for those of you having boys, are you planning to circumcise?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by tammygb, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    I told my husband that it was up to him too... Iwas wondering this too since my friend just had a boy and she didn't... He wants to have it done, and I think I feel pretty comfortable with that decision. The only thing I wonder about is the wound afterwards!
  2. 2twins07

    2twins07 Well-Known Member

    Yes, yes, yes...we will be circumcising both our boys while they're newborns!! I beleive my grandfather had to be circumcised later in life due to health issues. So ours will be done early so they won't have to deal with it at an older more painful age!!!
  3. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    We are absolutely having the boys circumsized. That has not been a question from day one, I looked at him, said it will be done and he said I agree. The fastest we have agreed on anything I think!!!!!

  4. sitkamom

    sitkamom Well-Known Member

    We did NOT get our son snipped...I think it unecessary and something I would NOT do to my little girl, so why would I do something like that to my little boy? DH had to be 'convinced' but we both feel like it was a good decision. Good luck with yours! :)

    ETA: We feel DS was perfect just they way he was born and should stay that way!
  5. noturparts

    noturparts New Member

    Take it from me….a 40 year old man who is not circumcised! I have in 40 years not had to by any creams to apply to my penis. Never had an infection nor any other disorder requiring me to visit a doctor or hospital with regards to my penis. On the other hand how many of you women can say the same about you’re vagina? Maybe we should start cutting those?

    It is 100% a myth that being uncircumcised leads to problems. A simple walk down the lanes of your local drug store should prove that. How many things have do you see to stop or relieve infection for the penis? And how many for the vagina?

    It truly sickens me how many women I hear say they want it done because it looks funny otherwise! I personally don’t think the vagina looks too pleasing, should we start carving that up on new born girls and see if we can improve the look? Omg the outcry that would be heard if we did.

    Take some time and learn the facts before you subject an innocent life to something “you feel” is right. Many boys around the world die from this procedure and about 30% more have life long complications because it was done wrong.

    Hope this helps those of you still viewing this as a necessary operation on a baby!
  6. Jayn

    Jayn Well-Known Member

    Umm, okay . . . I'd have been okay to have not read that one. Wow.

    Yes, both of my sons are circ'd and we will be doing our boy twin. We did put thought into it each time and agreed we wanted it done. I certainly can understand both sides to the debate. I'm a nurse and I've seen a lot of circs and I've also seen a lot of parents who decide not to have it done. It's definitely a decision that takes some consideration.
  7. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    If I am blessed with a son, or 2 son's they will remain intact. I would no more take the skin off of my son than I would my daughter. It is cosmetic and just not necessary. Research is very important on this issue. If one thinks it is a cosmetic, that is how it should look thing then why is it an elective proceedure? No child should have to be strapped down to a board, with out his parents present and cut for the sake of apperances.
    There are parts of the world that do this to girls and we call it barbaric, as it is. So why is so acceptable to do this to a male? It is not something that they can consent to.
    The penis is an easy to care for thing, you can teach a boy to clean himself just as you can a girl like some others have stated. The biggest issue I hear of is uneducated medical personel that do not know how to care for intact forskins, this unfortunately includes some local urologist in my area. Never force or retract the foreskin of a small boy, let it go on it's own, that "stuff" that is there is actually the body's natural cleaning fluid so to speak. I could really go on and on with this topic.
    Just please be educated about you choices.
  8. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    this issue always raises a lot of different (and sometimes heated) opinions. But there's no right answer - just what is right for YOU.

    QUOTE(xavier2001 @ Aug 12 2007, 07:47 PM) [snapback]365789[/snapback]
    I deferred to DH on this one, he did the research and then decided that it was better to circumsize.

    My boss has a son who is not, and it gets into social issues later on, he's 8 and worries about getting teased by the other kids for being "different".

    we had it done to our boys - better done young than when they are older. like pp said, an uncircumsized penis raises social issues . . . I've posted this story before but when i was in college, there was ONE guy in my friend's fraternity (of 50+ guys) who wasn't circ'd - i think he was a foreign student from somewhere where it just isn't done. Anyway, they were his "brothers" but teased him mercilessly about his penis. He was the constant butt of jokes and constantly being asked to show it to people (b/c it was freaky and no one had ever seen anything like it). His nickname was "Uncut" . . . nice, huh? i do believe it's healthier to have it done, and that it looks a whole lot better, but I also don't want my boys to get teased. This was the decision that was best for us.

