Since I'm sort of new to this board, I'd like to get to know you

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bridget nanette, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone. I am Missy,27. I am a SAHM to 19m/o Ethan & Emma. They are honeymoon babies and were a huge surprise. I do work 2 days a week and E&E stay with my dad. I am a prarmedic and firefighter for a volutneer fire department. I am trying to get into digital scrapbooking.
  2. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    Great thread

    Hi I'm Laura, 32 years old and SAHM to my two year olds Ava and Olivia. I do work perdiem about 24 hours per month as a NICU nurse and this past August just completed my masters degree in nursing as a pediatric nurse practitioner.. We live in Rutherford, NJ about 15 minutes away from Manhattan (on a good day). My husband is a patent attorney and we have been married since Oct 2001. We also have a West Highland White terrier named Buster..In my non existent free time I like to read, shop and socialize with friends. I would love to get into scrapbooking and organize some of these digital photos that are taking up my hard drive!!!

  3. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    Hi Debbi here! [​IMG] I'm 38yrs old, SAHM to our (almost) 3yr old boys, Luke and Ben. I've been married to Fred, age 41 for 10yrs now.(wow!) My college training is as a registered dietitian. I worked doing that for a couple years out of college but found I was more suited for business. I spent over 12yrs working in sales and marketing for Bristol-Myers Squibb and have been home since the boys arrived. My DH is a doctor (Dermatologist)in private practice.

    I have always LOVED to travel and have been to many fun places. I also enjoy fitness, skiing and socializing with a great group of friends and family. My DH's parents own a nearby lake house and every summer we enjoy water skiing, boating, jetskiing, swimming pool...(the boys love it) I also developed a passion for interior design/decorating. I have helped several friends and family with redesigning kitchens and all facets of decorating (window treatments, flooring, accessory shopping). Who knows...maybe my next profession?
  4. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Hi I'm Melissa, it seems like there are a lot of Melissas on here, but it was a popular name in the 70s! I'm 34 by the way.
    I've been living in a small city in the Southern Mexican State of Oaxaca since Feb. 1998. I teach English at a small technical university, and I'm going to be lame and link to my photo on the school's website. [​IMG] Before coming to Mexico I worked in Ecuador and Japan. I came thinking I'd stay a year or maybe two, but I fell in love and here I am, almost 9 years later. I met my DH during my first week here! We got married in 2003. He's been in grad school since then. Unfortunately his school is in a city 11 hours away. He'll be done in Feb, which will be a gigantic relief!
    Our twins were convieced our fourth month trying. I know that is nothing to many of you but I was getting nervous we had planned the pregnancy to coincide with my semesters and the start of my sabbatical year. I dabble in Aromatherapy and had read that rose absolute promotes fertility, I started using it the month we concieved so if anyone out there wants more details... [​IMG] I've always been as regular as clockwork so we did a home test the day I was due and got two lines right away. We saw the OB two days later and he was like "4 1/2 weeks? what makes you think you are pregnant?" MEN! Beside the fact we'd be trying, I could tell you the dates of every cycle for at least a year, and I felt TOTALLY DIFFERENT. Luckily he has an ultrasound machine in his office and likes to use it. He said, "well, let's take a look". The next thing he said was "¡Hijole!" (which is stronger than, Oh no!, but not as strong as Oh sh!t) when we clearly saw what looked like to jelly beans right next to each other. The prenancy went fairly smoothly, they were born at 35.5 weeks and didn't need any NICU time, thank goodness because the NICU is two and a half hours away! I took my sabbatical and we went to be with DH for most of their first year. Then I had to come back to work and that ment coming back here. Being a full time working mostly single mom has been really rough, but it's getting easier as they get older. I really don't want anymore children, these two are just right for me. When I have free time I love reading and working on sustainable development projects, in things like solar energy and organic veggie gardening. I'm really into gardening in small places since my back yard is only 5 meters by 5 meters.
    I've really enjoyed reading about all of you!
  5. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    What a great thread. I have really enjoyed reading about everyone and putting a face to the name.
    I am Sue, a SAHM to Peyton, Paige (18 month old id twins) and Chloe Jane (6 weeks). By the end of this week I will be 36 years old! DH (Don) and I dated for 7 years before we were married in Nov. 99. We began trying for a family right away. But, it ended up being almost 5 years before the surprise of our life!! We found out that we were expecting twins in Oct.04, 2.5 weeks after a heria surgery. Peyton and Paige were born May 18, 05, at 37 weeks. On Feb 13, 2006 I found out that I was expecting #3. Chloe Jane joined our family Oct. 17, 2006.
    Before kids I taught elementary school for 9.5 years. Now, I help my DH out with some office work for his swimming pool company. He is a swimming pool contractor with 5 employees. His office is in our home so we get to see daddy often. I enjoy shopping, traveling, reading, hanging out w/friends, beach and seeing my family.
    My Family
  6. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    Wow Alison, 5,000 posts! My goodness! And I thought I was on here a lot. Didn't we join TS at the same time? I guess since you are a moderator you just post more! [​IMG] Good for you!
    Ruth (Ruthjulia) gosh you live pretty close to me! Sue (Hudsonfour) your girls have the most beautiful eyes!
    Sharon, that's ok about pictures. I was like that for a long time too. This is so interesting learning about everybody!

