How surprised were you to find out you were having twins?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jjzollman, Aug 24, 2008.


How surprised were you?

  1. Totally shocked!

    0 vote(s)
  2. A little surprised

    0 vote(s)
  3. Anticipated having twins

    0 vote(s)
  4. Knew we were having twins

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. gusnlilysmom

    gusnlilysmom Active Member

    I would have voted "still shocked and they're a month old"!

    We were assured at our 10 week ultrasound at the OB's office that there was one baby. When we went for our NT scan at 13 weeks at the MFM, the tech just assumed we knew it was twins since we'd already had an ultrasound. To say the least, we were more than a little shocked.
  2. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Heres my story. When i thought i was pregnant i did 3 pregnancy tests the first one was negative the second was inconclusive (WTH!!) and then the third one was positive. When i told one of my friends at work she was like the only other person i know who had an inconslusive pregnancy test went on to have twins. I was like oh shut up im not having twins but little did i know i was having twins lol. We went for my ultrasound and I was lying on the U/S table and i was holding my dp hand. The tech is going look theres your baby and we were both in awe of this little baby on the screen. Then she goes onto say is there twins in your family? I turned round and said what you have to be joking me and she went no theres two in there! I started to cry out of happieness and holy s**t im having twins. My partner dropped my hand went 7 shades of white and didnt speak for about an hour after!! I have never seen him scared!! x
  3. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    I guess I should have put totally shocked but I did have a bit of an inkling only because we had an u/s at 6 weeks where they showed one sac, then when I went to my Dr. at 10w she said oh we have to get you back in for an u/s right away there were two sacs but one was non viable and we want to make sure its resorbing. Honstly from then on I was pretty sure there would be two babies.

    When we went for the u/s the tech was looking and looking and finally I said you do see a baby right? And she said well I see BABIES! I was very happy and cried tears of joy, the fear didn't set in for a couple of days.

    My husband is a twin and he was floored but so so happy he always would say oh twins are the way to go why would people not want twins!! Well his wish came true.

    My parents were shocked and just kept saying OMG OMG. My in-laws were over the moon and crying for days! Since they had had twins themselves and always considered it a true blessing they were just so happy to be grandparents of twins as well.

  4. suzrod

    suzrod Well-Known Member

    I was completely shocked. I went to my 2nd ob/gyn appointment at 10 weeks. My doctor (who is an ID twin) was teasing me and said "let's go do an u/s and see how many babies are in there." I just laughed. I volunteer at a Pregnancy Resource Center in my area and I was an u/s "model" when I was 7 weeks pregnant. I have the picture and there is only 1 baby visible. So, I'm lying there as my doctor is doing the u/s and he's frowning looking at the screen. I was so scared...I was thinking something was wrong with my baby. Finally he told me, "I see 2 babies." Immediately I thought he was kidding. Turns out he wasn't. I was so shocked, I felt dizzy. After I called my husband at work, I started calling all our family members to tell them. I was blessed with a great pregnancy and my girls are nothing but joy!
  5. BeckiAllen1130

    BeckiAllen1130 Well-Known Member

    I was SHOCKED!!!
    I had an early miscarriage about 6 months before we got pregnant with the girls. I had major spotting with them & b/c of my previous miscarriage they brought me in for early u/s around 4 weeks. They couldn't see anything (I think they just wanted to make sure it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy!) so they had me make an appointment for 5 weeks.

    At my 4 week appt, the u/s nurse couldn't find one of my ovaries, so at the 5 week appt, I saw something on the screen (2 black dots) and I actually KNEW right away what it was, but thinking (& hoping) that I was wrong, I asked if that was my ovary. She laughed and said no & then she asked if I was ready for a surprise. Right then & there I knew I was right, I was having twins!!! So she told me it was twins & was just in shock the rest of the appointment. Twins don't run in my family & I NEVER ever thought I would have twins, it just never crossed my mind.

    So anyway, my husband wasn't at the appointment with me, I called him at work & told him that they found something at the u/s. Right away he was worried it was another miscarriage, but I told him it was TWINS!!!! He was SO excited and told everyone at work that we were having twins.