    FYI - some insurance DOES cover the procedure. Mine did, in full.
  9. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(noturparts @ Oct 19 2007, 03:07 PM) [snapback]458290[/snapback]
    Take it from me….a 40 year old man who is not circumcised! I have in 40 years not had to by any creams to apply to my penis. Never had an infection nor any other disorder requiring me to visit a doctor or hospital with regards to my penis. On the other hand how many of you women can say the same about you’re vagina? Maybe we should start cutting those?

    It is 100% a myth that being uncircumcised leads to problems. A simple walk down the lanes of your local drug store should prove that. How many things have do you see to stop or relieve infection for the penis? And how many for the vagina?

    It truly sickens me how many women I hear say they want it done because it looks funny otherwise! I personally don’t think the vagina looks too pleasing, should we start carving that up on new born girls and see if we can improve the look? Omg the outcry that would be heard if we did.

    Ok, relax . . . No one here has seen or is talking specifically about YOUR uncirc'd penis so please don't take this discussion so personally. If some of us think the uncirc'd penises we have seen look weird, as I personally do, then that's our opinion and we are entitled to it. If you think vaginas aren't pretty, well i guess that's an issue for your wife to deal with, rather than subjecting us to the thought of "carving that up on newborn girls" . . . wow, that someone would even say something like that honestly frightens me.
  10. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    Hi, I have two teenage boys...and yes they were both circumcised....and now I am pregnant with two more boys and we will have them cirumcised as well.

    I went to school a few years back to become a Surgical Technologist and was fortunate enough to study under a very well known Urologist. He does alot of work with MD Anderson Cancer Center in TX. He was performing a PENECTOMY on this eldery gentelman....(complete removal of the penis...down to the base) was horrific...I questioned him on what could have prevented this happening.....his response to me was plain and simple....A CIRCUMCISION. If it can help avoid penial cancer I am all for it!

    Just my 2 cents.

  11. blueeyez553

    blueeyez553 Well-Known Member

    When my boys are born , they are both DEFINATELY getting circumsized!!! But thats a choice every parent has to make and thats the decision we have chose
  12. christydec19

    christydec19 Active Member

    We are planning on having it done for our two little men...does anyone know, is it covered by most health care companies?
  13. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(christydec19 @ Oct 19 2007, 04:18 PM) [snapback]458410[/snapback]
    We are planning on having it done for our two little men...does anyone know, is it covered by most health care companies?

    yes our insurance company does cover it...there is a co-pay involved but it isn't much.

    Good luck!

  14. bray64015

    bray64015 Well-Known Member

    My son had his done and if I have more they will to have it done!
  15. Lynie

    Lynie Well-Known Member

    It shows you how our cultures are so different, I'm from the UK and it's rare to get it done here and not even thought about by most parents. I think the rate here in Scotland is under 5% for children under 5, and most of that is due to religious beliefs rather than just choosing to have your child circumcised. I, along with the majority of parents in the UK wouldn't put my child through it unless he medically needed the operation. I don't think we have any major health problems here in the UK compared to the US linked to the fact that most of our males are uncircumcised and it would be interesting to do some further reading on the issue.
  16. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my son was circed, the insurance paid for it and in fact the used local anesthesia so he didn't feel a thing! The after effects *looked* bad but it healed faster than his belly button and he had no pain from it...
  17. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    There were too many pages of responses and I caught on to this topic too late.

    So I didn't read everyones but...
    and I know my baby boy will be thanking me when he was around 14 or 15!! Haha
  18. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    I don't really want to stir up trouble, but I need to ask. How many have actually seen the proceedure done. Seriously, do you know and have you seen exactly what happens? I just don't understand how mothers could know exactly what happens and still do it anyways.
  19. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I believe that I posted on this back in August when it was started, but I think it was good to hear from a man's point of view.. and totally agree with previous post about seeing it performed too..

