Genetic Testing

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sarawoodside, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. sarawoodside

    sarawoodside Well-Known Member

  2. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    This is going to require an IMMEDIATE DNA test! LOL.

    I need to hear the results the moment you open that letter LMAO!!!!

    I can see why you're soo thoroughly unsure! This is tough but I do think ID now.
    Okay. I am ending it here: for now LOLOL..

    DH and I just watched the slideshow and we are ABSOLUTELY SURE NOW.. IDENTICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's it. THey're ID. Okay. ID. Those pics of profiles and the face they're making.. it's official.

    I know what was tripping me up it's the shape of the head. They are dramatically different but when I cover up everything else.. the faces are identical.

    Okay. :)
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I want to know too :D

    By looking at all the pictures they look more and more ID to me!
  4. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I guessing ID right along with everyone else!
    they are adorable :wub:
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have no idea. After being fooled by the Olsen twins, I really don't know. All I know is that they are super cute!
  6. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    What slideshow? Did I miss it?
  7. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    We've been chatting over PM and she sent me the ultrasound and slideshow.

    Crazy-- can you post it for them, too?? It was VERY helpful!
  8. sarawoodside

    sarawoodside Well-Known Member

  9. twins*2

    twins*2 New Member

    i will have to with fraternal and only because if you look really close Austin has a round face and Landon has a long face. They are absolutely adorable though. If they were in the same sack they would be Identical, but if they were in separate sacks they are Fraternal. If they were identical you wouldn't be able to tell them apart at all. everything about them would be exactly the same. as they get older they may look exactly alike or they may change and you will be able to tell them apart.
  10. sarawoodside

    sarawoodside Well-Known Member

    Oh and just to let everyone know they have the same blood type. I am not sure if that means anything but they do. O+
  11. 4kids4Cat

    4kids4Cat Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Dec 13 2008, 04:17 AM) [snapback]1109308[/snapback]
    We've been chatting over PM and she sent me the ultrasound and slideshow.

    Just curious, ivfbound, are you an ultrasound tech? How do you determine zygosity from a single picture?

    Sara, your babies are adorable. :wub: Only with a DNA test will you know for sure if they are ID or frat.
  12. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    Hee. Heeeheeheeheee. I am gonna say ID, but good grief, I got so caught up in how darn cute they are, I may be wrong. I wanna schnoogle 'em!
  13. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    look id to me
  14. hilly

    hilly Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Mom6 @ Dec 13 2008, 05:06 PM) [snapback]1109474[/snapback]
    i will have to with fraternal and only because if you look really close Austin has a round face and Landon has a long face. They are absolutely adorable though. If they were in the same sack they would be Identical, but if they were in separate sacks they are Fraternal. If they were identical you wouldn't be able to tell them apart at all. everything about them would be exactly the same. as they get older they may look exactly alike or they may change and you will be able to tell them apart.

    Someone correct me if my stats aren't exact but I believe about 30% of twins in separate sacs are identical (mine being in that percentage - DNA testing done). Plus, many ID's don't look exactly alike in the beginning... or ever for that matter, especially to the parents.
  15. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2gherkins @ Dec 13 2008, 02:07 PM) [snapback]1109502[/snapback]
    Just curious, ivfbound, are you an ultrasound tech? How do you determine zygosity from a single picture?

    Sara, your babies are adorable. :wub: Only with a DNA test will you know for sure if they are ID or frat.

    Just curious, 2gherkins, are you with the FBI? Why do you have to say things like this? It's not the first time either. Lighten up and have some fun. We all are! EVERYONE KNOWS I'M NOT A DNA SPECIAL TASK FORCE ULTRASOUND SPECIALIST IDENTICAL FRATERNAL INTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT HEAD DOCTOR OF ZYGOSITY. It's only you that thinks that I'm trying to fool someone. I'm not. We are having fun. There is no harm in this game. Okay?

    I don't want to have to put a disclaimer on everything cuz I am pretty sure everyone knows that it's a fun game to pass the time. If you don't like having fun, skip my posts.

    And if we all need to start posting our resumes on here, let me know. Because at this point, I don't think it's necessary being that we are on TWINSTUFF and not Careerbuilder.

    Sara and I have become friends and we enjoy talking about this. She is the only one I'm worried about checking my credentials at this point. LOL.

