Does it ever get easier?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Dianna, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(motherof5 @ Jul 9 2008, 05:34 AM) [snapback]867168[/snapback]
    I never realized what a challenge twins can be---noone else gets it except moms of multiples. Hang in there. You are still early on and it's hard. It tool us a while to get a nap schedule in place, but it came. Once they're a little older, too they'll be able to sit and play and be a touch more independent which may give you a bit of time here and there. I'm amazed at how everything now is a calculated plan---even to use the bathroom!! Spontanaity (sp) is gone, but as an experienced mother which you are these stages will pass sometimes even too quickly. Good luck---btw your boys are so cute!!

    I am good living without spontaneity, in fact, I can't stand spontaneity and I feel like there is still too much of that b/c there isn't a schedule I can seem to keep them on.

    Thanks :) I think they are pretty cute too.

  2. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(isis @ Jul 9 2008, 02:13 AM) [snapback]867140[/snapback]
    I pretty much wrote this posting a few months ago, and everyone would tell how it would get easier, and I think I noticed gradual improvement over time. At about 3.5mnths the crying and fussing got better. The spit-ups started to get better around 5mnths for my ds, he still spits-up but not nearly as much as he use to. And at around 4months the morning nap started to develope - now that doens't mean it happened at the same time everyday, so doesn't help with the predictability factor, but it did happen. Now at 5months the afternoon nap is developing, again not always at the same time, but it is happening. I am like you I like to have a schedule, and so these first 5months have been hard because you don't get much of a set schedule. What I like to say now is that I dont have a set schedule, but I do have a routine - meaning although things don't happen at a specific time of day yet, they do happen reliably - eat, play, sleep, eat, play, sleep - all day long. So I do know at least what is coming next most hours/days.
    From all the pp it appears that 6mnths is also another time when things get more predictable - so hang in there!

    6 months seems to really need to get here....hope these next two months fly lol

    That is what we,play,sleep. With a lot of crying mixed in that play time. HOpefully that will improve here soon.

  3. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jenanne @ Jul 8 2008, 11:52 PM) [snapback]867062[/snapback]
    I'm sorry you're feeling so overwhelmed, as you can see, many of us can relate!! I feel like my situation just got better about two weeks ago, although that's when they started sleeping longer which was a big part of it for me. I wouldn't worry about stretching out their feedings, mine still eat every 3 hours, sometimes 4 if they have a longer nap, I think that's pretty normal. Do you think they're cranky b/c they're tired? Do you try putting them down for naps when they first appear sleepy? I haven't read all the posts to see if you've added more details, sorry, but I found Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child to be helpful in the nap department. I thought I had cranky babies but it turned out they were tired all the time. They are so bubbly and fun after a good nap! Plus I'm rejuvenated having had some time to do things for myself while they're napping. Naps start to take more shape at 4-5 months, so hopefully that is in your near future!! Also it helps me feel more 'human' to get out by myself once in a while. If I can't have someone cover me, I take them for a walk around the neighborhood b/c they're almost always happy in the pram-type stroller.

    I do put them down as soon as they start showing signs of being tired. Think I have pretty much got a handle on that. A lot of the crying is b/c they each just want me to hold them. But don't want me holding their brother at the same time. If my attention is divided they get mad.

  4. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(excitedk @ Jul 8 2008, 10:03 PM) [snapback]866851[/snapback]
    LOL!!! I thought I was a baby person :rotflmbo: Until they came!!!! Now don't get me wrong I loved it when they were cute and sleeping or cooing and smiling at me, but the cranky/fussy/crying/inconsoable times were NOT fun.
    I found the first 6 months to be HORRIBLE, not sure if it was me or being a first time parent or what but it was bad. I always say the first 6 months went by wayyyyy too slow and the 2nd 6 months went by way to fast. So my answer is that at 6 months it got better.
    Honestly it wasn't easy until around 18 months and so far it gets easier and easier. Mainly for reasons like you said, they feed them selves, clean themselves, take good naps, can tell you what they want/need, etc.

