More Questions about Cow's Milk

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by orangeyaglad, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    I finally figured out why my LO's weren't drinking their milk from a cup. They didn't like the formula mixed with the milk in their cups. They really do associate formula with bottles and I think it was confusing them a little. So instead of doing half and half, I just took the plunge and it turned out to be fine. They both will drink milk from their normal hard-spout sippies. My only problem is they don't drink a lot and it seems to be a struggle to get them to finish a full 4 oz in one sitting. Is this something that will pass or do I need to think of trying some alternatives like vanilla soy (something with more flavor). I don't want to add any unnecessary sugar to their diets, but I want to make sure that they drink enough so they can gain the proper amount of weight. They are on the low end of the chart and I was hoping that when they started whole milk they would gain weight a lot better.

    Any thoughts? TIA
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How long have you been doing just milk? and are they still getting bottles? Mine never drank much milk until I finally replaced bottles/formula with milk/cup. It took a couple days and then they upped their intake to about 15-20oz a day. Good luck!
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't think it would hurt if you want to put chocolate syrup in their milk.
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Once you have completely switched to sippies, no more bottles at all ever, they will gradually increase the amount of milk they drink at a sitting. Some kids never get up to the amount they were drinking of formula, but they really only need about 16oz of milk a day. The rest of their calories/nutrients should come from their food. hth!
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I agree with Meredith. Also, are you offering the cups more often? When we made the switch to sippies/milk, I had it available to them for most of the day. They liked to take sips here and there, as opposed to drinking a bunch at a time.
  6. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    Today is the first day that they have been doing just milk. I think we started almost a week ago and just had them drink milk during snack time. I just wanted to see if they would have a reaction to it since that had a milk allergy when they were small. Since they had no reaction, DH and I decided that today would be the day to make the switch. So far they have been doing great especially Isabelle. She seems to really like it and guzzles it down while Aurielle takes her sweet time. We do give them lots of cheese, yogurt, eggs, and they get homemade pudding as a treat sometimes. I'm not too keen on the idea of putting chocolate syrup in their milk. Just my opinion, but I think that's setting them up for unhealthy habits in the future.
    They aren't really babies that take sips from their cups during the day. Once it's not in front of them they are pretty much done with it. I keep it available for them to drink for awhile, but since it's milk I don't let it sit out for too long. Are they supposed to get 16 oz of milk in addition to other foods?
  7. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If you are offering cheese, yogurt and the likes in the form of dairy then I think you are good:) Are you still doing bottles/formula? Mine don't really drink from their cups other than mealtimes too and it took about a week to get up to 20oz in them. Now they love milk! Yes they should get "around" 16oz a day of whole milk but if mine are having a slow drinking day I just give them more cheese and stuff like that. Keep in mind that milk is not their main nutrition like formula was, they are just like you and I and get all their nutrients from the variety of foods they eat:)

    If you don't want to do chocolate syrup can I suggest Carnation instant breakfast mixes...mine LOVE those! We usually give it to them at breakfast or lunch...where they seem to eat less. It makes us feel better that at least if they aren't eating quite a bit they are still getting lots of vitamins and nutrients from the cup:)
  8. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    No more bottles/formula...we are done with that. Our WIC made a huge mistake this month (which they won't own up to) and didn't supplement our usual amount of 20 cans. Instead, they gave us 10. Plus, they started drinking less and less formula (only drinking about 12 oz a day), so we thought it would be a good time to make the transition.

    They eats lots and lots of dairy and the good organic stuff too, so I know they are getting a lot of good fats and calories I just wasn't sure if milk was their main source like formula was. Thanks for clearing that up. We aren't going to get to see their doctor for a while, so I knew I would find my answers here. :)

    I am going to try the Carnation Instant Breakfast mixes. They didn't do too bad today. They drank probably about 12 ounces of milk each and ate a lot of good, healthy food. I'm hoping in a week their tune will change and they will drink more. Do they stay hydrated from just drinking milk? I'm afraid that they will become dehydrated because, like I said before, they won't drink from sippies until mealtime even if I offer them otherwise.
  9. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine seem to stay hydrated and they drink mostly at meals and I offer it for about 10mins after their naps and they drink a little. I also offer water after they finish their first 10oz cup then switch back to milk for the next meal so they don't only get milk during the day:)
  10. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    It took my girls some time to get used to drinking cow's milk. They did not finish off their sippies like I thought they would or should. However, they did eventually get used to it. I say give them some time and they will adjust, but like the other pp's said, don't go back to formula or mixing it. Just be patient.
  11. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I will just chime in and say that the small amt of chocolate syrup you use (I use a teaspoon or two) won't set them up for problems down the road :) My oldest ds didn't like plain milk but loved chocolate milk when he was younger. He's now almost 8 and loves plain milk OR chocolate or strawberry milk, he'll drink whatever is offered :)
  12. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to update. The girls are still doing about 8-12 oz a week and it's been almost 2 weeks since the switch. I tried the carnation instant breakfast and they drank even less. Also, I tried adding chocolate syrup and that didn't make a difference either. I know they can drink out of their cups because they drink a lot of water and some juice throughout the day as well.

    I'm starting to lean towards the idea of them not liking it all that much. I know I don't like milk, so why isn't it possible for them to dislike it as well? I definitely keep offering it with hopes that they will get used it it sometime in the future. :)
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