Jail for spanking a child under 3.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by stacyann_1, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

  2. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I certainly don't think that it is realistically going to have any impact. It would be nearly impossible to enforce. Also, I don't think it is any state's responsibility to tell parents how to discipline their kids. I am against beating kids, but according to the article there is no way to make a distinction between severe spanking or a pat on the butt.
  4. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    My DH told me about that this morning and all I could think of is that these people probably need a spanking themselves. Sometimes it is not a bad thing. Why do they think spanking is adding to the violence of today-why don't we start with the media!
  5. homewithmy3

    homewithmy3 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by thompsontwinners:
    Why do they think spanking is adding to the violence of today-why don't we start with the media!

    Yep media and movies and games that seem to be rated for teens. I do not agree that spanking is adding to the violence. I dont spank my kids(thats my choice not the governments) but I dont think kids who get spanked are going to go out and beat someone up.

  6. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    What gets me is that some local governments won't pass "Jessica's Law" to give sex preditors a mandatory sentence, but they want to tell you how to discipline your kids? Now does that make any kind of sense to you? I mean come on now! Who are these morons we are electing to office? If you've seen the news in regards to this, they show a clip of a lady smacking the crap out of her kid. This is totally wrong and not spanking, but they use this clip as an example when talking about this law? MORONS! MORONS! MORONS! This is a classic example of the government trying to control everything. Be very scared ladies!!!! Be sure to always vote and pay close attention to who you are voting for. [​IMG]

  7. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    It's so none of their business. Do they seriously think the portions of the population that believe in spanking are going to take the chance that their children will grow up undisciplined because a bunch of full-time legislators in California decided it was wrong?
  8. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    I just skimmed the artical and came to this conslusion: They put "beating" and "spanking" in the same catagory. The parent who slaps, kicks, punches, yells and injures their child is put in the same catagory as a parent who administers swats to a child's rear end in a controled and peaceful manner, in conjunction with communication and affection. Spanking is just a small portion of the whole picture.

    People who abuse their right as a parent to control and train their own child should be the ones punished. I think this is all backwards.
    Canadian government has passed similar laws and that has not stopped me from obeying God's Word on the matter.

    Our home, our rules, our children, THEIR FUTURE!! Too many parents have already handed the controls over their children to the schools and society, this is just one more thing that will remove parental controls.

    Will they pass a rule against the beating of mothers by their out-of-control 2 year olds? I've seen a grown woman being literally pummled and slaped by a toddler in a public place. She was laying on the floor in tears as her kid beat her. Hmmmm...makes you think, huh?

    Some people spend more time training their PETS than they do their own children.

    And how on earth are they going to regulate that?? Install cameras in everyone's home? This is a load of crap....
  9. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    I saw a story about it last night on the news and it really makes me mad. I am completely against beating any child, but there is a huge difference between beating and spanking. I do spank my 2 1/2 year old as a last resort if time-outs are not an option. If I'm at the store and my DD is spitting at or hitting me and there isn't anywhere for her to have a time-out, how am I supposed to discipline her? Ignore it, leave the store every time? Get real! I don't want to be one of those parents that is more concerned with being their child's friend than the parent and I would never get any errands run if I always had to leave the store when she acted up. Honestly, do you think my DD cares if we have toilet paper in the house??? Plus, not every kid is has the same temperment or personality so one form of discipline isn't going to work for every kid.

    Myself and siblings were all spanked as children and we are normal, well-adjusted adults. None of us have ever commited a crime, all have full-time jobs, nice houses and good relationships with our parents. I would really like to see a study that shows that spanking leads to violent kids.
  10. greek mama of three

    greek mama of three Well-Known Member

    BTW, the women behind all this craziness has no children...only a cat!!We are all laughing at this, including Arnold!!
  11. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by greek mama of three:
    BTW, the women behind all this craziness has no children...only a cat!!We are all laughing at this, including Arnold!!

    Ya know that is what gets me, someone without kids telling you how to raise our kids [​IMG]

    Sometimes a kid needs a good spanking, I dont think it leads to more violence in the society. THere is a BIG difference between spanking and beating.

    Just looking back at how my family has turned out, it seems that the ones who were disaplined with an occational spanking turned out a lot better than the ones who were never disaplined that way.

    Even with my ds, who just turned 3, a time-out doenst always work but he has learned his lesson with a quick spank
  12. abbymarie

    abbymarie Well-Known Member


    You can't legislate common sense. Spanking and beating are not the same. Of course beating a child is wrong!!!!! [​IMG]
  13. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I think this is really very wrong and hopefully there are people organizing in CA to knock this thing down... This is targeting honest, law abiding parents who choose to discipline their children this way... Do they honestly think that people who have anger issues, drinking issues or for whatever reason are inclined to be abusive will stop b/c of a law??? ...their consciences aren't stopping them, so why would a law which is very difficult to reinforce???....

    I do spank my children... even by age 11 mos my kids have gotten little swats over doing things that are really dangerous...like reaching to turn the gas knobs on my oven or trying to stick a finger in a socket...and you know what...they are pretty well behaved almost 2 year olds... they still need occasional spankings, but they rarely ever go after dangerous things...or in cabinents, etc... sooner or later, even with all the babyproofing technology available, kids need to be taught that there are boundaries... and I have found that spankings are the clearist, simplest, and even least emotionally painful discipline method to use... there is no confusion over what the discipline is about, and when followed up by hugs, explanation and love it actually brings us closer as child/parent...they know I'm doing my job. My older dd has actually talked to me about badly behaved children, like the neighbor kids who occasionally throw really bad fits for their parents, and she tells me that they need a spanking... I explain that every family disciplines differently...but she recognizes that whatever they are doing or not doing isn't really working... I don't think the goverment should take away our right to make this decision, which has been well thought out and done in a calm, and systematic method... not out of fury...
  14. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's any of their business how I raise my kids. They have no say in it unless they want to start giving me money to buy diapers, formula and pay for childcare. Then ok I'll listen to what you say. Another thing all these people who want to pass a law probably hardly spend anytime with their kids. Try staying home with them and see how you feel about discipline. I don't spank by kids (way to young - even though they are bad) but if I swat their hands or their butts - they'll live and maybe they'll think about it before they do it again.
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