Id or frat?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by meganguttman, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Oct 2 2008, 12:23 PM) [snapback]1008439[/snapback]
    Correct. I was referring to something else, not that. Someone was told that it was ONE placenta and it turns out it was fused. That's what I was clarifying. I know about di-di twins etc.

    oh ok :ibiggrin:

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    I am leaning identical, I would have to test. It would drive me crazy. My girls have their differences and they are ID. Most everyone can tell them apart. Grace has a longer face and Hope's is shorter. Hope's ears are thinner and stick out a little more than Grace's. And Hope has 2 swirls in her hair and Grace has one. And they feel different to me when I hold them. Grace feels more solid and Hope feels leaner.

    1st pic---vote ID

    2nd pic---vote undecided

    3rd pic---vote undecided but leaning ID

    4th pic----vote undecided because of the hair but leaning ID

    5th pic----vote ID

    6th pic---vote ID

    Their ears and their eyes look exactly the same to me in every picture. The hair is really throwing me. Good luck talking your dh into it. And they are adorable little boys.
  3. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Have you done my free test yet?
    crop the photos. Show just a nose. Look at both noses are they the same? Crop just the chin look at both chins, which one is which? Can you tell the chins apart? look at just the right eye of each one, then the left. Have DH and others try ask, whose eye is this? etc.

    My money is on identical cause parents of frats don't usually have any doubt.
  4. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I vote Frats! And I have a Ryan too! YAY! :D
  5. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    My guess is identical. This is the best id/frat debate yet! I think perhaps we should all donate $3 so you can get the test done without having to convince your DH.
  6. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    I vote frats because I also could tell in the first 4 photos it was the same baby on the left and then it changed. I really could tell them apart eventhough yes they have similar ears and noses but I can tell you that 5 of my kids have the exact same nose and ears. My two oldest for years would say are they twins but they were 26 months apart lol! I hope you can convince dh to get the test and make all of us mommies happy lol!
  7. Sarosie

    Sarosie Well-Known Member

    When I was looking I was 100% convinced they are fraternal...I was surprised to see anyone thought they were identical.

    We should have a vote and you should get the boys tested. The 2 groups all put in a dollar and you get the pot of the loosers money!

  8. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    I can't believe how many frat guesses there are!!!! They look soooo ID to me. I'd be willing to donate a few bucks for a test! LOL. I like the idea about the pool.
  9. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Megan there are times when they really look frat but recently seeing them in person they look more ID to me. I wish Jeff would just let you test so you could know for sure. Maybe through stamping up and craigslist and a garage sale you can start to save the money on your own and just do it!!!
  10. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I love this thread....POST SOME MORE PICTURES...this is fun :)
  11. Millie&twins

    Millie&twins Well-Known Member

    I look at my twins and I tell you: identical!
    My frats look nothing alike! They look like two very different people, not like the same person with small differences! I have seen a lot of twins wander through my consult and I am (almost) always right about this!
    Yours just "look" different because they have head shape differences, some weight difference and a tad more hair on one than the other. If they were frat (in my opinion) they wouldn't look different, they would BE different!

    If you need the test for your peace of mind do it, but most everyone I know who takes the test (who needs to take it because they are unsure) their twins are identical. With most frats there just is no doubt about it!
  12. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Any news on the DNA test? You must get one! Ha. Looks like everyone wants to start a pool.
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