Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by haileysmomplus2, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. haileysmomplus2

    haileysmomplus2 Well-Known Member

    I am a MESS! And that is putting it lightly!!! I have had random periods since they started about a year ago!! One month there will be a 2 week build-up with hormone rages, moddiness, sheer exhaustion and pain, folowed by a 2-day period. The next month, no warning and a normal period!!! Then, about September, exhaustion took over and really set in, to the point that the first week of Dec I got strep throat!!! As a result of the antibiotics, I had a major yeast issue. Upon researching that further, I think I have had an issue with that for quite some time!!!!!!!!!!!!! The research also shows that hormones can cause the yeast build-up! What am I to do?!?!?! I have several friends that have had twins and their doctors have put them on the pill and it has not helped. I took the pill for the first 6 months of our marriage, it does not agree with my body at all!!! I do have a drs appt in Feb, but has anyone else dealt with this issue or anything similar after having their twins?? One of my friends hormones are so off that she actually tests pregnant even though she is not!!! What crazy things this twin thing does to your body!!!!!! [​IMG] My babies are almost 2!!!!!!!!!!! Give me a break!!
    Sorry, for ranting but I have litterally been DOWN FOR THE COUNT for about 8 weeks, my house has gone to pot (so much so that I cancelled the house cleaner Monday, because there was not a single room she chould get to!!) and my friends are so worried about me that 2 different ones came over to help me today!!!! It is a little rediculous!!

    Oh, I also got a tubal when the babies were born (They said our chances of conceiving triplets again was about 90%), does that make any difference?!?!?!?
    Thanks for the input!!
    Monica [​IMG]
  2. haileysmomplus2

    haileysmomplus2 Well-Known Member

    I am a MESS! And that is putting it lightly!!! I have had random periods since they started about a year ago!! One month there will be a 2 week build-up with hormone rages, moddiness, sheer exhaustion and pain, folowed by a 2-day period. The next month, no warning and a normal period!!! Then, about September, exhaustion took over and really set in, to the point that the first week of Dec I got strep throat!!! As a result of the antibiotics, I had a major yeast issue. Upon researching that further, I think I have had an issue with that for quite some time!!!!!!!!!!!!! The research also shows that hormones can cause the yeast build-up! What am I to do?!?!?! I have several friends that have had twins and their doctors have put them on the pill and it has not helped. I took the pill for the first 6 months of our marriage, it does not agree with my body at all!!! I do have a drs appt in Feb, but has anyone else dealt with this issue or anything similar after having their twins?? One of my friends hormones are so off that she actually tests pregnant even though she is not!!! What crazy things this twin thing does to your body!!!!!! [​IMG] My babies are almost 2!!!!!!!!!!! Give me a break!!
    Sorry, for ranting but I have litterally been DOWN FOR THE COUNT for about 8 weeks, my house has gone to pot (so much so that I cancelled the house cleaner Monday, because there was not a single room she chould get to!!) and my friends are so worried about me that 2 different ones came over to help me today!!!! It is a little rediculous!!

    Oh, I also got a tubal when the babies were born (They said our chances of conceiving triplets again was about 90%), does that make any difference?!?!?!?
    Thanks for the input!!
    Monica [​IMG]
  3. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Girl, I feel your pain!!!!! I'm still not right and my hormones have been raging worse than they did when I was pregnant. I never know when my cycle will show up and I used to be like clockwork. I swear I'm going into early menopause. Does it really take this long to get the old me back? Who knows!!!! [​IMG]

  4. AKD

    AKD Well-Known Member

    I never got back to the old me. After my C-Section, I developed Asherman's Syndrome which makes it impossible for me to carry children, or have a period which has cause endometriosis. My hormones were really out of whack for about two years. The only thing that has regulated them, as well as the pain, has been birth control pills. I know you said they don't agree with you, but I had to try about 3 different perscriptions before finding one that worked well with my body. I still have the terrible moodiness once a month, but it would probably be worse if I was taking nothing at all. I hope you can find something that helps.
  5. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I am finally what I'd consider normal after the boys birth. I am on my 5th (or is it 6th) type of birth control pill. And this one works, no hormonal rages, no spot bleeding throughout the month.

    I had a tubal as well, but my body doesn't make the hormones it needs for me to be normal (I have PCOS) so I opted to have BCP's.

    If you've got the patience (it's like a 3 month trial on each one), try the birth control pills again. There are a ton out there to try. And if your pharmacist gives you a generic and it doesn't work, ask for the original, sometimes that makes a difference also.

    I had to go back to the ones that worked for me in college. Maybe your body has changed hormonally enough for it to accept bcp's after the twins.

