kinder - nightmares

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by 1stbabies, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. 1stbabies

    1stbabies Well-Known Member

    hi All,
    I'm a bit loss on this:
    Our kinders started in mid-august with full day program. They have been in full day/week preschool since 3 yo.  
    One of our girl is a sleeper - still can pull 2-3 hours on the weekend if the weather was not too hot to stay home.
    She did not wake up at night in the past and since school she been waking up more often and screaming /crying when she wake up at night. 2 of those nights, she talked about "not wanting to fell the teacher and others about her favorite animal" and asking about  missing turning in the "home project" (even though we did not even talk about it before bed time as it is not due for 2 weeks.)  She often tell me not wanting to go to school - which I heard some other mom mentioned about theirs too - so I dotted as a normal thing.
    Just wonder if some of your kinders were stressed like this too?
    Cannot wait til "fall-back" clock change to see if that can make  a difference!
    Thanks much!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Does your kindergarten have a rest time?  My kids kindergarten class did.  I also tried some rest time after school that my kids did not want.  Kindergarten is a big adjustment even if the children have been in all day pre-school.  I would chalk it up right now to a new adjustment...kindergarten is probably a little more demanding then preschool was and maybe your little one is taking the extra stuff to heart right now. 
    But I think if it does continue, say into October/November--I'd talk to the teacher/pedi/or school counselor for any tips to help her with stress to sleep better.
    One thing I did with my kids was use an empty tissue box and called it a worry box and all the things they were worried about, they could write out/draw it/whatever and put it in the tissue box with the hopes of those worries not troubling them when they sleep.  It did help...both of my kids are worriers. 
  3. 1stbabies

    1stbabies Well-Known Member

    Thanks much Nanncy! Yes we will have the conference next week and will bring up with the teacher next week too.
    The worry box is a good idea! Will try that as well as we had another worry/nightmare night again this week! = (
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Let us know how you make out!
  5. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    This sounds familiar - my DD is having nightmares and wakes up crying and screaming too since she started 1st grade. As she is settling into her new class and routine the nightmares and awakenings are getting fewer. So, hopefully, your daughter will have better nights again soon too.
  6. 1stbabies

    1stbabies Well-Known Member

    Quick update :
    When I mentioned about nightmare problem to the teacher in the parents teacher conference, The teacher mentioned that our girl is normal in school. Our girl is still waking up at night about school subject crying almost daily. Last night was the 1st night she slept thru the night in a long while, and I noticed that last night both girls have great time with each other before bed and she actually asked her sister to make sure that they dress twin-like!
    One sweet thing about the "Worry box" was that when she (the problem sleeper) saw her sister is worrying about something and crying, she brought the box to her sister and tell her to put her worry into that box = )
    I mentioned to my DH about seeing a specialist on this including psychologist etc... he doesn't agree yet .. So we will wait out a bit.  Lack of sleep is getting to me = (
    Thanks much for the feedbacks Nancy and June!
    1 person likes this.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Your welcome and I am glad that she slept through the night. I hope the trend keeps up and you can get some rest Mama!!
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