Pelvic pain/soreness in "tender" areas.....

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by watersurfers, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    I am not sure how else to describe it, but the last two days I have been sore in the pelvic region. It feels like my bones are aching or bruised. It feels like my vaginal area is bruised. I don't have any other pain, back or contractions. It doesn't feel like the babies have dropped either, I still feel them up high. I am only 26 weeks.

    Has anyone else experienced this kind of pain? It happens not constantly, but usually after I have been doing a lot of moving around, either chores or grocery store runs.

    All I can say is OUCH!
  2. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    I'll be 26 weeks on Monday.

    I get pelvic pain similar to this when I've been overdoing it too. I think a bit of it is round ligament type pain. Also just putting alot of pressure on the pelvic region. I can barely make it 5 minutes in a store now. I make hubby push me around it a wheel chair. (I'm supposed to be on bedrest anyway)

    I'd mention it to your doctor though. Make sure they check your cervix (which I assume they do anyway) to make sure nothing is changing down there. That's what I worry about when I get those pelvic pains.
  3. ESCarroll

    ESCarroll Member

    I've had that same pain for about 8 weeks (I'm 34w now)...the only way I could describe it was like someone had taken a baseball bat to the area- at times, the pain is really unbearable. It's typically worst for me when I've been laying down, so getting out of bed is really difficult.

    My doc really wasn't concerned about it and continues not to be- the last time they checked me last week, my cervix was still closed and towards my back, so it's been chalked up to my pelvis spreading.

    Hope the pain starts to let up for you, though!
  4. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    I was feeling this pain as well, a maternity belt relieved a lot of the pain. It lifted my uterus a little or just put the pressure off that area and I did feel some relief. The pain would get really worse if I didn't use the belt.
  5. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    Your pain sounds pretty similar to some of the pains i've been having. My lil guys are both transverse and i'm starting to think that the lil one on bottom is nestled down there and doing a number on my pelvis. I Also have noticed it popping quite a bit at times too. Joys of pregnancy right?
  6. teafor2

    teafor2 Well-Known Member

    Like PP, what you're describing sounds similar to what I have. Mine isn't so severe though, and I can't seem to pinpoint what positions or activities make it worse, it comes and goes. My doctor gave me a "V brace" that puts pressure right on the vaginal opening between the legs, because she said that pelvic pressure can cause varicose veins "down there." But the V brace doesn't put pressure where I'm feeling it, which is more to the front, like I've been wearing jeans that were too tight or something! So I told her it wasn't helping, she did an exam to check for signs of veins in my vaginal area and labia, found nothing, and told me not to worry about it!
  7. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    I am 36 weeks and have been having that same pressure, only now it has been constant for the last 2-3 months. It seems worse if I have sat too long or just getting out of bed and also turning in bed. My doc said its the hormone relaxin separating the pubic bone and will go away after delivery. It is painful and has made me adjust the way I walk. I waddle terribly now!
  8. jbritt325

    jbritt325 Well-Known Member

    Oh my god! I am so glad I'm not alone!!

    I have been having that exact same thing going on for a couple weeks! It feels like my pubic bone has seperated or something. It's down in front going from one leg across to the other -- *down there*? Man, it hurts me to even roll over in bed!

    I am so going to tell my doctor Tuesday when I go. Hopefully he can recommend a heavy duty support belt or something! lol

    I did do some research in my What to Expect When You're Expecting book. They called it Symphasis Pubis Disorder. Apparently the ligaments that hold the pubic bone together can loosen up. Sometimes the bones can drift apart in severe cases. :eek: Lovely huh?

    Do you guys feel like your hips are dislocating too??
  9. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    mommy2qtpies - I totally feel like my bones are separating! I feel your pain, literally!!!! And sometimes when I get out of bed, I hear my hips or joints pop!
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That pain is one of the things I remember most about my pregnancy with the twins (never had it with the other pregnancies). Holy cow it hurts! I remember it hurting the worst whenever I went from sitting to standing. Unfortunately, it didn't go away really until I delivered, but was completely gone right after delivery. :hug:
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