Just so i am very clear to EVERYONE

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kaylaishaving2, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    Hey there too you all! Just my two cents. kaylaishaving2 I am sure you will be fine. But I'd personally reather be pregnant then travle with newborns. Mine are almost 3 months and I dread going home for a visit. It is an 18+ hour trip..YIKES!

    BUT on the other side, I am a military wife of 8 years with an E7 who has been in 20+ years and it isn't that bad. We have great benefits, and it was nice to not worry about ANY medical bills at all and being able to know that the twins and I would have EVERY thing we needed and no financial burden. Also you should be recieving extra money for BAH (Basic Housing Allowance), so that should be helping your finaces. Your hubby is ALLOWED to take 14 days for paternity leave. And why is the military not moving you or are they? On all our moves, they do all the work.

    And this is just a very personal opinion, but the C Section kicked my butt. I could barely do anything for the first week and into the second week. Have you considered this? And or you are not allowed to drive for 7-14 days.

    Anyway, I am sure you are doing whats best for your family, so hang in there! And those babies will pop as soon as they are ready! HOOAH! :good:
  2. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(jasonsmommy @ Feb 24 2008, 06:17 AM) [snapback]638008[/snapback]
    Hey there too you all! Just my two cents. kaylaishaving2 I am sure you will be fine. But I'd personally reather be pregnant then travle with newborns. Mine are almost 3 months and I dread going home for a visit. It is an 18+ hour trip..YIKES!

    BUT on the other side, I am a military wife of 8 years with an E7 who has been in 20+ years and it isn't that bad. We have great benefits, and it was nice to not worry about ANY medical bills at all and being able to know that the twins and I would have EVERY thing we needed and no financial burden. Also you should be recieving extra money for BAH (Basic Housing Allowance), so that should be helping your finaces. Your hubby is ALLOWED to take 14 days for paternity leave. And why is the military not moving you or are they? On all our moves, they do all the work.

    And this is just a very personal opinion, but the C Section kicked my butt. I could barely do anything for the first week and into the second week. Have you considered this? And or you are not allowed to drive for 7-14 days.

    Anyway, I am sure you are doing whats best for your family, so hang in there! And those babies will pop as soon as they are ready! HOOAH! :good:

    we do get BAH but like i said we have bills to pay and my husband had gotten out for a few months and then we found out we were having twins so he went back in and that is why things are so messed up ...he gets only 10 days of TAD but he cant put in for it until AFTER the babies are born ..my drs dont want me traveling while being 36 weeks pregnant wtih twins since i started going into pre term labor already at 32 weeks
  3. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    Sweetie, if there is ANYTHING I've learned about online message boards - it's to completely blow off the people that tick you off. It happened to me the other day on another board where someone basically attacked my parenting skill and called me a horrible parent. I KNOW I am a good parent - and all I could do was to tell myself that this person has her own beliefs (it was on an issue over spanking - because I HAVE spanked) and I just needed to ignore her. So I put her on my ignore list and I don't have to see anything she has to say EVER again.

    These people don't affect your REAL life - it's hard - but you HAVE to let it roll off your back. Call them nasty names to yourself, your DH and your friends, and then after a couple of days, it won't bug you as much.

  4. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to send a :hug99: your way! I'm sorry there is so much stress and drama surounding this. I'm sure you, DH & your doctors will make the best decision for your babies. And, yes, I hate to break it to you, but dealing with my 2 yr old was way more difficult than newborn twins, and we weren't moving!! Good Luck and don't forget in your stress to make a million pictures ;) ;)
  5. lisaessman@verizon.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jasonsmommy @ Feb 24 2008, 06:17 AM) [snapback]638008[/snapback]
    Hey there too you all! Just my two cents. kaylaishaving2 I am sure you will be fine. But I'd personally reather be pregnant then travle with newborns. Mine are almost 3 months and I dread going home for a visit. It is an 18+ hour trip..YIKES!

    BUT on the other side, I am a military wife of 8 years with an E7 who has been in 20+ years and it isn't that bad. We have great benefits, and it was nice to not worry about ANY medical bills at all and being able to know that the twins and I would have EVERY thing we needed and no financial burden. Also you should be recieving extra money for BAH (Basic Housing Allowance), so that should be helping your finaces. Your hubby is ALLOWED to take 14 days for paternity leave. And why is the military not moving you or are they? On all our moves, they do all the work.

    And this is just a very personal opinion, but the C Section kicked my butt. I could barely do anything for the first week and into the second week. Have you considered this? And or you are not allowed to drive for 7-14 days.

    Anyway, I am sure you are doing whats best for your family, so hang in there! And those babies will pop as soon as they are ready! HOOAH! :good:

    The military may move you, but they don't unpack for you, settle you into your new home, watch your children so that you can get unpacked, etc. There is still a tremendous amount of work that will have to be done. I do agree that the military has some great benefits, but having to relocate at a time like this? Please. I feel that it is too much to ask of anyone. I can't even imagine the stress. My husband and I are medical, and I am certain our commanders would have gone to bat for us and gotten us an extension. I wish that were the case in Kayla's situation.

    Still praying for you Kayla! Hang in there, Lisa
  6. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    dear kayla,

    hi, glad you have posted this. I can totally understand your decision, and i posted this in your prev post regarding running out of room etc. Good luck!!
  7. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    sorry to hear youre having troubles. and i hear you on the military thing. i reallllly realllllly am not looking forward to being a military wife. best of luck to you!
  8. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(5girlies @ Feb 24 2008, 09:54 PM) [snapback]638729[/snapback]
    The military may move you, but they don't unpack for you, settle you into your new home, watch your children so that you can get unpacked, etc. There is still a tremendous amount of work that will have to be done. I do agree that the military has some great benefits, but having to relocate at a time like this? Please. I feel that it is too much to ask of anyone. I can't even imagine the stress. My husband and I are medical, and I am certain our commanders would have gone to bat for us and gotten us an extension. I wish that were the case in Kayla's situation.

    Still praying for you Kayla! Hang in there, Lisa

    Yep, I totally agree. I hadnt even thought about the unpacking..

    And I understand ya, kaylaishaving2, about getting out of the military and back in. Still hoping all is well for you and yours! HUGS.
  9. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    i delivered at 35 weeks 4 days and had a 3 lb 8 oz baby and a 4 lbs 11 oz baby. NO steroids and i took them home 4 days later... They were healthy and all worked out fine. You need to do what is best for you and your family... Good Luck to you and your twinnies... ;)
  10. mairoge

    mairoge Well-Known Member

    Hey Kaiyla:

    Please know that I am only 22 wks and not going through what you're currently going through. However, I was in the Army for five years and have lots of experience on how things are ran. Your behind is not even your when you are in the military. That can be very fustrating for someone with a family.

    Please have a safe journey to your new duty station. You will be in my prayers.

    Good Luck!

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