possible allergy?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by efaith, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. efaith

    efaith Well-Known Member

    Gave my girls egg yolk for the fourth or fifth time tonight, Isobel is covered now in red blotches, over her face and on her arms and tummy. Last time they had it I noticed her cheeks were very red but it was a hot night and I wasn't sure if that was the cause... She's still blotchy, it was about an hour ago now, no other symptoms. Anyone had similar? I'm guessing allergic reaction... I do have a doctors appointment for later in the week but just wanted feedback now!!!
  2. jolcia17

    jolcia17 Well-Known Member

    How old are your girls? When mine were under 1 I had the same symptoms, but it wasn't as bad as you describe it. They just got red blotches on their faces. It happened whenever I gave them egg yolk. So I stopped. Now they are 2 and I give it to them and they love eggs. Nothing happens to them. Not sure but there is something in an egg that can give a baby an allergic reaction.
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If I remember right you aren't supposed to introduce eggs until after they are a year old, I would probably hold off for a few more months. But it definitely would be a good idea to ask your dr at their appt.
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine had a sensitivity to eggs when he was little, and he eventually grew out of it. I'd probably avoid eggs (and everything with eggs in it!) for a little while and then try reintroducing it again in a few months to see how she does. Mention it to your doctor though in the meantime and see how they'd handle it.
  5. jolcia17

    jolcia17 Well-Known Member

    You could give them egg yolk before they are one. But like I said mine had similar symptoms so I stopped. Now they are 2 and have no issues with eggs.
  6. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    I would definitely call your doctor about it and stop giving them eggs in the mean time. An egg allergy can be severe and you want to make sure it is not an allergy before you give more eggs. They can do allergy testing via blood at this age.

    I have a child with a very severe nut allergy. He went into anaphylatic shock after the first known exposure.

    If it is a true allergy from what I read you cannot predict the reaction. And reactions can get worse over time according to some. For some kids they do disappear and for others like my son they will be life long. But you do not want to do trial and error with food allergies so definitely talk to the doctor and see if she needs to be tested.
  7. efaith

    efaith Well-Known Member

    Cool, thanks for your replies! The advice used to be yolk from 6 months, white after a year but at my plunket visit (NZ thing) they told me that exposing them to whole egg before 8 months can mean less chance of a severe reaction later on. It was just the yolk I gave them though, I tend to err on the side of caution and I know it's great for brain development!! My GP gave me a referral for an allergy test but was very non-committal about whether I should give it again. He said there could be no reaction or the same or worse, it was up to me if I chose to or not. I think I will wait and have the allergy test done, sounds like a risk I'm not keen to take!
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