    Bridget [​IMG]
  7. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    i'm on with the same user name as here. I've got photos there and a fairly good description of myself I think so you can go there to "meet me".
  8. mesamama

    mesamama Well-Known Member

    I'm Lucy and although I don't post that much, I am shamelessly addicted to TS! I am 41 years old and a SAHM for most of the year to Lilah and Sadie conceived on #2 IVF attempt after 6 years of TTC. I've been with my DH for 11 years, married for 4. I grew up a city kid in Chicago but we live outside of a little ski town in southwestern Colorado and have since I graduated from college. I came down here to work for a bit and got very stuck (in a good way). It's a great lifestyle although seriously lacking in both intellectual stimulation and ethnic food, [​IMG] so we try to get out and travel. A lot. We until very recently lived in a house on 37 acres that I built myself which was "off the grid"-powered by solar, wind and a backup generator. When the kiddos came, I saw my future and moved (a little) closer to town. We love to ski (all kinds), hike, raft-all those mountainy things, cook, organically garden and I am also a voracious reader and netflixer. We live no where near any family- my one sister lives in NYC, both my parents are dead [​IMG] and DHs family is in the southeast. Our friends here are really our family. It is a close community.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Hi, my name is Kelly. My DH is Mike, and we have 15 month old fraternal twin girls, Ainsley and Beatrix. I am 33 and DH is 32.
    We went through IVF/ICSI to have our children due to both male and female IF issues.
    We moved to MD (where I am from) when the girls were 8 months old to be closer to my family. Previously, we were living in MA (DH's home state).

    Before having children, I was a "CCL" - Crazy Cat Lady. I volunteered at an animal shelter in the cat section, adopted out cats, took them in, fostered orphaned litters, socialized cats, you name it, I did it. My actual paying job was billing for a medical office. I really do miss animal rescue and the people. I hope to get back to it when the girls are a little older.
  10. Jennifer Jean

    Jennifer Jean Well-Known Member

    Hello all. I rarely post but things are starting to settle down a little more now giving me a bit more time.
    My name is Jennifer and I was 36 in Sept. I have 4 boys... Joshua is my oldest at 12 with my ex-husband. I met my now husband five years ago and we have been married for four. We got pregnant with Hayden (3) right away and started trying for a girl to round out the family when he was around a year old. (I wanted to be done by 35).... Found out a month after I turned 34 that we were having twins! Our fraternal twin boys (Nate and Garrett) are now 16 months old!