  16. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Dec 14 2008, 07:44 AM) [snapback]1109999[/snapback]
    Just curious, 2gherkins, are you with the FBI? Why do you have to say things like this? It's not the first time either. Lighten up and have some fun. We all are! EVERYONE KNOWS I'M NOT A DNA SPECIAL TASK FORCE ULTRASOUND SPECIALIST IDENTICAL FRATERNAL INTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT HEAD DOCTOR OF ZYGOSITY. It's only you that thinks that I'm trying to fool someone. I'm not. We are having fun. There is no harm in this game. Okay?

    Not everyone knows this. Some people who are digging up their old u/s photos for you might think you have some special training. This is a big community and we have to remember that not everyone remembers everything about everyone who posts on here.
  17. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Dec 14 2008, 08:53 AM) [snapback]1110004[/snapback]
    Not everyone knows this. Some people who are digging up their old u/s photos for you might think you have some special training. This is a big community and we have to remember that not everyone remembers everything about everyone who posts on here.

    I understand what you're saying Leighann but for the most part, everyone does know that we are trying to have fun and I know that she does because she has been doing this to me in other posts of mine. This is not the first time. I am dealing with it with her. I'm going to keep it between us.
    Sorry for any confusion :) I'm just joking around too but a bit annoyed with the feeling of being picked on.

    Thanks for the reminder.
  18. sarawoodside

    sarawoodside Well-Known Member

    Just to help with any confusion I knew she wasnt not an u/s tech. She just wanted to see why we were confused on the stats of it since in some u/s you can clearly see the line between them. That was the only reason it even got brought up. I mainly posted this to learn about the genetic testing. Who people used and what their exp. with it was. I also wanted to see if people thought they looked alike since my family has such a hard time telling them apart. I figured that since everyone on here is used to having to look at the differences in their kiddos that I would see if they were as much alike as my family has seemed to have made it or not. Lets all just give each other a big hug!!!! :hug: No hard feelings anyone!!
  19. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(hilly @ Dec 14 2008, 12:17 AM) [snapback]1109868[/snapback]
    Someone correct me if my stats aren't exact but I believe about 30% of twins in separate sacs are identical (mine being in that percentage - DNA testing done). Plus, many ID's don't look exactly alike in the beginning... or ever for that matter, especially to the parents.

    You are correct. My girls were in separate sacs but the OB still tested the placentas to see if they were identical or not. And I was told 20-30%. But yes, you are correct!
  20. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sharerc @ Dec 14 2008, 01:30 PM) [snapback]1110266[/snapback]
    You are correct. My girls were in separate sacs but the OB still tested the placentas to see if they were identical or not. And I was told 20-30%. But yes, you are correct!

    hey i remember you :p your girls are just precious! come join us in the spring buddy group :D
  21. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    Your boys are so cute. I would vote ID and regardless of IVFBound's credentials- she's never been wrong- she's very good at this game!! :) Get a test to confirm- they will thank you for it, plus, it's great to say with certainty ID or Frat when you're asked, because in case you haven't noticed, it's a question you (and more importantly THEY) will get for the rest of their lives!! I used proactive genetics and they were great! Good luck and keep us posted!!
  22. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jenn G @ Dec 14 2008, 05:08 PM) [snapback]1110407[/snapback]
    Your boys are so cute. I would vote ID and regardless of IVFBound's credentials- she's never been wrong- she's very good at this game!! :) Get a test to confirm- they will thank you for it, plus, it's great to say with certainty ID or Frat when you're asked, because in case you haven't noticed, it's a question you (and more importantly THEY) will get for the rest of their lives!! I used proactive genetics and they were great! Good luck and keep us posted!!

    Thanks Jenn! And Sara! I love you guys. I might not have my degree in "guessing if they're ID or Frat" YET.. but I do love it.

    Thanks for your support!!!!
  23. Sarah74

    Sarah74 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2gherkins @ Dec 13 2008, 12:07 PM) [snapback]1109502[/snapback]
    Just curious, ivfbound, are you an ultrasound tech? How do you determine zygosity from a single picture?

    I also thought it was a little rude.

    Ultrasound techs aren't always correct anyway. I was told mine were fraternal by the ultrasound tech because they were in separate sacs.

    We used It was $90 and they were quick, too. I'd recommend holding off until they were slightly older. mine could easily pass for identicals their first couple of months (plus we were mistakenly told by the nurse that there was only 1 placenta.) , but the older they get the less alike they look. Now it is evident they are fraternal and I feel like we wasted $90.
  24. 4kids4Cat

    4kids4Cat Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Dec 14 2008, 04:44 AM) [snapback]1109999[/snapback]
    Just curious, 2gherkins, are you with the FBI? Why do you have to say things like this? It's not the first time either. Lighten up and have some fun. We all are! EVERYONE KNOWS I'M NOT A DNA SPECIAL TASK FORCE ULTRASOUND SPECIALIST IDENTICAL FRATERNAL INTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT HEAD DOCTOR OF ZYGOSITY. It's only you that thinks that I'm trying to fool someone. I'm not. We are having fun. There is no harm in this game. Okay?

