How old were your kiddos when they grasped the concept

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Chillers, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    We tried this with grilled cheese yesterday. I cut the sandwich into 8ths and gave them that so the pieces weren't huge, but definitely way bigger than the 1/2 inch cubes they're used too! :lol:

    They initially had no idea, then were able to take a bite, and seemed like they got it, but then the remaining piece was big enough to stuff into their mouths and we had one slightly scary moment of potential choking :eek:

    (we also tried spoons for yogurt and that was really messy!:p )

    All in all, lunch yesterday was an experiment!

    So, how old were your kiddos?
  2. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Well I still broke up their food until about 18 months or so everytime I didn't they would choke ...I started to give them half of a half of sandwich at about 18 months but I would still break up things like hot dogs, burgers. Within the last two months they eat a whole half of a sandwhich with out splitting it or breaking into pieces.
  3. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Just this month my boys learned how to bite big pieces.
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    My dd got the hang of it around 15ish months, with my ds we are still working on it. He seems to always try and stuff the whole piece in his mouth and then he needs me to remind him how to bite pieces off. :rolleyes: Good luck with your experiments!
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I think around 16-18 months. I cut the sandwich in quarters, but they still usually dismantle their sandwiches before eating. I do cut things like pancakes, toast, waffles, in half just to make it more manageable.
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I'd say 17-18 months. They were okay with quartered grilled cheese prior to that, but sometimes they just refused to eat it without cutting it into small bites. Now though, sometimes they get mad if you do cut it! Toddlers. ;)

    Keep trying the spoon, practice makes perfect on that. Mine are now officially really good with the spoon and mastering the fork too.
  7. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I'd say around 18 months. Before that, mine just stared at whatever item was on their tray and threw it. They wouldn't bite with their front teeth.

    Now, they bite, but sometimes get too big of a bite!
  8. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Ummmm...mine still need everything cute at 32 months!!! Argh!
  9. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys!

    Good too see that we're on track!

    I'm just really anxious to move onto all 'grown up' food (we still do between 1/3 and 1/2 jarred/toddler meals, depending on the day!). *I* get bored at meal time, iykwim (they don't seem to care)! And personally, I'm more of a grazer, so this whole figuring out what to eat for 3 squares a day is throwing me!
  10. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    i started sandwiches around a yr old, but at first Alexis esp liked to dissect it: eat everything separately.

    that phase seemed to last for 6-8 months. Then I knew she could do it correctly and encouraged her to use proper manners etc. praised her... etc.

    now Alexis wants her frozen pizza slice (big) or (whole). but Rachel wants her cut (in tiny pieces)
  11. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    sometime inbetween 12-15 months. They have been having 1/4 sandwiches for a long time now. In the beginning I would 1/4 it and give each one large piece and tear up the other two into bite sized pieces, that way they had the choice.

    Mine are good with a fork, but still fling food with a spoon :rolleyes:
  12. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    Mine are 19 months old and I still cut up everything into bite-size pieces. Otherwise they will stuff the entire thing in their mouth, and I am not willing to risk choking, and don't want to clean up vomit.
    I figure they will learn eventually so I am in no rush. (And yes, I still do alot of Stage 3 foods, too!!)
  13. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We started sandwichs around 12 - 13 months... I still don't trust them with mushy food, it is usually tossed all over!
  14. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    my one dd was able to eat halved sandwhiches at about 18 months. her sisiter however still can't handle it. She starts to take the whole thing apart and it's a big moosh fest so I generally will cut hers into 4 squares or 4 triangles and depending on what's in the sandwhich, sometimes I still have to cube it because she doesn't really chew her food well. However, if I hold the halved sandwhich for her, she will eat it that way.
  15. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    My girls figured it out sometime between 14-15 months. We're still working on the spoons and forks, they're having issues with getting the food on their utensils. Just keep at it, they'll figure it out! :)
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