    My husband is a firefighter and works 3 jobs and I am now a SAHM after teaching middle school art for 7 yrs. I am trying to start a business so you can see a picture of my twins under the misc. section of my website.... No pictures of me though, I'm not ready to be photographed!

    The website is a work in progress but you can see what I do....
  11. Tasha

    Tasha Well-Known Member

    HI! This is a great idea! [​IMG] Thanks, Bridgette!

    I'm Tasha and am a 26 year old SAHM to my son Atticus, and his twin sister, Lydia. They are 15 months old. I love every minute of it, yes, every busy minute. [​IMG] My Dh and I grew up 15 minutes apart from eachother, but didn't know eachother until college. We have been married 4 years. Time seems to be flying by. I have PCOS, so the babes were Clomid babies, and I am so thankful to God for them. [​IMG]

    I worked as a grief counselor prior to stayiing home with the kids, and will possibly return to it after I am done having kids and get them into school.

    I love to scrapbook, read, walk, cook, and spend time with the fam.
    Here is our most recent fam picture. We were trying to get Christmas card pics, so if the kids are not looking happy....they weren't the happiest. They hate to sit still, you know how that goes! [​IMG]
  12. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    Hi Everybody!

    I’m Juj aka Julie. I’m 39 and have been married to Richard (47) for 5 ½ years. My DH is a cancer survivor who thankfully banked his sperm. So after 2 IUIs and 4 IVFs, we were blessed with Katherine & Michael. My husband and I grew up on the same street. I’ve know him practically my whole life. We now live on that same street with my parents next door and my ILs five house up the street.

    In my previous life I worked for the insurance industry and am now a SAHM. My husband is a Plant Manager at an adhesive company. We have our own business (on the side) that I can sometimes help out with.

    When K&M were born, I’ll admit I had a hard time and everything was just a blur. Now, I can’t believe my “babies†are two and am enjoying every minute with them.

    Here is a picture of the three of us yesterday when we went to visit Santa.
  13. nessas3girlsandtwinboys

    nessas3girlsandtwinboys Well-Known Member

    Hi! Great thread!

    I'm Vanessa- I'm 29 and the mother of five great kids!
    I have 3 girls- erron-12,klaudia-9 and faith-2.5 and identical twin boys- Izaac and Eli-18.5 months.
    I am a SAHM and I love it! I have been with my highschool sweetheart Tim for almost 14 years and we've been married 10 years in february.

    My Picture

    Izaac and Eli

    My kids
  14. Smartycat

    Smartycat Well-Known Member

    This is such a wonderful thread! How nice to get to know so many of you. I am impressed with all the "handy" women on here. I've always wanted to be handy but so far don't seem to have the knack. And now I don't have the time!

    My name, like many others, is JEN. Oh the 70's! [​IMG] I have two fraternal boys, John and Reid, born 17 months ago after a 2 year battle with infertilty and pregnancy loss. They are IVF babies and the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am a writer and I also work in book publishing. Mostly I write essays. You can read my work in the following books -- The Bitch in the House (a NYT bestseller unbelievably enough) and About What Was Lost, which will be published in January. I'm not working on anything new right now because my part-time job plus being a mom take up all my time. But I'm OK with that. Being a good mom is the most important thing to me. That's the stick I measure myself by.

    My DH is 36 and an environmental consultant. So, babies, books, and saving the planet! We aren't getting rich but we are happy (on the days when DH isn't being a moron). We live in an historic home in Massachusetts and we are slowly (glacial pace!) are fixing it up.

    OK, back to work for me. Not only can I not fix anything but I am emabrrasingly bad at digital pictures. So I'll have to save that for another day. And I can't scrapbook either. But I can cook!

  15. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    Such a great thread! It's so nice to hear about all the parents since we often talk mostly about our kids.

