Keep hearing "it gets easier" from twin mamas

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by alex&andysmom, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    For me, the girls got "easy" at around 18 months. I really had a hard time with them as infants. I nursed them exclusively, Jamie was colicky for the first 9 months. They NEVER napped at the same time. Jamie had night wakings 2-3 times per night EVERY NIGHT. It just seemed like the first year was nothing but transitions and we couldn't settle in to a routine. At 18 months, suddenly I could understand them, and they could understand me and for me this stage of development was like the clouds breaking open and the sunshine pouring through. We got a bedtime routine going. They played with each other instead of just at the same time. They are almost 6 now and, looking back, there were challenges ocassionally, but nothing like that first year. I agree with the post that implies we must forget about all that...the sleep deprivation, the need for care 24/7 X 2. Foregoing showers and meals. THANK GOODNESS IT DOES GET EASIER THAN THAT!!!
  2. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    I have been thinking about this thread all afternoon, I worry that we are going to scare the new mommas. I mean sure there are challenges in every stage and some days are rougher than others but overall I am so much happier than I ever was and being a Mommy is the best 'job' I've ever had. I think that so far (I haven't hit the terrible twos yet) each stage gets more fun and better than the previous one! As I am typing this now DS and DD are having a blast feeding each other goldfish crackers and cracking up at some inside joke, it doesn't get any better than that! Just wanted to throw a little positivity in here!!

    edited to fix typo
  3. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Yeah... I think it's a lie they tell us!!! :blink:

    No really--- there are ways that it DOES get easier. For instance, you actually DO get to sleep through the night at some point. That right there is VERY good. And I think there's a point where you finally get the "hang" of it and you have these little children that LOVE their mommy! :wub: The mobility is good too- yes they're getting into things and driving you crazy keeping them corralled, but at least you're not constantly doing the "pick one up and move them, then go back for the other one" bit. While each age has it's own challenges, and I desperately miss holding tiny little helpless babies, I think overall, I would say it's easier now than it was then. :hug:
  4. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    I don't think it gets easier, I just think it gets different.
  5. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    My boys are exactly one year older than yours! Mine will be two on February 20th!!!

    I have to agree with the easier/different sentiments. I did find that when I finally could get a full nights sleep, they could walk, drink from sippy cups, eat table food, and use some basic words that things got a bit easier as far as meeting their basic needs. Now that mine are almost two, it's hard because mine don't use a lot of words so communication can be frustrating for them (they try to tell me things, and I try to understand). Because they can walk/run/jump, they tend to be a little harder to contain in an area. Because they can eat foods, they've now discovered that they don't like certain things. They also like to test limits and aggravate each other. All of these issues though were not totally unexpected for's just a little more challenging because we're dealing with two of them.

    There are times I look at my boys and wonder where the time has gone. They can tell me they love me, give hugs, give kisses, bring me a book to read to them, smile and wave at me, love on brother, and now love on baby sister. Those are the moments I treasure. When it's time for dinner and they tell me "no"...that's not so much fun. But it's doable.

    There are frustrating times and wonderful times. Take each for what they are worth and treasure each moment because they will grow up before we know it.
  6. ohiomom

    ohiomom Well-Known Member

    I don't know... as far as I can tell it's not really "easier" just hard in different ways. Mine will be 4 in a few months and I will say it's nice having them be a bit more independant. But age 3 is a really tough age plus my boy twin is on the autism spectrum which provides it's own set of daily challenges. Then you get into potty training which I personally feel is hell LOL. I've had to stop focusing on when it might get easier and just take it day by day. Anyway you look at it, having two or more kids of the same age is just tough!

    LBOOTH New Member

    I think it all depends how well of a schedule you have and how you discpline your children. Our girls are 21 months old and we have a blast. They are on a very strict schedule and have been since they were 3 months old. They are great! The first year was tuff but now its all fun and games!!
  8. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    The first few months were a nightmare. The first year and half was exhausting beyond belief. Then I got some hired help. If I could start over, I would have hired more help sooner. It was just not worth the exhaustion, illnesses and stress. (no family around to help was a hard part for us).

    Now at almost 3, I actually love it most of the time. Communication for me is the greatest thing. I love that they can tell me stuff. We carry on conversations. They say some of the most funny things ever! They can many things for themselves. I can leave them alone for short bursts to do chores, etc.

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