Please tell me this is a phase

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Rollergiraffe, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Lately it seems that whenever I take over care of the kids they lose their little minds. My husband hasn't been working for quite a while and he often gives them breakfast in the morning and I do the rest of the day with them. As soon as I come downstairs in the morning they freak out! I used to be able to give them a snack and that was that, but now they just keep screaming at me. Also, there was a period last week where I was giving them breakfast every day because my husband was going to job interviews and they would scream at me in the morning too.. they never do with him. What gives!?

    I lost it today and yelled... I felt so bad. It only made the problem worse, but it just seems that nothing I do makes them happy. I am terrified of being at home all day every day with them now because I don't know if I can handle the constant tantrums.

    We're also in a tough phase where it's hard to take them out because they're getting impatient with the stroller, but they aren't quite listening to me about staying close. We've tried leashes, but they just run to the end of the leash and fall... we had to pack up and leave the zoo the other day because Austin landed in a mud puddle and took Miles down with him. I can sort of get one to help push the stroller and/or hold my hand, but their attention span is only so long before I have a kid having a meltdown.

    Ack. Toddlers. When they're happy they're delightful though!
  2. madj18

    madj18 Member

    I feel for you! Our kids are around the same age and althogh I'm not going through exactly what you are (at the moment), I can relate. There are days when I'm home alone w/ them and I want to cry! I try to move them from room to room and bring them to my moms or even for a quick drive - change of scenery. They may have just gotten attached to your husband and want him. This happens a lot at this age, they go back and forth. Hang in there, this too shall pass and lord knows what awaits us next! :)
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    One of the things I would suggest is when they are having their tantrums is to do the best you can and ignore it (and it's hard) and another suggestion would be to put them in their room to calm down. Sometimes, I just had to put the kids there so that I could get a mental reset and they could get a mental reset too.
    It's a tough age when they start feeling their oats :hug:
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Is this a change in their routine? If so, they might just need some time to adjust to it. Like Nancy said, don't give in to their yelling though. That will only reinforce it. Make sure they are in a safe spot and leave them to it, then when they calm down praise them like mad. GL! :hug:
  5. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Not really a change in routine for them. Everything is happening at the same time every day. The only thing different lately is that we've changed their lunch to before naptime because they're napping later and later every day.

    Austin woke up about 1/2 hr ago, and he's been having a fit ever since. I finally put him back in his crib for a time out and he's still going for it. Ugh.
  6. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Not much to add, big HUGS and know you're not alone b/c I have had those moments where my voice gets an octave or two higher b/c I can't take it anymore too!!! It'll pass. Hopefully soon!!! :grouphug:
  7. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    It can be a change for them when someone does something instead of who they expect. Seriously, toddlers thrive on consistency and to them, consistency means everything stays the same; people places and things. Mine do this and I think it is because they prefer one of us over the other. Sadly, in my house it is DH they prefer (he is more fun). So they yell at him if he comes in while I am trying to do something or if they "need" something done. It is a phase and when they have more words, they will get through it.
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