    I was freaked out for the first couple weeks after I found out. I was worried enough about another miscarriage after my previous one, so having 2 babies to worry about made everything worse!!! It took a couple of weeks/months & I got used to the idea, but it sure was shocking!!
  6. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    totally shocked here!
    i had miscarried 6 months before, just fyi.
    dh said right away, "i think it's twins. we're having twins." i was like, "whatever." we both wanted twins so badly, i've wanted twins since i was a little girl!
    so i meet my new doc for the first time and i'm all, "my husband thinks it's twins, but we have like a 3%chance of having twins. no twins run in my family." my doc said, "you're not having twins. trust me, you don't even WANT twins!" then she took me to the OLD u/s computer to prove to me that i'm not having twins (dh was not there). we saw just one fluttering bean. but the screen was so botched cuz the computer was old, so she took me to the u/s tech since she was available, so i could see the "bean" better. the u/s tech said, "there... oh... there are two here..." i started crying and laughing, and my doctor said, "you gotta be sh***in' me!" i was smiling and saying "oh my G**" the whole way home, and then told dh to come see our u/s pic, and that's wen he saw it was twins, and he screamed for joy!
    i'll never forget that day :)
    i called my mom to tell her, adn she was in a store, trying not to scream lol she just started crying right there haha
  7. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    After 9yr of TTC, we finally did IVF/ICSI. We tx'ed 2 embies, as that was all our clinic would allow. 2 weeks later I POAS and it was a postive. By blood test the next day came back high, so 2 weeks later (8w now) I had an ultrasound. The tech found two heartbeats, 2 sacs. I cried all the way to hubby's work to tell him. I took a copy of the u/s pics with me. I was so stunned waiting to talk to hubby in the bank he works at, he thought I was bringing bad news to him. When he was available, I asked him if he wanted to see a pic of his son or daughter? He said sure and everyone cheered. Then I said "Well, how about a pic of your son AND daughter" and with a flourish put the pic down showing both sacs! He was so excited, all his co-workers at the bank saying TWINS!!

    When I called my family out west, my Mom cheered on the phone, my sisters cried and my 11yr old son was very surprised. Best news I could give the family
  8. bray64015

    bray64015 Well-Known Member

    I do have to share this.......dh and I were trying for just one more to add to the two we already we had and when we told my 4yr ds that we were having a baby he said mommy no your having two babies (ha ha) the young mind! We actually thought I might be having another eptopic pregnancy with the cramping and bleeding I was having so we went in for an early US and the tech said I sure don't see any problems but I do see twins :eek:
    I said you have got to be #^*$! kidding me. I took my ds and bought a lottery ticket (lol I really didn't but it did cross my mind). After walking out calling everyone and them telling my I was lying sack of $%*# and it taking the US pictures to prove my innocence my MIL said oh by the way there are twins all over this side of the family....oh really thanks for sharing!!! I think that should be posted somewhere on a birth certificate possible twins beware, not that it would have changed our mind but it would have been nice to know going in.
  9. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I voted anticipated because we did IVF but that being said - the ACTUAL thought of having twins was so AWESOME!! I never in a million years would have EVER imagined being SO lucky!!!!!! so even though I anticipated them, I was totally shocked - I remember sitting here on this very couch getting that call - they told me my beta numbers were very high - not only was I pregnant but probably with multiples!!! a few weeks later I went for the ultrasound and when they showed me both little hearts beating away I was SO HAPPY!!!! how did little ole me get so lucky???? I could not get the grin off of my face for weeks!!! sometimes I still can't!! .......and after 3 boys to find out they were girls PRICELESS!!!!! :D :D
  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was totally shocked. Did not see that one coming at all!
    I have PCOS, so TTC was difficult. After confirming that I definitely had PCOS, the doctor put me on Clomid (the lowest dose, I think, 50mg?). I remember her explaining that there was a 10% of multiples using Clomid. I remember thinking, "Well, we're having enough trouble having one, I am not worried about multiples. What's 10% chance?"
    Zoom ahead to a month later, I turned up pregnant after one round of Clomid. I saw the OB for the first time at 8 weeks and had an U/S at 9 weeks to confirm the due date.
    The U/S tech said, "Guys there's two in here!"
    I said, "Really?" I thought she was looking at my ovaries and thinking, well there better be two! Then she began to show us the two sacs, two babies who looked like blobs at the time. I just did my nervous laugh, kind of a dorky "huh-huh". I did not know what to say, I was so stunned. DH was white as chalk and looked like he was going to pass out.
    By the time we left the office, we were still shocked. I called my Mom who sobbed happy tears on the phone, she said she did not think she did a lick of work that day.
    Once the shock wore off, we were excited and nervous at the same time. I never thought in a million years that we would have twins at all!!!!
  11. the4bears

