB when I got pregnant with the twins three months after giving birth.

    It's not "attacking" someone to say that it's unwise and unfair. When you put yourself out there into the public arena, you open yourself up to critics (hmm...I seem to be repeating myself here) of all kinds. Even on websites inhabited by parents of twins. And quite honestly, the stuff I've seen here is mild in comparison to a lot of what I've read and heard.

    It's an opinion. Some people think it's great (Brandy's post), others are disturbed by it. That's life.

    That's three posts where you've agreed with me. That's a little scary. :lol:

  24. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    I have to be honest I've watched the show a few times but, I'll pass on watching the birth. I watched the one where the son asked the girl to marry him and that they don't believe in even kssing until your married!
    Also, Does anyone know how they afford to feed all those children? What kind of business does Jim Bob own?
    I mean at our house we're on a pretty tight budget and we're just feeding the twins and ourselves.
  25. cupcake

    cupcake Well-Known Member

    I'm a fan of the Duggars and respect their family although it is not a lifestyle I would lead myself (having that many children). But I do admire their choices and parenting style. I guess I never thought they were exploiting their children rather showing the world how they choose to live and I have to admit, they have inspired me to be a better parent. :)
  26. Anne-J

    Anne-J Well-Known Member

    Also, Does anyone know how they afford to feed all those children? What kind of business does Jim Bob own?

    I thought I read somewhere that he's a Real Estate agent? I could be wrong.
  27. Gordana

    Gordana Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Anne-J @ Dec 4 2008, 03:24 PM) [snapback]1097575[/snapback]
    I thought I read somewhere that he's a Real Estate agent? I could be wrong.

    I thought it was obvious he's a tv star paid by TLC.
  28. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    Supposedly they own commercial real estate and the rental income helps support them.
    I still don't see how that works though. Even with bargain shopping and thrift stores, it's still odd.
    I am sure TLC is a HUGE player in their income.
  29. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(Anne-J @ Dec 4 2008, 03:24 PM) [snapback]1097575[/snapback]
    I thought I read somewhere that he's a Real Estate agent? I could be wrong.

    He is in real estate from what I remember (besides being paid by TLC).
  30. Anne-J

    Anne-J Well-Known Member

    Hmm they also had sponsors donate their home appliances, food and other stuff. I just saw some pictures of their house on their website. Wow!

    I think I should reconsider not having more babies. :lol:
  31. twinbears

    twinbears Well-Known Member

    They just started the show right? So he was a Congressman a while ago wasn't he?
  32. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    Anne, they built that house themselves. From what I understand, they're debt free (kudos to them for that part, anyway) and did all of the labor themselves, though I think it's maybe a pre-fabricated house? However, a designer from one of the TLC home shows came and decorated it.
  33. azmomto2

    azmomto2 Well-Known Member

    He has made his family into his main career but he does own real estate and a used car lot.
    I totally agree with previous posters, if you don't want to have your family and your choices criticized, don't put them on TV.

    Cheryl, I can understand that you might feel a kinship with the Duggars because you both have large families and similar religious beliefs. I can also understand that it might even be hurtful to see these comments. The reason they are being criticized is NOT because they are religious or because they have a big family. Lots of people have large families without having them on TV constantly for financial gain. It's because the parade around with their children and show them off in such an exploitative way that they are getting such harsh comments. Being on tv a few times is really different from making your family into a reality show.

    I also think the Duggars are really smug and judgemental...that tends to put people off and make them defensive. I know it is the main reason that I don't like this family or John and Kate.
  34. dollymomma

    dollymomma Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm shocked at how many people are so judgemental of someone they have never met, never talked to, and probably never will... Though I have chosen to do things a bit differently in my own home, I admire this family, how they raise their family, and respect their right to do so without judging them... Who am I to say why they are doing what they are doing? What I can see from the "tunnel vision" of a camera that is there for snippets of their life is a couple raising kids to be responsible, loving, develop their talents, show respect to others, be independent, etc... It's a far cry from so many news stories you see out there, and I can't believe that anybody would find fault with them... Why is it so different for them to air their birth story? I don't remember anybody ever questioning other couples who decide to... I could go on and on, but I will stop...
  35. caba

    caba Banned

    QUOTE(dollymomma @ Dec 4 2008, 03:44 PM) [snapback]1097620[/snapback]
    Wow, I'm shocked at how many people are so judgemental of someone they have never met, never talked to, and probably never will... Though I have chosen to do things a bit differently in my own home, I admire this family, how they raise their family, and respect their right to do so without judging them... Who am I to say why they are doing what they are doing? What I can see from the "tunnel vision" of a camera that is there for snippets of their life is a couple raising kids to be responsible, loving, develop their talents, show respect to others, be independent, etc... It's a far cry from so many news stories you see out there, and I can't believe that anybody would find fault with them... Why is it so different for them to air their birth story? I don't remember anybody ever questioning other couples who decide to... I could go on and on, but I will stop...

    I have no idea how anyone can admire how these people raise there children. That blanket training thing is just cruel! And what's the point of having kids if you are just going to have your older kids raise them ... to me, it's become more of a "look how big of a family I can have!"

    blech. I just don't get it. I can't imagine how anyone DOESN'T find fault in them ... scary scary people.

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