    I'm Catherine (nickname is Rosie because of my last name) and I'm 30 years old. DH is also 30. We met in college, dated on an off until after we graduated, got serious in 98 and married in 01. We started ttc in November of 03, but weren't sucessful until August of 04. It took Gonal-F and an IUI to get pg with our twins, Natalie and Gabriel, who were born 4/17/05. We talked about having another baby in a few years, but got the surprise of our lives when we found out last February (our twins were only 10 months old) that we were expecting again. Our newest addition, Oliver, is almost 3 weeks old. It's been quite an adventure having so many kids in such a short period of time, but we feel extremely blessed.

    When we found out that I was pg again, I decided to stop teaching (high school chemistry teacher) and become a SAHM for awhile. It has been the hardest, most challenging, but most rewarding change in my life. I had no intentions of being a fulltime SAHM, but I am really happy that this is how things turned out. DH is an attorney and works long hours, but is an amazing husband and father. There is no way I could do all of this without him and his support.

    In my "free" time, I like to read, do projects around the house and I used to love, love, love to run. I ran a half-marathon the year before I got pg with my twins and I really considered training for a full marathon, but with two pregnancies and three kids, I haven't been able to get back to that yet. Hopefully when things settle down, I'll be able to get back out there.

    It's been great reading about everyone!

  16. TwinhadTwins

    TwinhadTwins Well-Known Member

    I am Aimee and I am 30 years old, my DH will be 34 in a few weeks. He is a New Years Eve baby.

    I have my two beautiful daughters Alyssa and Hanna. They just turned 3.5 and the loves of my life. I concieved them naturally right after a miscarriage. I have Multiple Sclerosis, so I am blessed with the two that I have.

    I work for the Federal Government right here in DC. I am a Program Analyst for the FAA and my DH is a Network Engineer working at FBI HQ.

    Things I like to do in my spare time are: Read, workout, garden and be with my family.

    My sister and I are the first set of twins in our Generation to both survive. My aunt each had twin pregnancies and one was still born and the other miscarried one and went on to have the other. My girls are the first Identicals. I think it has to do with the miscarriage, a lot of ladies get pregnant with Identicals right after a miscarriage.

    Picture of me and my girlies (curly hair), Twin Sister (Tall blonde) and SIL in the middle. My two beautiful nieces.
  17. NIS+1

    NIS+1 Well-Known Member

    Hi! I am Roza (31) and my DH is Keith (33). I am a SAHM of 4, Nathaniel is 3 1/2 (concieved via IUI on our second try), Isabelle and Sarah (concieved via IUI on our first try), and our HUGE surprise Alexis (totally unplanned!!). Before quitting my job, I worked as a HR Recruiter primarily with IT professionals (that is how I met my DH).

    I enjoy being a SAHM but have some days when I think work is so mch easier. I am trying to start doing some things for myself (such as working out with a trainer). I would like to run a marathon next October.

    This is a great thread and I have really enjoyed reading about everyone!!!
  18. jem0622

    jem0622 Well-Known Member

    Hi there! [​IMG]

    I'm Julie and I'm 32 yrs old. The girls are my 4th and 5th children. They just turned two last week. I have 2 boys, ages 6 and 4. I WOH as a Technical Writer and am a PT SU Demonstrator. DH is a SAHD, works two PT jobs, and is just getting geared up to finish his Bachelor's. We've been married nearly 9 yrs now. I love to make cards and scrapbook pages, bake/cook, eat way too many sweets, and drink far too much coffee. [​IMG] My favorite color is red. Me and the kids are Catholic. DH is Pentecostal.