    the4bears Member

    I have to say, I was both shocked and anticipated it all at the same time... My DH and I tried for 4 years w/4 mc... and couldn't figure out why.. in 4 years I only got pregnant 4 times, and in the 4 times never had a healthy baby... I went to the fertility specialist.. who put me on clomid, lowest dosage....and he said... there's no chance that you'll be able to have a baby... bacause I have PCOS and Endometriosis, and MAJOR SCAR TISSUE, well, within' 2 1/2 wks. had + preg.tests. went into the clinic at 4 wks. 1 day.. and said they said just because your 1 day late doesn't mean your pregnant, and I told them about the + at home... and blah blah blah... well needless to say it was + and bold, dark and beautiful, went in about 5 wks. for a exam, and with the exam he said I think they maybe more than one, becuz' your measuring 11 wks.. but couldn't tell until 7wks.... went back to the fertility dr. at 7wks. had a vaginal u/s... and BAM!!! TRIPLETS!!! My Husband could acutally see the "discs" he called them... before the tech. could even see them! I was in total dismay! We got to hear all three heartbeats ... and all my DH could say was.. OMG! we need a van... OMG!!! we need a van... over and over all the way home... no one believed me of course... so I had to take them the u/s pic... to let them see... but unfortunately I lost one angel at 10wks... but these to bruiser boys are all very healthy and more than I could ever dream of!
  12. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    We had been trying for a while and I had already had 2 miscarriages when I got pg again. I started having extremely painful cramps so my mom rushed me to my specialist for my 1st u/s . He immediately announced twins. I was in absolute shock since clomid had such a low chance of multiples. I cried the whole way home because I was so scared and I knew DH won't be happy - I had to talk him into having 1 child! It took me a couple weeks to adjust to the idea, but I was feeling better about it. At 10 weeks, I felt like I kept peeing my pants so I went back to the doctor and discovered one of the babies had passed away. It was such an odd experience because I was sad about one of the babies, but so thankful the other one was ok. The rest of the pg was without complications and my DD was born healthy. A couple years later I started begging for one more child. DH finally gave it, but refused to use any fertility drugs. He said we would get pg if it was meant to be. Two months later I got pg again. I honestly expected to have another miscarriage since we had had so many before my DD. Once again, my mom took me to the doctor. I saw the 2 sacs long before the doctor opened his mouth. I couldn't believe it since twins did not run in our families. I cried the whole way home again and for the next month because I didn't think we could handle it mentally or physically. Then one day, DH sat me down and promised that we would be o.k. and we could do this. (I think I always knew this, but I really needed DH to believe it too.) The rest is history. We have 3 beautiful little girls and I am absolutely in love with having twins. It has been the most amazing experience watching the two of them and I'm so sad my older DD never got to experience having her twin. I guess twins were in our future!
  13. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    I was totally floored-

    I had just had a baby about 5 months prior (still BF'ing exclusively-no periods yet and had just stopped taking my progesterone BC pills because of the side effects) so when I found out I was pregnant i was very emotional to say the least. Our daughter was a difficult baby, always needed to be held. colicky, not sleeping much so I was very overwhelmed at the time. After a 3 day bout with the "stomach flu"my DH suggested that I take a pregnancy test, so when I went to the store to pick up some gatorade for my tummy troubles I bought one. I should've know something was up because as soon as I peed on the pregnancy test it showed positive with a VERY dark line. My Ob couldn't get me in for about a month or so so we figured we would be toward the end of our first trimester. When we went to the OB I asked the nurse to do another test just to be sure I was still pregnant and lo and behold she was like "OMG you are DEFINATELY pregnant." Since we had no idea when we conceived my OB did a quick u/s for a due date and as she put the transducer on my pelvis I saw a quick view of 2 circles. Immediately I thought "I have a growth or tumor in there with the baby" and my heart jumped. I became even more nervous when my OB was being so quiet. Finally she broke the silence and said" Ok I am gonna show you something that I suspected but just now confirmed..." My heart stopped and I thought TUMOR for sure!!! Then she said "here is one baby and.." before she even got out here is the other I started crying and saying how am I gonna take care of 3 babies?? My husband was elated, grinning from ear to ear saying that it would be fine. He was so excited. In fact during our last pregnancy he was disappointed when during the u/s they only saw one baby and he kept asking the tech "are you sure there isn't another one in there?" My OB looked at him and said "be careful what you wish for buddy :) " By the end of the appt I was over the initial shock and was happy to hear that both babies were looking good and measuring the same at 10 weeks. :banana: Eventually as my other baby began to sleep through the night, got over the colic etc I was even more excited about having twin boys. Now I just can't wait to meet them.
  14. jillangel