    I think the first 6 months are a sharp learning curve for all involved, not much you can do about that but come here and vent :hug99:

    Oh I love having babies...when they are sleeping...that is about it LOL The good times are increasing since they are smiling, laughing and that kind of stuff, so I can see how by 6 months there is a huge improvement. Just in the last two weeks or so they seem much more interactive with us and I know as that increases it will all be a bit easier to handle.

    But yes...18 months...can't wait for that age.

    I am feeling a bit better as I read responses knowing I am not the only one who has and is struggling during this first half of the first year.

    I feel so alone most of the time. I find it very hard to talk to anyone I know. I think the worst is when I am seriously needing to talk, to vent, and I get a 3 year old compared to the two babies...and how hard the three year old is...and how the two babies are nothing compared to him and so on and so on...(yes speaking about one family member here lol)

  5. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    You are definitely not alone - I didn't enjoy the first 3-4months, and am only just now starting to enjoy PARTS of this whole motherhood thing. I needed time to fall in love with my babies, I mean instinctively I loved them, but for the longest time I didn't like them very much, they were just so much work and basically were eating, crying lumps.
    The crying does get better, you are probably just around the corner from that, for us it got better at about 3.5months (is 4mnths there adjusted age?)
  6. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(isis @ Jul 9 2008, 06:15 AM) [snapback]867185[/snapback]
    You are definitely not alone - I didn't enjoy the first 3-4months, and am only just now starting to enjoy PARTS of this whole motherhood thing. I needed time to fall in love with my babies, I mean instinctively I loved them, but for the longest time I didn't like them very much, they were just so much work and basically were eating, crying lumps.
    The crying does get better, you are probably just around the corner from that, for us it got better at about 3.5months (is 4mnths there adjusted age?)

    I guess it is their adjusted age...I don't know...their pedi said not to do adjusted age. They were born March 9th..They were born at 35 weeks 6 days.

  7. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    There are days when it's really good, and days that they still drive me crazy. But it is easier in a lot of ways, and more of a challenge in others. My girls got a lot more predictible around 6 - 7 months, and that's when it started to feel easier for me. But when they got a little older and could play more, that was when it got to be fun.

    As one song I really like says "I've got good days, and bad days, and going half mad days..." which happens here, still. But it's not a reason to feel guilty. Trying to be a good Mom, let alone a Mom of twins, is hard. :hug99:
  8. caryanne07

    caryanne07 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dianna @ Jul 9 2008, 04:50 AM) [snapback]867170[/snapback]
    I am not enjoying it. And feel very guilty about it.

    Oh Dianna...I so know how you feel. I didn't enjoy it at all at that age. I think 3 months / 4 months was the worst part for me. I kept thinking it was supposed to get better. Yes, they were sleeping more at night, but during the day they were just so much harder. Their naps were all over the place (I started keeping track of their naps at that age and most days they were having 5 or 6 20 minute naps!). And they needed constant attention when they were awake! And Daniel was in the worst part of his reflux...hardly eating and throwing up whatever he did eat. Yuck!

    Mine are now 7 1/2 months adjusted. It is a TON better, but I still have days where I HATE it. Being summer makes it even worse for me. I feel so jealous of everyone else that is out enjoying summer while I am stuck inside with my boys.

    But, here's what you have to look forward to:

    My boys now sleep through the night (12 hours!) - I've probably jinxed myself by writing this down though. LOL!
    They take 2 2-hour naps a day at the SAME time! - It's heaven!
    When they are awake - they can mostly entertain themselves. I do have to watch them closely though...especially Daniel since he is crawling all over!
    Daniel's reflux is pretty much non-existent. He's still on meds but has only thrown up once in the last 3 weeks. And he LOVES his bottle now!

    Anyways..sorry for the long post. But please don't feel guilty because you are not enjoying it. I think that is the twin mommy's lot...guilt, guilt, guilt.

