Pleased to announce TTTS Survivors! Brycen & Bryan

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by monik, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    What BIG boys! congratulations - they are beautiful!!!
  2. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    congratulations, they are so adorable!
  3. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    OMG they are perfect and just gorgeous!! Congrats on healthy babies!
  4. Lynner405

    Lynner405 Well-Known Member

    I was wondering how you have been doing and if you had your boys yet. I'm so so glad everything went well and you are now home with your two little guys. Their weights were wonderful...and they are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. Congratulations!!!!
  5. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    They are BEAUTIFUL! Really, just beautiful. Congratulations!!!
  6. fsalih

    fsalih Member

    They're beauuutiful!!! Such gorgeous little men. Congratulations on their great weights. You have also inspired me to buy some new outfits for coming home. I just thought I would slap the kids in some hand-me-downs, but I think I want them to have at least one new outfit. Your children's brown and brown striped sleepers are the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.

  7. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member


    They are adorable!!!!!!!!!

  8. Mrs. Johnny

    Mrs. Johnny Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mamax2 @ Dec 24 2007, 12:31 AM) [snapback]545222[/snapback]
    Hello ladies,

    On Thursday Dec. 20 I had been trying to keep up with my bedrest, but I just could not see myself missing my d/d chior program. So from 6p.m. to 7:30p.m. I find myself sitting on a hard chair in her school cafeteria trying to hear my baby sing. She was great by the way :yahoo: By the time it was over, I could barely walk to the car...thought I was just sore from the uncomfortable seats.

    As soon as I walked through my front door contractions started. They were ten min. or less for the next two hours. So finally I talk to the on call dr. who tells me to come in so he can check my cervix. Thankfully all bags were ready to go. We loaded the kids back up and dropped them off at mil.

    Made it to L&D at 12a.m. where I was hooked up to everything. My cervix was at 2cm. The nurse thought I was in active labor, but had to wait on the doctor. When he checked me less than an hour later I was already up to 4cm. After that everything went so fast.

    I was wheeled off to get ready for my c-sec. Of course me being me I threw up after my spinal <_< I did feel much better though.

    First came Brycen Phillip at 2:17a.m. Friday Dec.21st weighing 7lbs even and 19 1/2 in. long. Then at 2:18 came Bryan Christopher weighing 6lbs 7oz and 18 1/2 in long. When I finally heard them crying together...I cried and thanked God for blessing me with them. All was well so we were all released Sunday.

    We've been through so and downs, but I'd do it all over again for these blessings.

    Thanx for all the support and advice from everyone who offered it. beautiful boys are here! They are healthy! NO NICU!

    We made it and so can you. Goodluck!
    I will be posting pictures just as soon as I figure out how. ;)


    Here are some pictures, feel free to look through the album.

    Brycen and Bryan
    Their soooooo adorable!!! Congrats! :)
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