    jillangel Well-Known Member

    Pretty big wonderful surprise. I miscarried a few months before and stupid me when I had seen only one on the sonogram I was disappointed because I wanted twins I didn't realize there was no heartbeat. Then I was just so set on getting pregnant that I was just thankful to have one. Now I have to admit I was eating yams etc. because I read in Nigeria they have a high rate of twinning because of yams. I was already pregnant and didn't know it. I had two sonograms and we still only saw one yet I'd get on the internet and look up everything still trying to see if there was any chance of having two with one hiding. Finally by my 3rd sonogram I had given up and was just happy to have one healthy heartbeat and there were two babies clear as day. I could have fallen off the table and I was so happy I was delirious. DH didn't go to the dr. because it was his first day at a new job. I drove all the way to his new job to show him the ultrasound pic. He said he could have seen it when he came home. I said -no you need to see this now. Here is one baby (pause) he just stared at me then I said here's the other baby. He was floored had to go sit down. Luckily he had finished eating. After the shock wore off he was just as excited.
  15. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    I honestly would have been more surprised if they hadn't been twins. :)

    We went in for a "confirmation of IUP" at 6 weeks, and I had been teasing my husband since we found out I was pregnant that we would be having twins. The night before the ultrasound, I kept showing him ultrasound images of twins on the net. When we went into the appointment, the tech had the screen facing away from me, but where Mark could see it. When he started laughing, I knew I was right. :)

    I was so, so much more surprised to find out they were both boys than I was to be having twins. Seriously.
  16. Angel79

    Angel79 Member

    My husband and I had 2 Boys already, Dylan who is now 11 and Reagan who is almost 8. We tried to have a 3rd for 4 years. I fell pregnant once in this time and lost the bub at almost 13 weeks. It was horrible and I had a lot of problems after but I thought I have fallen pregnant before so I can do it again.

    My best friend came over one day and was "late" and as I had some tests laying around I made her take one and yes she was pregnant. A week later her sister (another close friend of mine) walked in and informed me she was pregnant as well. At that point all I wanted was to be pregnant with them. 5 weeks latrt I found out I was pregnant. It was the best thing ever, but after what had happened last time I was very nervous over the whole thing. I would joke with my friends right before they had their scans that they would be having twins.

    I went for my 12 week scan with my mum (hubby had to work and mum didn't want me going alone after what happened last time) So I layed down holding me breath cause all I wanted to see was a little heart beat. The U/S tech put the thing on me belly and pulled it off straight away and said "I thought that was the case. The blood tests told me as well" (All I thought was there was something wrong with my baby) She then said "There are two in there" the first thought was that my friends had rung her and paid her to say this after me picking on them about it. But she then showed me both of them, she got another U/S tech in to confirm they were ID twins in different sacks. My mum stood there and cried and I was just that shocked I didn't know what to do. I rang hubby as soon as I got out and he was thrilled to pieces. My best friends thought it was the funniest thing out after me telling them they were having twins lol.

    My girls are ID they had the test done on the placenta when they were born, and I feel like I am the luckiest person around to be blessed with twins. My family is now complete and I couldn't be happier no matter how hectic things get.
  17. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    I voted total shock!!

    DF and I went to a dr's appointment about 6 weeks, and she had the monitor out to check the heartbeat, but after feeling my stomach, put it away and arranged for us to have an u/s the next day. I was a little concerned at that point, but more so that I had a m/c, as this was exactly what happened with my first m/c. I sat up quick when she said that and started crying saying "I lost it didn't I??? JUST TELL ME!!" She just smiled and said, no, actually I think you are farther than we think.