    Our son is not circumsized and we do not plan on getting the twins done either.. it is a choice they can make for themselves later in life (which I will fully support and pay for the procedure.) We have older male friends that have had it done later in life and have said pain is minimal with a day or two recovery, but at least they know going into it that it is their choice and that there may be pain involved and understand that..
  20. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Appymomma @ Oct 19 2007, 09:11 PM) [snapback]458788[/snapback]
    I don't really want to stir up trouble, but I need to ask. How many have actually seen the proceedure done. Seriously, do you know and have you seen exactly what happens? I just don't understand how mothers could know exactly what happens and still do it anyways.

    yes I do know whats involved - and I also had assurance from the pedi that did it that local anesthetic was used (a shot of novocaine on each side of the penis right at the base) which numbed his entire groin - he was also given a dose of Tylenol after the procedure and was allowed a bottle right after the procedure after which time he fell asleep for 4 hours...he never cried when he peed, we kept plenty of vaseline on the head of his penis and it healed faster than his belly button did...

    as a mother I chose to do this when he was born - he will NEVER remember the procedure or the healing time, he will NEVER have to deal with the difficulties that *sometimes* happen without being circumcized, and I feel no guilt whatsoever!
  21. coveytwins

    coveytwins Well-Known Member

    I circumcised my first son 10 years ago and am planning on circumcising my son when he is born. I was surprised how many people aren't. I am not for or against it. It is a personal decision. I just want my boys to be like most all the other boys out there. It is also a hygiene issue. I am hearing a lot of people are having no problem with these issues, but having already been raising a child with autism, I don't think we would have had a lot of luck with hygiene with him. He still isn't really wonderful with the basics.
  22. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Appymomma @ Oct 19 2007, 09:11 PM) [snapback]458788[/snapback]
    I don't really want to stir up trouble, but I need to ask. How many have actually seen the proceedure done. Seriously, do you know and have you seen exactly what happens? I just don't understand how mothers could know exactly what happens and still do it anyways.

    Actually, yes, I saw both of my boys circumcised, right on my kitchen table. They were each given a local anesthesia, and actually only cried when swabbed with the alcohol. It was very quick, and they will never remember having it done, and didn't have any pain from it--judged by the fact that niether of them cried when being circed.
  23. Lynner405

    Lynner405 Well-Known Member

    My son is circumsized and I am planning on having this little guy done as well. My husband has a very strong opinion that boys should be circumsized, and not just for cosmetic reasons. I personally think that the father should have a large say in the matter. I have no idea what it's like to have a penis, clean one, take care of one, or live with one. He does, and he thinks circumsizing is the best thing to do. If the matter concerned our daughter I would imagine I would have a much stronger opinion since I know what it is like to be a woman.
  24. tigerbaby2

    tigerbaby2 Well-Known Member

    I am having a boy and a girl and I will be getting the boy circumcised as I think it is healthier and I did hear that it is more painful for them to have it later on in life.
  25. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    Wow... hot topic =@ ! I felt compelled to provide some CURRENT information from respectable sources to help all parents faced with this choice. I personally am the type to make informed and educated decisions. I do not go along with something siimply because it is the "norm" or "how it has always been done." History has proven repeatedly that tradition is not always what is best, if it was then we would still be getting routine shavings and enemas before delivery!

    Of course every family should make the decision right for them, whatever that may be, and what you conclude from the research may be entirely different than what I took from it, but for those wanting the facts, you may find these valuable:
  26. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(mrs.polm @ Oct 20 2007, 02:43 AM) [snapback]459080[/snapback]
    Wow... hot topic =@ ! I felt compelled to provide some CURRENT information from respectable sources to help all parents faced with this choice. I personally am the type to make informed and educated decisions. I do not go along with something siimply because it is the "norm" or "how it has always been done." History has proven repeatedly that tradition is not always what is best, if it was then we would still be getting routine shavings and enemas before delivery!

    Of course every family should make the decision right for them, whatever that may be, and what you conclude from the research may be entirely different than what I took from it, but for those wanting the facts, you may find these valuable:

    Thank you for the links. I will definitely take a look at them. As of right now, we are planning to have our son circumsized. DH believes strongly in it.
  27. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Appymomma @ Oct 19 2007, 09:11 PM) [snapback]458788[/snapback]
    I don't really want to stir up trouble, but I need to ask. How many have actually seen the proceedure done. Seriously, do you know and have you seen exactly what happens? I just don't understand how mothers could know exactly what happens and still do it anyways.

    Yes, they used a little plastic ring and neither baby even cried. Afterwards, it really didn't look bad at all - there was a plastic ring on there that fell off on its own in a week or two. Nothing like the major massacre I think some moms imagine it to be!
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