    Good luck!
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I have not had bad problems, but my hormones still feel out of whack at 14 months PP. I am on BCPs (Seasonale -- the ones where you get a period every 3 months) which I chose mainly because with the regular ones, I was getting terrible migraines the last week of every month. With the Seasonale, I spot for a week during the middle of the third month (and then get my period at the end of it!), but that is better than the migraines. Anyway, just to ditto the advice of trying a few different kinds of BCPs. The different formulations really do work differently.
  7. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    The BC pill could help if you find the right one. I went through a few diff. ones to find the one that worked for me to help with period he** after I lost 100 pounds several years ago. Once I found the right one, the diff. was amazing. The wrong ones brought migraines, no period at all but lots of period symptoms, and one left me an emotional wreck-I'd cry at the drop of the hat.

  8. JeanieM

    JeanieM Well-Known Member

    OH LORDY YES! My cycle and body was all out of whack after my singleton. Actually so much so that I could not get preggy when I wanted to the second time. I would not produce enough progesterone..some months I was borderline in my production and other months I didn't produce much at all. One month of clomid and here I am!
    Anyway, since the twins, yup, back to that wacky cycles. I am on my second BCP and hoping for the best with this one!
  9. ~*Twinmom22*~

    ~*Twinmom22*~ Well-Known Member

    Since the birth of my twins, I tried the birth control patch which made me have all these sharp pains near my heart. After they got so bad I took it off. I was on it for like 8 or 9 months. Since then, I haven't been on anything. And now my periods are like 45 days apart. I know I need to see a doctor, but I don't have any insurance. I can't afford it at my job. They want me to pay one of my paychecks for insurance. That's why i" looking for another job. But all in all, my body is not the same.
  10. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    I'M SO GLAD YOU POSTED THIS! I've been going through the same thing since having the twins. The worst part is I cannot get on BCP because it raises my BP. I feel like a hormonal reck. My periods are not regular, my once smooth skin now looks like a teenagers, ect. I fiqured it was just the stress of having 2 at a time.
  11. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    My hormones haven't really straightened out since the twins were born. I went almost a whole year without af (and not bfing). Then every month my PMS got worse and worse. Now I've been dx with PMDD and am on Paxil. Great stuff. AF still is only sort of regular at 30-40 days, but at least I don't loose my mind every month.

    I have thought about bcp, but I was on a bunch of different ones prior to the twins and they were all awful.
  12. Kathlene

    Kathlene Well-Known Member

    Hi, I was just reading something that sounds similar to this on here the other day. Go back to Jan 9th , in this forum and read tubal ligation syndrome, page 4. HTH.

    Also you may be able to tak the Nuva ring, it admits small doses of hormones only. This can also be safely used if you have hoigh blood pressure. It does not make it raise.
  13. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    Holy crap! I have every one of these symptoms. This is worth looking into. I'm making an appointment. [​IMG]

    Post Tubal Syndrome (PTS) Symptom List
    PTS is an an iatrogenesis condition meaning "doctor-caused" or "doctor produced". Many women suffer PTS after having a tubal ligation.

    The following is a list of symptoms that are associated with post tubal syndrome (PTS).

    PTS is often the result of a rapid decline in estrogen levels due from the blood supply being damaged to the ovaries during the TL surgery. Depending on the damage to the veins and capillaries, blood volume to the ovaries may slightly decrease or can be eliminated completely (isolated ovarian syndrome, common with hysterectomy operations). Many of the symptoms of PTS are associated with having an estrogen/progesterone imbalance.

    Other symptoms, such has heavy painful periods may be caused by a hormonal imbalance, could be caused by adenomyosis (bought on by uterus mussel and tissue being damaged, effected by the TL surgery impairing the blood supply to areas of that organ/mussel) or a combination of both.

    Other theories of PST and the hormonal imbalance that results after a TL is that "target" or "receptor" cells that are important in the relay of hormonal messages are damaged, destroyed, and or removed during the TL surgery. It is derivable that these target or receptor cells are located within the fallopian tube.

    With this in mind, it's possible for a woman to have both her ovaries still functioning to some degree (if blood supply was not damaged), have no major problems with her uterus (again if blood supply was not damaged to that organ), and still be experiencing a PTS in the from of a hormonal imbalance caused by change in her hormonal message relay system.

    1. Eptopic pregnancy or pregnancy (welll known risk of tubals)

    1a.Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes, clammy feeling, chills

    2. Bouts of rapid heart beat

    3. Irritability

    4. Mood swings, sudden tears

    5. Trouble sleeping through the night (with or without night sweats)

    6. Irregular periods; shorter, lighter periods; heavier periods, flooding; phantom periods, shorter cycles, longer cycles

    7. Loss of libido (see note)

    8. Dry vagina (see note)

    8a.Itchy vagina-at time raw like, can radiated from whole area, with absence of yeast infections. (see note)

    8b.Color change in vaginal area. (color gets darker - purple/black)

    9. Crashing fatigue

    10.Anxiety, feeling ill at ease

    11.Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom (see note)

    12.Difficulty concentrating, disorientation, mental confusion

    13.Disturbing memory lapses

    14.Incontinence, especially upon sneezing, laughing; urge incontinence (see note)

    14a.Prolapse of uterus do to rapid decress in estrogen levels.