    ETA: Here is a pic of me and my girls. I was singing them happy birthday. Sorry that it is black and white. My professional pics are coming soon!
  19. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'm Amy. I'm 27 years old and have been married to my DH for 3 years. We both went to Gustavus Adolphus college, but never meet until a few months after we graduated. We were only married for 7 months before we got pregnant - surprise it's twins! Our idential twin boys had quite a rough start - 5 weeks early (not bad at all), but a lot of health issues (reflux with aspiration, torticollis, plagoicephaly, staph infection, surgery for torticollis, helmet for plagio, PT for torticollis, feeding clinic for oral aversions due to reflux, sleep clinic for bad sleep habits, ect). We love them like crazy though! I am mostly a FT SAHM, but I also work PT as a pediatric nurse (have been at Children's Hospital for 5 years now). I enjoy my job, and was full time before the boys. Now I work every other Friday-MOnday (night shift). As for hobbies, I enjoy scrapbooking, reading, and watching movies/TV.
  20. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone... I'm Steffany, married to DH (Eli) for almost 2 years, SAHM to Chloe and Cole who are 13 months. If you do the math, we were already prego when we got married, we actually concieved our babies the night DH asked me to marry him, then found out it was twins 2 days before we married. It was an exciting few months for us!!

    I consider myself a SAHM, but I own my own business, work a little bit for a few small clients, the paperwork never ends, and I have a few friends who run contracts thru it. I work with database driven websites and applications. I've been in the IT world for a long time and love it.

    I think I am still trying to figure out what my hobbies are. DH thinks I am adicted to the internet as I spend a lot of free time at my computer; doing a little work here and there, updating the babies website, on TS, maybe playing a game, IM'ing with friends and family...

    Here's a self portrait of me and the babes from yesterday.

    Thanks for sharing, I always love getting to know my fellow TSers better!!
  21. MellysLittleBoos

    MellysLittleBoos Well-Known Member

    Hello [​IMG] I'm Melissa. I'm 25 and originally from northern Indiana, but we moved out here to CO in Feb of 2005. I am a stay at home mom to Dawson (6) Hannah (5) and our ID twins Emma and Eliana (3). I am also a full time Culinary Student at night. Hubby works for Liberty Mutual. I enjoy reading, writing, cooking, camping/hiking, and spending time with my family.

    TotsnTwinsis my flickr account and there should be some photos of the kids and me on there.
  22. mammaducky

    mammaducky Active Member

    My name is Mary. I'm 25 yrs old. My identical twin girls are my first children (won't be the last [​IMG] ). I live in southeast Louisiana, transplanted from Southern California. I run the office of the family air conditioning business. My husband and I tried for two years off an on while he was between deployments to Iraq. He is now out of the Marine Corps and working with his father. We love being parents to twincesses!! I enjoy singing, quilting, cooking, baking, and fixing up or newly purchased, first home!

    Me and the girls:

    **Edited to removed embedded image
  23. Ophelia

    Ophelia Well-Known Member

    Great thread! Since I've never introduced myself on the 1-5 board, I'll do it now. [​IMG] My name is Rebecca. I'm 33 years old & am a SAHM to Nathan, who'll be 5 in February & to 16 mo. old ID twins, Samantha & Alexis. I have a degree in psychology, but was working in the insurance business before becoming a SAHM. My husband & I have been married for 9 years and together for almost 13 years. I love to read & used to scrapbook a lot, but haven't been able to get motivated since the girls were born. Hopefully, I'll get back into it soon. [​IMG]
  24. katie c

    katie c Well-Known Member

    My name is Kate and i'm a 35yrold SAHM to my 5 kids including my 17 month old (tommorow) twins.
    I live in the UK I have been with my DH for 11 years and married for 2 [​IMG].
    Have attatched a piccy of me and the twins taken last week at mt friends babys babtism
  25. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    Well I don't usually post things like this, but it seems to be pretty popular!