    So the next day, we went in for the u/s, my mom was with us and my lil sis. As I was laying down on the table, She was moving the wand over my stomach looking back and forth from me and DF looking VERY nervous. Again, I started crying and said Is it there??? She said "Ummmm, yes, but do you see it???" I said no ehat?? Um.... theres two...its twins.... I sat right up and said what?? I worked at that hospital so I wanted to know who put her up to it!!! lol She just said she couldn't joke about that, and wouldn't anyway!! It really was twins!! Seperate sacs, one placenta.... identicals...

    No one ( other than my mom, and a friend I saw in the hospital and showed the u/s pics to) believed it!! I don't know how many people saw the friends series finale, but the birth mother (Anna Farris) says when asked if anyone told her it was twins, "Well they said both heartbeats we're really strong, but I thought that was just me and the baby. I thought that's good cuz I'm having a baby!" Well anyways, we watched that the night before, and when Jay called his mom and said both heartbeats are really strong, his mom laughed and said, yeah Jay, Shan's and the baby..... I had to get on the phone, because she knew I wouldn't lie to her!! lol

  18. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Well.. I'm kind of a special case..

    I knew I had a GIgantic chance of having twins since I did IVF and transferred TWO embryos..

    However, I was SHOCKED as can be to see that one split and i was having IDENTICAL TWINS!!

    I'm soo happy but YES shocked is right!
  19. ceb023

    ceb023 Well-Known Member

    Totally shocked. I went in for my first OB visit at 6 wks to confirm the pregnancy. They couldn't find a heartbeat with the doppler so they decided to do an ultrasound. The ultrasound tech started moving the wand around my belly and here's how the conversation went...

    Me: "Can you find a heartbeat?"
    Tech: "Oh yes."
    Me: "Really? Thank God."
    Tech: "There's actually two heartbeats."
    Me: "What?? Two??? MY BABY HAS TWO HEARTS?"
    Tech (who almost falls out of the chair laughing): "No, two heartbeats means two babies... it's twins!"
    Me: silence.
    Dh: "Haa! I knew it!"
    Me (to dh): "What do you mean you knew it?? What did you know? And if you knew IT, why didn't you tell me??!!"

    He later said he had thought it might be twins when I took the home pregnancy test because the positive line showed up so fast. <_< We were in shock for a long time. I remember the car ride home was full up crying and laughing and shaking and calling family members. As soon as I got home I got on the internet and typed in "pregnant with twins" to my yahoo search engine. That led me to Twinstuff and I've been hooked since.

  20. hikerkira

    hikerkira Well-Known Member

    I was shocked to put it mildly. I went in at 9 weeks to hear the heartbeat but the Dr couldn't get it so in order not to worry me she did an u/s. First it was just on my belly but after about 3 seconds the operator said maybe we better to this one vaginally. I was so scared! She got the stick in and said, yep I was right! There are 2! I started shaking and kept saying "Oh my gosh!" and "No way!" It looked like they were in the same sac so I was really high risk, knew they were ID, but eventually the peri found the line that separated the sacs.

    I went home and called everyone who knew I was pregnant. "I have 2 babies!" My dad was THRILLED! He was a twin, but his brother died at birth.
  21. Gumberly

    Gumberly Well-Known Member

    I had to go in for a ultrasound at 11 weeks because the Nurse practitioner I had to see for my first appointment didn’t believe me when I told her how sick I was feeling. I had been charting and knew within a couple days when I had gotten pregnant yet she was arguing with me saying I couldn’t possible be sick that early in the pregnancy so I went into the ultrasound convinced I was going to prove her wrong (which I did but not the way I planed LOL).
    By the time I got to go into the room for the ultrasound I had to pee so badly I could hardly stand it so I was staring at the ceiling trying to think about anything but peeing when I heard my husband gasp. I looked at the screen right as the ultrasound tech said “do twins run in your family”. I said (still completely focused on the peeing issue) “my bio father was a twin why” to which she responded “well here’s baby A and here’s baby B”. I looked at my DH and he looked like he was going to hit the floor. I was so shocked I just looked at the screen in complete shock (totally for got about having to pee).
    The really ironic part is I had been teasing my friend who was going to start taking clomed (spelling?) that she was going to end up having twins and here I was with twins. We still laugh about it. She says the twins where her could luck charm because a couple weeks after I found out I was having twins she found out she was pregnant
  22. ejradcliffe

    ejradcliffe Well-Known Member

    Total, complete shock... still hasn't worn off and they are 9 months old!!

