I just can't handle this

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by kendraplus2, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. K.C.

    K.C. Well-Known Member

    Oh man, I am with you. Just know that there are so many of us going through it right along with you at that very moment! Sometimes, I started dreading the night time. Then I found Conan O'Brien repeats at 3 a.m.! And honestly, I kind of started looking forward to my nights up with my girls....okay, maybe not "looking forward" per se, but I figured, if I can't beat 'em....

    But, if this helps at all, my girls are just a few weeks older than yours and I can see that the long nights crying are getting shorter. I am finding out what works and what doesn't every single day of their lives. I am seeing that as they get older, they are learning to "work it out". Don't get me wrong. I DO NOT sleep for more than 5 hours straight, and even then it's infrequent. But when I do? Man, it's the best! And I love to sleep. Before my girls, I could sleep 9 to 10 hours!

    All the hints here help. Every one. But the one I found is all mental. I put them in their boppies or their vibrating chairs or even lay them on my chest while they scream and squirm and I just talk to them. Tell them how sorry I am that they were going through this struggle. How I can't believe how hard infant-hood is and how I hoped this passed for them quickly. I tell them all the great things we are going to do when the spring and summer months come. I seriously go on for at least an hour. Sometimes it soothes them, sometimes not, but it always helps me. Again, it isn't a cure all, it just makes it a little more like this is a battle that has been waged against us together. Not me against them, know what I mean?

    So you go and tell your two that the 3 of you are going to get through this. Together. And just remember (as I often have to remind myself) that all those boppies and vibrating chairs and swings and white noise radios and hands free bottles and Dr. Brown and Miracle blankets, etc., etc., etc. were created by people who were just as at their wits end as we are. They saw something that worked to shut their little ones up!

    Oh, and I know you would never hurt your babies. Me neither. Never in a million years. But I sometimes I can't help but laugh when the only thing I can think of to make them stop screaming is to just give 'em an ol' bop on the head. Ya' know, just enough to make them go "HUH?" ha ha....Of course, I would never, but it's just funny how the human brain -- when starved of sleep -- works.

    All the best....oh! Wait. And one more thing. It's amazing what a visit whore I've become! I will invite ANYONE over. Seriously. Anyone. What wonders it is when even my crazy whacked out landlord comes down and chats for about a half hour. It just makes you see that you are not in jail and that people really do sympathize. Anyway, good luck....TO ALL OF US!
  2. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    Vibrating bouncey seats helped me out, I also put a radio in their room.
  3. KeriBrack

    KeriBrack Well-Known Member

    this is just the reason i started smoking again. we do not smoke in the house, but it does give be about 7 minutes to myself outside. yes right now its freezing, but worth it sometimes!!

  4. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Kendra, first I want to [​IMG] you. I am so sorry you are dealing with that.

    I agree with pp's. my ds slept in the swing most nights at that age and the vibrating bouncy chair to. I even slept on the recliner with both babies on my chest some nights since they slept best almost upright. IT is a tough road in the beginning. no sugar coating that! The rough part is short, relatively speaking so hang in there and know that you can vent to us ANY TIME!!
  5. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    I feel so bad for you. You WILL get through this, like you said, they are already sleeping longer stretches. A PP mentioned Colic Tablets, they worked wonders for us. You could find them at most health food stores. Maybe you could ask your family for a little help during those hard hours in the evening?

    Do something nice for yourself! You deserve it.

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