    I'm Emily, I'll be 25 on Jan.1st. I am married to Jason who will be 33 on April 12th. I am a SAHM and my dh works at our church as Youth Director - I assist him in overseeing the Youth Department (ages 13-18) at the church (My dad is Pastor). We moved to Ontario last year, before that, we lived in Saskatchewan, where my dh worked as an Electrical Engineer, specializing in Microwave Communications. He misses his work very much, but we have been blessed to still get the odd consulting job from his former job!
    We have been married since June 13, 2003. We "planned" on ttc in the Fall of 2004 - but God had other plans (and I was convinced it would take forever!) and I got pregnant the 1st time we did not use protection (oops!) in July, 2004. We found out it was twins at 8 weeks. I was seriously sick for 90% of my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with Hyperemisis at 13weeks, after I had lost 12lbs. I was in and out of the hospital for IV's and I took medication right up till the day the twins were born. I had a planned c-section due to breech babies. They were born at 36w7d.
    I also have twin sisters, 3 years younger than me. I had always dreamed of having boy/girl twins - however, when I found out it was twins, I had hopes of having twin girls! My dh told me that God had already told him I was pregnant, even before I told him. He told me before our u/s that God had told him I was having twins (I didn't believe him!). We were only able to find out the gender of one of the kids (McAuley), so we had the best of both worlds. Once we found out that we had a boy for sure, all I could do was pray that there was a girl in there, too! My dh told me, he thought we'd have a girl & a boy. Yep! He was right!!

    My hobbies (haha) are, well, internet and watching TV on DVD. I am addicted to 24 and now "Heros". I also love going for walks with the twins, shopping, and getting to go to amusement parks!! I like watching decorating shows and wishing that someone would come make over our basement and give the kids a nice playroom! If I had all the time in the world, I would love to produce and edit video and "commercials" for our church youth group and media dept.
    My dh and I have done a few and have them up on YouTube:

    L41 Teen Ministry
    Tucker Family Films

    Here is a Family Picture:
    Tucker Family Christmas
    And the twins from a few weeks ago: Zayne & McAuley
  26. 2twinboys

    2twinboys Well-Known Member

    Wow, has this been fun reading all these posts!
    I'm Linnea, I'm 45 years old and my dear boys are 20 months old. My husband posts here fairly regularly (Husband J) and is a wonderful "hands on" Dad. I feel blessed. Life really began for me starting at age forty. I met my husband, we bought a house and then had (with a lot of medical help) our beautiful boys. My pregnancy was trouble-free, and breastfeeding our boys has been one of the greatest joys of my life.
    My biggest challenge has been dealing with my diagnosis four months ago of MS (multiple sclerosis). I feel okay right now, and hope that I can learn to deal with whatever the disease throws my way. In the meantime, I live in the moment - not so hard to do when you have twins.
    I am currently a SAHM, trained as a classical pianist, and dream about gardening and cooking, neither of which I am exceptional at, but hope I'll get better at someday when I have some spare time. My DH plays the 'cello, but works full time as a network engineer.
  27. 8isgr8

    8isgr8 Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm also going to be lame and post a picture taken by another TS member (RuthK) this past summer:

    I probably have to do a second post, looking at the actual image, to name off who they all are! [​IMG]
  28. 8isgr8

    8isgr8 Well-Known Member

    Okay, across the back are:

    Karl, holding a screaming John Paul, Caoimhe, my nephew with the hair in the eyes, and Matthew in the red shirt, standing up.

    In the middle, Cara and Michael.

    Across the front, Kian, Ruth's daughter Kathryn, Connor, Ruth's boys Thomas and Matthew, and Liam.

    And here's a link to her photo gallery, where there's a picture of me.

    Since we got our new camera, it seems to be hit or miss if we can find the pictures on the computer, and I don't really have time to upload and re-size things right now, anyway. [​IMG]

    About me: I played trombone semi-professionally till I got pregnant with the twins. I also played flute and harp for weddings, banquets, church, etc. I taught general music K-4 and directed a junior high band for five years. I currently teach private music lessons on piano, harp, and wind instruments. I like to write. I've done NaNoWriMo for two years now, reaching the 50K goal each time. I attend a writer's group one night per week, and am loving it!

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