Morning Wake Time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinboys07, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(gina_leigh @ Jan 15 2009, 10:07 PM) [snapback]1149286[/snapback]
    You know, I have built trust with my kids and they know I'm here. But I'm not going to reinforce whining. Nope, no way. I think if you jump up and run at every single whine, you're just setting yourself up for more whining. (And that's one thing that grates on my nerves in older toddlers/young kids. :bad: )

    And I agree with others who've said that their kids enjoy and need that wake-up time. Neither me or DH are morning people. Not surprisingly, neither are our kids. They need that time as much as I do.

    I agree 100%. I like to lie in bed in the morning so I don't want to deprive my kids of the joy :lol:

    Besides, I love to listen to them on the monitor. They like to sing and it is so sweet and Hannah practices counting - it goes like this - 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,6,7,8,9,6,7,8,9... Natalie practices the names of her fingers - thumb, index, middle, ring, pinkie - she says it over and over but I just know she is pointing at the wrong fingers!
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am somewhere in the middle. I will not get mine before 6 am. They go to bed between 6 and 7 pm. When they wake I usually let them play until I hear them start to fuss. As long as it's after 6 am I get them at the first sign of fussing, but that's because I know they have already been in their cribs for 12 hours and I don't expect them to go any longer than that.
  3. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Usually one of mine will wake at 7am and the other sometime in between 7 and 7:30 (or 7:45 if I am lucky). I always leave them in their cribs until 7:30 while I enjoy my comfy cozy bed. I encourage you to do so. Only you know what is best for your kids. I know you Erin (through TS) and I am 100% confident in your gut instincts and the fact that you are a wonderful mother who would only do what is best for your children and, equally importantly, yourself!
  4. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    I let mine play in their rooms for about 30/45 mins after they get up. They get up at 6am every morning without fail and i am sorry 6am is a ridculous time for anyone to get up!! They do run through to our room in the morning say hello and then say mummy go play with our toys. So i think what you doing is perfectly fine!! Enjoy your bed lol x
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    This morning when I got out of the shower I heard the girls talking to each other. When I walked in their room, Ana was pretending to be a penguine saying "Waddle Waddle Waddle" and waddling across her bed, while Meara was laughing her butt off saying "ANA PENGUINE ANA PENGUINE!"

    Sorry thats probably OT, but it seemed appropriate somehow.

    Oh and Maureen I'm glad my girls aren't the only ones who sleep with a small army of stuffies in their beds. Its amazing there is room for them :)
  6. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    Mine stay in bed until then or sometimes 8 while i listen yet stay comfy in bed... I think it is good for them! Beau is my quiet one. He just hangs out and Savannah normally wants me to get her. I think it is good for her to learn patience too. :) ENjoy it...
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Jan 15 2009, 08:04 PM) [snapback]1149279[/snapback]
    Diane, it didn't even occur to me to read it any other way at first! :rotflmbo:

    OF COURSE IT DIDN"T!!! :laughing:

    QUOTE(AndiG @ Jan 15 2009, 11:18 PM) [snapback]1149389[/snapback]
    Didn't realise it was so 'clicky' in here - don't need to know someone to post a reply surely - purlease - and where did 'screaming bloody murder' come from - the original post used the words yell/cry - and that is what I responded to.

    I'm sorry you are feeling that way. I actually would totally defend your right to say your point of view. I think it's really valuable to see all these issues from all sides of the coin - so to speak - so I am glad that you gave us (and Nikki, too) your honest opinions! It's eye opening to see the posts that aren't the same as what you believe.

    I tend to have a base assumption (dangerous, huh?) that most of us wouldn't allow our kids/babies to cry or scream bloody murder in these situations for an extended period of time or do anything that would cause harm to the children. I would believe that most of the responses in this thread are based on the assumption that no one is going to allow harm to come to their children.
  8. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Jan 16 2009, 12:33 PM) [snapback]1149773[/snapback]
    OF COURSE IT DIDN"T!!! :laughing:
    I'm sorry you are feeling that way. I actually would totally defend your right to say your point of view. I think it's really valuable to see all these issues from all sides of the coin - so to speak - so I am glad that you gave us (and Nikki, too) your honest opinions! It's eye opening to see the posts that aren't the same as what you believe.

    I tend to have a base assumption (dangerous, huh?) that most of us wouldn't allow our kids/babies to cry or scream bloody murder in these situations for an extended period of time or do anything that would cause harm to the children. I would believe that most of the responses in this thread are based on the assumption that no one is going to allow harm to come to their children.

    You're so nice really! I hate it when I write a post when I'm really tired or hormonal and it just sounds crap or grumpy - I think I could have written what I wanted to say in a better way sometimes!
  9. Echicoine7

    Echicoine7 Member

    Honestly I think it's a good thing to wait, you are teaching them to amuse themselves a little. I often go rushing in and later think why did I do that. Mine tend to wake up happy in the morning but cranky after naps. The couple of times they have woken from a nap and I haven't been able to get to them right away they have been in better moods when I get there five minutes later. They are two now. Enjoy your bed:)
  10. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    how about this wrinkle - Ezra always wakes up first and he's crying but he doesn't have any middle ground - he's either laughing hysterically or the world is coming to an end. Oh, and it's usually 4:30 am (yes, you heard right). The thing is that Elias wants to sleep longer but will wake up if I go into the room (though he sleeps through his brother crying). I usually let Ezra cry to give Elias the sleep that he needs. I go in a) when Elias wakes up and I hear him too or b) around 5:30. They go to sleep at 6:30 so I think that's fair. In reality, they want to sleep at different times (Elias wants a longer nap and wants to go to sleep later and sleep later but Ezra doesn't) but they absolutely won't go to sleep if the other isn't in the crib next to them so what's a mom to do? I don't like any of it - the crying, the 4:30 waking. I'm just waiting to daylight savings and hoping they don't clue in and I get a 5:30 morning - lovely!
  11. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Our twins usually wake up around 7:00 every morning. They usually laugh,play,jump around in their cribs while I make coffee, take the dog out, and make their breakfast. I get them up by 7:30 unless someone is crying.
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