    I also had an early ultrasound b/c of a previous m/c. We had two kids already and I had to convince DH to go for a third. I actually said to him "what's the big deal... going from 2 to 3 isn't going to be a problem." I went for the u/s by myself b/c I figured it was just routine and I was trying not to get my hopes up that early in the pregnancy b/c of the m/c. I was anxious that they would just see a heartbeat and good measurements. When the tech said there are two I didn't believe her... I kind of freaked out (good to see reading these posts that I'm not the only one!). I didn't start crying, just kept saying "no way, you're kidding, no way." I think the tech thought I was going to really freak out b/c when the nurse came in to ask a question she made her stay. I finally cried on the way home and alternated between that and nervous, crazy laughter. My DH had just been laid off 2 week earlier... when I got home and showed him the u/s pic I prefaced it by saying "we just have to laugh, b/c if we don't we're both going to end up in the loony bin" He saw right away that there were two on the pic. We didn't tell anyone I was pregnant and it was twins til I was almost 10 weeks, and then only my parents and sisters...I needed a lot of time to digest it. We didn't start sharing the news with everyone until after we had a 12 week level 2 ultrasound. I kept thinking it wasn't real and was afraid to get excited b/c I had had the previous m/c at 11 1/2 weeks. We didn't tell the older kids until after the 18 week u/s when we found out it was a boy and a girl.

    Everyone we told was also shocked... my Mom said she'd pray for us! I still find it sort of surreal... I never pictured myself having four kids. Sometimes I look at the babies and wonder how the heck this happened!! As I read somewhere once, the days are long but the years are short... I try to remember that as I spend my days trying to give everyone the attention they need... life is very crazy right now but we are truly blessed!
  23. brlowe

    brlowe Well-Known Member

    We were totally shocked! We had been TTC #2 for 16 months, my periods were all messed up so I went to my OB. She put me on BC pill for a month to hopefully "shock" my system into some regularity. So I was on BC for one month and I remember thinking, "I hope this works, I don't want to do fertility treatments." So my DH was being so sweet and knew that all of this TTC was stressing me out, so he whisked me away to a romantic weekend at the beach. I was spotting during our romantic weekend, not a lot, but some. I just figured that my periods were still going to be all screwed up. So we came home and I still spotted off and on for about a week, but never really had my normal heavy period. So on Easter Sunday, I decided to take a pregnancy test just to see. Of course my DH was at work, but I just "knew" it would turn up negative like all the others. So I took the test and before I could get my hands washed it was a VERY dark positive. I was so excited and started crying. I wanted to call DH and tell him, but I wanted to tell him in person. So, DS and I got ready for church all the while I'm trying not to burst to tell someone. So, DH got done working a little early and met us at church, I had wrapped the test in a box for his Easter present. So, I told him that I had something to give him, to come out to the car. He opens it, totally mad at me for getting him a present, and then doesn't see it. He says, there's nothing in here and kind of slings the box. Well, then my test falls out on the ground and he picks it up and sees it. He was so excited! We just hugged and kissed, it was so sweet. Then we went back into church and he tells everyone!

    I had e-mailed one of my good friends and told her that I finally got a positive test, but was spotting. She said the same thing happened to her when she was pregnant with her twins. She said, maybe its twins. I remember thinking, yeah right, it's taken me this long to get pg with one, no way am I having 2!

    Ok, so the next day, I was at work and decided to call my OB to make my first appt. and told the nurse I was spotting. They wanted to see me immediately, so I went in that day. They did an u/s, but you could only see a little black hole. They did bloodwork and said everything looked fine, but wanted to see me back in a week to check again. Well, I kept spotting and it got worse 2 days later, so I called again and my OB wanted to see me again. She said really the only thing she could do was bloodwork again to make sure my #s were increasing. So, she called me that afternoon and said my #s were up, but not a lot. That weekend I drove 5 hours to see my best friend and was feeling better. I had stopped spotting, but started again on Sunday evening and it was HEAVY. My u/s appt was the next day and it seemed like forever to get here. I was so upset, I just knew that I had lost the baby. I kept crying and crying. My DH kept telling me everything was going to be fine. So the nurse calls us back and I couldn't even talk to her because I was so upset. So my OB does the u/s to see what was going on. As soon as she put the wand in, I saw my one little perfect white dot. I was so happy! Then, she said...OH. and I thought something was wrong. She said, "Here's another one." What? Are you sure? I looked over at DH and his mouth was about to drag the floor! I didn't know what to say. I had gone from thinking I didn't have a baby at all to finding out I had 2! Talk about an emotional roller coaster! We were excited and scared and nervous, but knew everything would be fine! My mom and MIL couldn't believe it, but were so excited. And now we have our beautiful little girls. I still can't believe it and look at them in awe every day.