    Ouch. :vava:

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Dec 14 2008, 04:53 AM) [snapback]1110004[/snapback]
    Not everyone knows this. Some people who are digging up their old u/s photos for you might think you have some special training. This is a big community and we have to remember that not everyone remembers everything about everyone who posts on here.

    Thank you, Leighann. :good:

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Dec 14 2008, 05:08 AM) [snapback]1110017[/snapback]
    I understand what you're saying Leighann but for the most part, everyone does know that we are trying to have fun and I know that she does because she has been doing this to me in other posts of mine. This is not the first time.

    I have questioned you in other posts, but you have never answered me. Why? I was wanting to learn more about you. In a post you wrote a week ago, you said you considered yourself a scientific person, and since I am a scientist, I thought, "Hey, cool; I wonder what she does." Seriously. I don't know you; how should I know you're just having fun, and then, also, how much of that fun is based on facts? You don't know me, either. People who do know me know I am passionate about science and enjoy teaching other people what I know, so they can better understand genetics. I am not one to "police" threads (and, no, I am not with the FBI), but I will comment, if incorrect facts need to be addressed (for example, the issue of "polar body twins," in the Olsen thread, which had nothing to do with you, BTW!)

    No, you do not have to post disclaimers and resumes. Just be aware, as Leighann said, not everyone on TS knows you are playing. Some people really may think you have special training; I know I wondered. If you're just having fun, fair enough. :hi: I am sorry if you misinterpreted my genuine curiosity.
  25. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    No. Not everybody knows but the people who were "talking to me" back and forth on THAT thread DID/DO know. And I'm fairly certain that YOU knew. I can pick out all of the threads that I have started OR even just commented on, only to see YOU saying something snide to me in them for NO REASON. It's not just here and there but EVERY time. If you were/are genuinely interested in me or what I have to say then I guess I'm wrong.. BUT.. other people think you've got something with me as well.. So?

    As I told you, I probably would've just ignored it, like I had been, until I started getting PM's about WHY you were doing that to me!!

    Anyway, I don't care. I would just appreciate it if you left me alone from now on. That is it.
  26. 4kids4Cat

    4kids4Cat Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Dec 14 2008, 01:37 PM) [snapback]1110440[/snapback]
    No. Not everybody knows but the people who were "talking to me" back and forth on THAT thread DID/DO know. And I'm fairly certain that YOU knew. I can pick out all of the threads that I have started OR even just commented on, only to see YOU saying something snide to me in them for NO REASON. It's not just here and there but EVERY time. If you were/are genuinely interested in me or what I have to say then I guess I'm wrong.. BUT.. other people think you've got something with me as well.. So?

    As I told you, I probably would've just ignored it, like I had been, until I started getting PM's about WHY you were doing that to me!!

    Anyway, I don't care. I would just appreciate it if you left me alone from now on. That is it.

    Right now, this thread has 864 views. The Olsen thread has 416 views. I am certain all those viewers do not know you or that you have been playing. This is a public forum. You may think I am making snide remarks, but, in addition to my personal/scientific interests, I am a Twinstuff moderator. It is my job to uphold the reputation of this site and make sure our members are not presented with misleading or false information.

    As for some others thinking I am picking on you, I trust they will decide for themselves what is true. My responsibility is to our membership, as a whole.

    Edited: My apologies to the OP Sara, for taking this off-topic.

    Edited again, to add:
    What's this, in your quote above? "It's not just here and there but EVERY time." I believe the first time I ever replied to you was a mere 12 days ago, here, and I first asked you about your science experience here. I hardly think I have replied to your 1000 posts that you've made in the year-plus that you've been a member of TS (nor is it worth my time). Good grief!
  27. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Tough one! They look more ID to me in those first two pics than in the SBS pics. I'd definitely do the testing! The $99 sounds like a great deal.
  28. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I think I'd vote ID - those first two pics it looked like the exact same baby - but the other pics didn't look as ID. But I have ID boys and I thought they looked NOTHING alike the first few months - but now looking back, I can see how much they did look alike. I think ID twins (at least in my experience) look more alike as they get out of the newborn phase.
  29. sarawoodside

    sarawoodside Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone!
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