Masgutova method

Discussion in 'General' started by gyzmotwins, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. gyzmotwins

    gyzmotwins Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone!!!
    I've been quiet of of touch with the twinsstuff forums for a while now but thought I would return to ask some questions I have about my growing twins. They are currently nine years old and they were momo twins. They were diagnosed about to years ago with a reading, writing, math learning disability that just goes so much into detail. Basically, our local school has put them in full learning support and we have also put them in lindamood bell for their Vand V program and seeing stars program. They are great kids, very intelligent. Recently our school asked us to consider putting them in the Masgutova method for the summer. This is a fairly new method I've never heard of in my life and was wondering if anyone had any knowledge about this. Thanks!!!

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