    I e-mailed my friend back and told her she jinxed me that I too was having twins. She was so excited! :p
  24. Queen of Carrots

    Queen of Carrots Well-Known Member

    We were a little surprised. We'd always thought maybe we'd have twins someday--my mom had a twin pregnancy although she lost one--and even picked out twin names from time to time. I said I'd do it when my oldest was ten.

    The first trimester was absolutely horrible, which sort of made me wonder. But when I finally made it in to a doctor, they never said anything about it. Then I started to feel movement and it seemed different than my previous pregnancies. DH and I were discussing whether I should get the routine 20-week ultrasound, which I had not done in the past. "I just need to know it's not twins," I said. "No way are you having twins," he said, "You're not big enough."

    But he had had a dream the weekend before that I called him up to tell him it was twins and he started shopping for a minivan.

    So I went in and got the ultrasound. The technician very calmly said, "You have two babies." All I could think of was, "How am I going to take care of four kids under four?" I called up DH and told him it was time to go shopping for a minivan. He thought I'd wrecked the car.

    Now we talk about having another set of twins someday. Maybe when our oldest is ten . . .
  25. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    ooh i love hearing the twin story! i never get tired of telling ours :lol:
    It took me a year to convince DH after so many oopsies with condoms i just told him "just one more" then we can get you fixed:) We had 2 boys already and i really wanted to try for that girl:) It only took a month til i got pg and sadly mc that pg. The next month i got pg again! I didnt go crazy on buying HPT like i did the month before; i bought one pack of FRE thinking the odds of it being ++ was highly unlikely; This was the day after my bday nite of me chain drinking cosmo's and eating dorotios! As soon as i peed on the stick it came up +++ and super dark too! i was shocked not due for another 3 days yet--So happy and feeling very crampy. At 6 wks i started to bleed and thought i was mc again so my GP sent me for a U/s. Thinking the worst i go in there and the tech doesnt say anything to me for 10 mins so now im thinking ok no baby; she turns the screen around and i sit up and say "the baby's ok?" she chuckles and i ask her why there are 2 sacs? she laughs and tells me because there are 2 babies! I nearly fell off the table! I called my MIL from the waiting room and sceamed its twins! everyone looks at me and laughs congratulations!
    My 2nd thought was oh shoot my husband is going to kill me! I decided the drive home when he picked me up from the appt was the WORST time :lol: i told him when we went for a coffee and yep it took him months to get use to the idea of 4 kids! its still unreal when we say we have 2 boys and twin girls!
  26. chris629

    chris629 Well-Known Member

    Totally shocked! I had a singleton, I was adopted so I have no clue what runs in my family but I guess I just never expected twins. Now I am kind of freaked out about what would happen next time around. lol!
  27. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    It was a total shock! There are no twins in my family but DH's brother has ID girls that are 19 now-I know this doesn't play into our having twins, but it is kinda funny because DH was always so glad that it was his brother who had twins( I think children in general lol) and not him. I had no clues that would suggest I was having twins. It took me several days after my period was due to test positive. There was only one heartbeat to be heard-though it was always easy to find lol. I measured small or right on target. We went to our first ultrasound a few days shy of 20 weeks hoping to find out the gender of the baby. The tech started moving the wand over my belly and I noticed DH was looking at the screen with a confused expression. The tech then asked, "Do twins run in your family?" Of course, I knew the only reason she would ask that was because I was having twins. DH and I both cried out of shock. My mom screamed when we told her-she had always said how glad she was that my niece didn't have a twin since she was so active etc and mom couldn't imagine two of her. It took a while to get used to the idea-I had just started worrying tons about how DH would take care of ONE baby and now there were going to be two of them! I didn't know how he'd handle it-we'd been to a meet the baby party and DH had been so awkward holding the baby. The girls are awesome and I am so glad about how things worked out in the end, but there were some rough "what if" and "why me" days for a while.
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