    15.Itchy, crawly skin (see note)

    16.Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons (see note)

    17.Increased tension in muscles

    18.Breast tenderness

    18a. Decress in breast mass

    19.Headache change: increase or decrease

    20.Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, flatulence, gas pain, nausea

    21.Sudden bouts of bloat

    22.Depression (see note)

    23.Exacerbation of existing conditions

    24.Increase in allergies

    25.Weight gain (see note)

    26.Hair loss or thinning, head, pubic, or whole body; increase in facial hair

    27.Dizziness, light-headedness, episodes of loss of balance

    28.Changes in body odor

    29.Electric "shock" or "stabbing" sensation under the skin.

    30.Tingling in the extremities, (see note)

    31.Gum problems, increased bleeding

    32.Burning tongue, burning roof of mouth, bad taste in mouth, change in breath odor (see notes)

    33.Osteoporosis (after several years)

    34.Changes in fingernails: softer, crack or break easier


    Symptom 1a (flashes) Hot flashes are due to the hypothalamic response to declining ovarian estrogen production. The declining estrogen state induces hypophysiotropic neurons in the arcuate nucleas of the hypothalamus to release gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in a pulsatile fashion, which in turn stimulates release of luteinizing hormone (LH). Extremely high pulses of LH occur during the period of declining estrogen production. The LH has vasodilatory effects, which leads to flushing.

    Symptom 7 (loss of libido) For some women the loss is so great that they actually find sex repulsive, in much the same way as they felt before puberty. What hormones give, loss of hormones can take away.

    Symptom 8 (dry vagina) results in painful intercourse

    Symptom 8a (Itchy and or raw vaninal area) A normal vaginal pH level is around 4.5. A vaginal pH of 6.0 to 7.5 -- in the absence of a vaginal infection (yeast infection)-- indicates low blood estrogen levels and signals that the woman is menopausal. "The vagina (and whole area) becomes more acidic."

    Symptom 11 (doom thoughts) includes thoughts of death, picturing one's own death. Feelings of complete dispare.

    Symptom 14 (incontinence) reflects a general loss of smooth muscle tone

    Symptom 15 (itchy, crawly skin) feeling of ants crawling under the skin, not just dry itchy skin

    Symptom 16 (aching sore joints) may include such problems as carpal tunnel syndrome

    Symptom 22 (depression) different from other depression, the inability to cope is overwhelming. There is a feeling of loss of self. Hormone therapy ameliorates the depression dramatically.

    Symptom 25 (weight gain) often around the waist and thighs, resulting in 'the disappearing waistline'

  14. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    Well, my hormones were out of whack. Doctor switched my bcp from the mini pill to a regular combo pill because I had a 13 day period!!! (It didn't stop until I was on the new pill for 4 days)Yuck!!!

    Anyways, did you know that yeast overgrowth, aka Candida Albicans can be caused from being on the pill and or from having children (along with other causes) It can be the reason for fatigue.
    Here's what I found by doing a search for candidiasis

    In women, yeast infections are the second most common reason for vaginal burning, itching, and discharge. Yeasts are found in the vagina of most women and can overgrow if the environment in the vagina changes. Antibiotic and steroid use is the most common reason for yeast overgrowth. But pregnancy, menstruation, sperm, diabetes, and birth control pills also can contribute to getting a yeast infection. Yeast infections are more common after menopause.
    Also check out this website:

    I've done some research on this topic, and even dieted using the info that I found and lost 50lbs. Anyone want more info, pm me.
  15. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Turns out mine is early menopause.

  16. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I had a lot of very bizarre symptoms last spring after I finished nursing... My gut was that it was hormonal..but my family doc said it wasn't... I had gobs and gobs of tests done..but ultimately things didn't get back to normal until I started back on the pill... unfortunately I started noticing a lot of migraine headaches while I was on it... I came off after just six months and have just had the two most normal months since having the perhaps you could give the pill a try for at least a few months to sort of "reset" and then see what happens when you come off of it??? worked for me... the funny thing for me is that we are now we go again! ugh...
  17. kt7776

    kt7776 Well-Known Member

    I have had many hormonal issues after having the boys. I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago and have always had hormonal problems, but I had things pretty much under control with BCP. After the boys, my old BCP didn't even things out like they used to. If the pill was too low-dose, I had two period per month. If it was any higher of a dose, I turned into a crazy person. I tried all kinds of things, including Nuvaring. I finally have found that taking YAZ (very low dose BCP) continuously has kept everything at a much more balanced level. I skip the inactive pills and go straight to the next pack. My OBGYN has said this is okay. Amazingly, I haven't had any breakthrough bleeding, either.

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