July Daily Activity Thread

Discussion in 'General' started by AimeeThomp, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did 45 minutes walking workout on demand.
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  2. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    I would love to jump into this group, I know its the end of the month but r u going to keep doing this next month? I worked out alot in June but didnt do much in July until today and joined a gym I did a 60min zumba class. *You ladies r machines* You make me want to step it up, Way to go :woohoo: Not sure I can keep up with you gals but I plan on taking 3 to 4 60 min fitness classes a week and on the other days still try and go to the gym taking one day off. I just get really bored and just dont push myself when I workout alone :headbang: Its been a rough year for my daughter and putting her first in my life I let myself go:( but she is doing much better now and my head is back in the game. Gonna try doing this the right way this time not the quick way :D I have lost 15 lbs in 8 weeks so far!!!
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  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yeah we're going to do it again next month! :youcandoit:
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  4. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    Yesterday I did 20 min. Gilad - total body sculpting. Then extra leg lifts, ab crunches (those resistent fat cells!-:) I went for a short bike ride at night.
    Today: I ran a mile (outdoor), then push ups, ab excersice.
  5. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    This morning I showed up to a fitness class and the Instructor didnt show:( Very disapointed!!! So I did 20 mins treadmill, 12 mins elliptical,5 sets of 20 on inner thighs, 5 sets of 20 on outer thighs, only 40 crunches:( and 15 on each side of ab crunches, the ab machine I used had a 10 lb weight on it the ab machine that doesnt have weights was being used, I know I could of done more on that one <_< I wont be using that one again for awhile :wacko: I also did a body wrap today for 50 mins(soaking wet with sweat) Yuck. Thats about all I will do today other then taking care of the kids and light housework & cooking!
  6. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    wtg. all you july working out ladies!

    today i rode my bike 5 miles down to the beach and back. yesterday i did an hour zumba class--fun!

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  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Today I did 30 day shred. Was gonna try to get in some treadmill time but I am so sleepy. :lazy:
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  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did a 15 minute bootcamp workout and 35 minutes on the elliptical and 10 on the stair climber.
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  9. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    ugh I am so sore from yesterday:( It hurts to walk...on top of what I posted that I did yesterday I also walked up 12 steps and dowm 12 steps 25 times going to my basement at 10:00 last night! Doing Pilates today and not sure what else, will post later, rainy day really sleepy too! Good luck today with everything you choose to do :db:
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  10. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    wtg for doing some type of activity today, even if you are sore!

    i rode my bike down to the beach (5 miles) and back this morning. the babysitter's got a family emergency and the hubs is getting ready to go outta town. wish me luck on the working out this next week. gonna be tough but i've got to make it work!

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  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    jl, good luck next week! I was not planning on doing a workout but it's rainy and the kids wanted to do a walking workout...so I did Leslie Sansome 3 mile walk on demand and then kids decided it was more fun to watch me then actually do the workout with me.
  12. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN THE GYM I JOINED....I only paid $20.00 for a 30 day pass for unlimited fitness classes only but because of so many people joined we are allowed to use the gym also just incase the classes are full...Well this hasnt been the case for me, the classes fill up in the evening, I can only go in the morning 3 days a week and midday sat or sun. The 3 days I have been going two of the classes have been cancelled:( I was very excited about doing pilates today :gah: So I still used the gym, sorry for the vent.

    40 mins treadmill
    5 sets of 20 inner thighs
    5 sets of 20 outer thighs
    60 crunches (tummy is my biggest problem and biggest weakness)
    30 side crunches on each side
    20 lower ab machine
    20 8lb bar bell tricep curl (thats sad)
    30 mins or so picking up house, had to take daughter to the dr's and then myself to my dr's!
    just made dinner and I am going to try and walk up and down my stairs again later :db:
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  13. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    I did the stairs again last night at 10:00, 12 down and 12 up I counted as 1 and I did 30 :woohoo: Really sore again today took some tylenol, hope that helps I might take it easy today. Maybe steps at some point today but thats about it:) Hope you all are doing good!!!
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  14. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    I hope you ladies r still working out and r just to busy enjoying life to sit down and get on here, I did what I said above(took it easy) but again at 10:00pm last night did 40 steps wish I would of done more:( Looking at My body bug I didnt meet my calories burned or 8000 steps:(
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  15. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good job R&RMama!

    Yesterday, I did the elliptical for an hour and today, I did the elliptical for 45 minutes.
  16. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I took the day off yesterday. Today I did a circuit/step class. Nothing to make you realize how much more you have to lose than seeing yourself workout in a 3 way mirror. :bad:
  17. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    Ugh I know what you mean Aimee, I hate working out in front of a mirror :bad: We all need a day off so dont feel too bad but way to go ladies :Clap: I'm heading out to the gym after I write this, dont really want to but going to try and push myself.......update later :crazy:
  18. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i had to take yesterday off but today i've already put in my time--cleaning! like i said, our babysitter is off for a week. she also cleans our house on saturdays, including wiping down and cleaning/washing everything in my boys room because one of my guys is allergic to dust. it's a big job, and i had to do it today. but i'm almost done:). whew! i'd rather be at the gym, lol!

    have a great weekend, all!

  19. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    okay this is what I did....
    40 mins treadmill
    5 miles stationary bike
    100 crunches
    30 side crunches both sides
    30 on the lower ab machine
    5 sets of 20 inner thigh
    5 sets of 20 outer thighs
    maybe after dinner walking the kids to the park about 1/2 mile walk there and 1/2 mile back:) MAYBE!!!
  20. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    I took a break yesterday, but today I did 30 minutes Jillian Michaels workout. I am sore...lol - finaly!
  21. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    Ok, last day in July. I ran for minutes this morning, then did an intense 30 minutes workout followed by a 10 min. ab crunch session.
  22. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    went to boot camp on the beach this morning. intense!.... i also did a half hour of yoga when i got back (trying to fit in 5 workouts per week and had to double up today because i've had trouble getting someone to watch the boys!).

  23. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    I cleaned a friends house for two hrs
    elliptical for 30 mins using the losing weight program on it.
    1 hr at home dance video
    up & down stairs doing laudry!!!!
  24. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did 35 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the stair master and 15 minutes on the stationary bike. WTG ladies!
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