Funny things that toddlers say

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by RachelJoy, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    My girls dominate language is Spanish, so most of the things they say are in Spanish.
    Last week were were at my MIL's and they were playing with their cousin who is 9 months older than them. He was getting out his toys and Gabby said she wanted the yellow ball. She said yellow in English, but all the rest in Spanish. Then she turned to me and asked "Momma, why do I say yellow?"
    They are just starting to realize that others around them don't speak two languages too.
  2. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    my son responds to everything.. maccanoni cheese.. and laughs..

    my daughter calls meat loaf .. meat both..

    i love it..

    they both call myolder son .. A B BEAT.. his nick name is BABY ANT.. WHICH THEY CAN BOTH SAY..

    A& D OINTMENT IS called BUT CREAM IN OUR HOUSE.. ie were going through walmart with my ds saying
  3. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    and we call ds hair STRINGS.. because seh literally has just afew strings at almost 2 years old..
  4. blessedwith3

    blessedwith3 Well-Known Member

    Okay, this shoudln't be funny, but it was coming out of a 20 month-olds mouth. DH was playing stupid playstation on Father's Day. He had shut the door to make sure he was not disturbed. FIL asked where DH was and I said playing stupid playstation. 10 minutes later the boys were banging on the door saying "stupid daddy, stupid daddy" It was so funny because they were so fraustrated that DH had the door shut and wasn't letting them in. That's whatcha get for trying to ignore your babies :laughing:

    Another cute thing they do/ when the boys get hurt they run up to me in tears and say "kiss" and will show me where it hurts. I give them a kiss and the hurt is gone! :D
  5. TTTSMiracleMom

    TTTSMiracleMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twoin2005 @ Jun 19 2007, 02:24 PM) [snapback]298824[/snapback]
    Not so funny though when he has lost his rock and screams at the park, "Where's my *ock?!"

    Mine boy's can't pronounce "tr". It comes out as "f" -- Since EVERYTHING with four wheels is a truck to them, you hear *uck in the house a lot (I am not typically a cusser so they use it ONLY when talking about vehicles. It didn't go over very well in our churches nursery. :)

    Their father owns his own business and everytime they see his logo, they say "daddy name!" Everytime they see a white truck, they all scream, "bye-bye, Daddy's *uck".

    I have a family counselor that comes to visit me at the house since I am a single mom and have no one that can watch them while I get away for a few minutes. She was here one day when Nick somehow hurt his penis (I didn't see anything but he said it hurt) -- he came over to me crying, climbed up on the couch, grabbed my hair and tried to push my head down while screaming at the top of his lungs, "Kiss it, mommy. It's owie." To make it worse, he got REALLY mad when I refused and threw a fit, trying to FORCE me to kiss it.

    Having 3 little boys, they are absolutely ENAMORED with that extra part God gave them. I was changing them, one ran away and laid down on the couch. While I changed the others, he apparently started "feeling good" and started yelling at his brothers, "Look, guys. My penis!" (Can you tell there is a LOT of talk about this part.) Same child walked in from the backyard one day with a LEAF sticking out the tip of his penis. Oh, my.

    Today I bought cupcakes for their preschool end of the year party. Lucas (my "older" twin) has been screaming all day "Happy turday". It took me a while to figure out he wasn't saying happy Thursday, he's screaming happy birthday because of the cupcakes.

    The sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life was last night when Matthew spent the night with his father. As Nick, Lucas and I were leaving, Lucas (his identical twin) started yelling, "Bye-bye, Mat-chew. I love you" over and over again until he was out of sight. (He won't take them all at the same time but they love their dad so they each spend one night every 7-14 days with him.)

    None of the babies can pronounce the name Brian -- his friends all pick on him that his brothers call him "Bar-nee".

    It's so fun having twins -- or Irish triplets. :)
  6. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(TTTSMiracleMom @ Jun 21 2007, 01:59 PM) [snapback]301814[/snapback]
    Mine boy's can't pronounce "tr". It comes out as "f" -- Since EVERYTHING with four wheels is a truck to them, you hear *uck in the house a lot (I am not typically a cusser so they use it ONLY when talking about vehicles. It didn't go over very well in our churches nursery. :)

    LOL, one of my nephews did this when he was around 2-3, too. He especially loved "fire *ucks"! :laughing: My sister redecorated the room around the time he was 3, and she put up this border that had firetrucks and teddy bears dressed as firemen, and he called them his "fire*uck breaks"!!!! :laughing: Ahh, good times. He's 21 now and we still tease him about it.

    Also my other nephew is named Clint, and for the longest time one of my nieces couldn't pronounce the N in his name. LOL!! What a classy family I have. ;)
  7. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Kelly had a hard time with the L in Clocks too. They also had a hard time pronouncing "Fork" correctly. Cute ones are Bathing suits used to be "Baby Soups". Pacifiers used to be called "Fires". Kaitlyn calls Granola Bars "Gorilla Bars". Bagels and Lox are "Legos and Blocks". The movie Chicken Little is "Chicken Noodle". Kaitlyn called a little boy a "Man Kid" I guess she forgot the word boy. And, my all time favorite number is instead of twenty-two Kaitlyn says "Two-Dee-Two".

    And Kelly invented a new word. Instead of saying "shucks" she'll say "Oh, Shuckle-winkles". I have NO idea where this came from.
  8. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    We are still only saying mostly one words, and it's mostly Chloe. One word that she says totally cracks me up every time... She will put braclets on or hats on, make a pose, then say "Nice". She also will put Nice with other words, like "Nice doggy" or "Nice shoes".
  9. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    At 2 1/2, DD was used to only having Yobaby yogurt. One day she tried yoplait at a friends. After that she started asking for "yogurt w/sugar in it" - it took a while & then I realized what she meant!! It made perfect sense since they hare sweeter!!

    At lunch today we had corn on the cob - (we usually have frozen). Later she held up her plastic bunch of grapes & said "grapes on the cob!"
  10. BaylorGirls

    BaylorGirls Well-Known Member

    The cutest things my girls say:

    If one of the adults is acting goofy, they say "silly Daddy," "silly Mommy," "silly Grandma," etc.

    When they get an owie and we kiss it, they say, "better than a band-aid." We're not sure where they got it from.

    But the funniest is them telling a knock-knock joke. They saw it in a Backyardigans episode ("Knock-knock, who's there? banana, banana who? etc.) They tell it pretty well, and the other day in the car one was telling the joke and the other was doing the "who's there" part. So funny!
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