percentiles for growth?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lisagayle, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    What are the typical percentiles that docs like to keep the babies in? I had an NST this morning and my doc mentioned that at my last growth scan the babies were only hitting 31 percentile and 20th percentile. She said that after my next scan on Thursday, she may make the decision to deliver based on if they are growing or not. At 31 weeks was when I had the last scan and I'll be 34 next week.
  2. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    Most doctors just like to see the babies growing consistently on their own curve. The general rule it above 3rd and below 97 percentile. And then on their own curve. If they stop growing in utero their percentiles will drop and at that point they might feel it more beneficial for them to come out and continue to grow than stay in. Good luck!
  3. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I went back and looked up their weights for gestational age on a curve chart and at 23 weeks both babies were in the 50th percentile and again at 27 weeks. At 31 weeks (which is when I had the last scan) she fell from the 50th to the 20th percentile and he fell from the 50th to the 31st percentile. Is that really enough of a drop for her to take the babies so early? I mean obviously if they continue to not grow correctly at this next scan then something is going on...but what causes this drop like that? My twins aren't identical and I thought that was the main time that twins had issues with growth. I have only gained about 25 lbs this pregnancy...could this be caused because of that? I was just so sick at first that I was actually hospitalized twice for hyperemesis.

    And I have GD....I thought that made your babies BIGGER?

    Gah...I'm just confused and worried now because I really don't want to have preemies. 34 weeks is great, but still early. I did have steroid shots though at 29 weeks.
  4. kerina313

    kerina313 Well-Known Member

    I wish I had an answer for you. My babies were up until 2 weeks ago, measuring ahead and in the 90-something percentile - which again they were worried about. My peri actually told me she kept waiting as soon as I hit 3rd trimester to start seeing a drop in their measurements - as they start running out of room sooner than singles. I hope that's all it is for you. I'm 34 weeks now and they are finally slowing down in growth, but I'm also thinking they may come sooner than later.

    Good luck and keep us posted!
  5. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    as the pp said I would not worry about your specific number but concentrate on your little ones growth on the curve. Not all babies can be above 50%ile! its based on a bell curve and they cant all be on the top part of it - just doesnt work that way! if they are consistently in the 20% then thats fine . If they are 20% and then suddenly drop to 0% or off the chart then that would be something to worry about.
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    :good: Yup! Saying that a doc is trying to keep a baby at a certain percentile is like saying a doc is trying to make everyone 5'10" (or whatever). They look at the %'s over time to see if they are growing consistently and don't have big drop offs etc. One number in and of itself doesn't mean much.

    At my ds's 12 month check up he went from his previous appt of 30% in height to below 0%. This concerned the doc and they tracked him monthly after that for a few months. My dh and I are both 5'6" and have many very short people (under 5') in the family so we don't expect real tall kids. My ds ended up growing on his own growth curve after that and never made it back on to the chart until his 5 YEAR check up. He's just going to be on the short side, nothing wrong, just genetics. My doc says that the first 12 month growth is reflective of uterine conditions and after 12 months is genetics.
  7. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I went back and looked and they were both 50th since week 21. Then our girl dropped to 20th and our boy dropped to 31st. Does that seem concerning?

    The only reason I worry is that my doc is making a HUGE deal about it. I have a scan on Thursday and she said if they didn't "get back up there" then she was going to deliver us on Friday. I just worry about them being born this early if they don't truly have to be.
  8. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    I think a 30% drop could be substantial which is why she wants to rescan them again to be sure. If they drop further than it could be IUGR and that would indicate that your babies have stopped growing and need to be born bc they will do better on the outside. Hopefully your scan will show them back
    up to the 50% range again. Fingers crossed for you.
  9. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    This morning our weights were 20 and 35 percentile, but the doc didn't seem concerned. All the measurements were much more consistant with what they should be (everything was measuring at 31/32 weeks!).

    I am really trying to only worry when the doc says to. I trust em.
  10. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I think she's more concerned with the fact that they fell from the 50th percentile to where they are now. I have no idea and she's really not giving me a lot of answers. Kind of frustrating.
  11. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    I am just curious on how you now what percentile they are in ... is there a website with this information? Lisagayle - I hope your scan goes well!
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