    Hugs to you!
  9. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dianna @ Jul 8 2008, 02:32 PM) [snapback]865956[/snapback]
    Predictability ....that is what I need...I am a very scheduled person and not knowing from day to day from hour to hour what will be going on is really hard.


    Ah, that sounds exactly like me...
  10. jschiess

    jschiess Well-Known Member

    I don't have much to offer in terms of advice--mine are 4 months old, and it sounds like we're in a similar boat. Mine are STTN--10 to 11 hour stretch, but they catnap all day, if at all. They are in daycare during the week, and don't sleep a whole lot there, which I hate because then during our precious evening family time, they are not very happy little guys. I plan to work with their teachers to try to improve the naps soon; but we just got to where they are eating much, much better and their teachers were so patient and helpful with that. One thing at a time.

    Anyway, I have one with reflux, and both of them spit up with a fair amount of frequency--similarly to yours, sometimes well after a feeding. So we keep the laundry going round the clock as well (though they dine in diapers/bibs only unless we aren't at home which helps a little bit). However, I have found that ironically with the larger volume they are eating now (6 to 8 oz per feeding), the spit up is less of an issue unless I put them in the exersaucer too soon after a meal. Another thing that helped us with the feeding was switching to the next larger nipple size. I was apprehensive about it because of the spit up; but a friend convinced me that they would actually get less air if they weren't having to suck so hard. Plus, one of the boys seemed to be getting frustrated with his bottles. We worked with them with the new nipples for a couple of weeks (started with just one feeding per day). The first time we tried, you would have thought we were waterboarding them; but they slowly figured out that they didn't have to work so hard (we would let them take a few sucks and then take the bottle out so they could swallow/take a break). Once they got the hang of it, it was amazing. Their eating improved in speed, volume of intake, and volume of spit-up immediately. So if you haven't already tried that, it might be worth a shot to pick up a couple of new nipples and see if they are ready.

    Big hug to you. Trust that every week will get easier to manage. And you do need to get out of the house. I understand the stress about naps and bottles; but it's important for your sanity that you feel like you belong to the world. Motherhood can be so isolating. My pediatrician is great about giving us formula samples; so I keep a bunch of those two ounce bottles of pre-mixed formula in the diaper bag in case we get stuck. If you can't get those, there are the 8 oz cans you can tote along without having to keep them cold.

    Mine are also done with the swing, which DH and I are really sad about. It was our "go to" "nothing else will work" solution for over-tired babies. If they were really fussy/tired, but too worked up for the crib, we could generally get them to calm down in the swing. Now the swing leads to crying as well--I think they are bored with it or have realized that they just want to be held--hard when only one parent is home.

    You are a great mom, and it's going to get easier! Everytime mine adopt a new behavior that is less than desirable, I just think to myself "next week, it will be something different." DH is always asking if whatever the new thing is the "new normal," which makes me laugh. What's normal?!? :rotflmbo:

    Take care!
  11. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JennTx @ Jul 9 2008, 12:13 PM) [snapback]867807[/snapback]
    I don't have much to offer in terms of advice--mine are 4 months old, and it sounds like we're in a similar boat. Mine are STTN--10 to 11 hour stretch, but they catnap all day, if at all. They are in daycare during the week, and don't sleep a whole lot there, which I hate because then during our precious evening family time, they are not very happy little guys. I plan to work with their teachers to try to improve the naps soon; but we just got to where they are eating much, much better and their teachers were so patient and helpful with that. One thing at a time.

    Anyway, I have one with reflux, and both of them spit up with a fair amount of frequency--similarly to yours, sometimes well after a feeding. So we keep the laundry going round the clock as well (though they dine in diapers/bibs only unless we aren't at home which helps a little bit). However, I have found that ironically with the larger volume they are eating now (6 to 8 oz per feeding), the spit up is less of an issue unless I put them in the exersaucer too soon after a meal. Another thing that helped us with the feeding was switching to the next larger nipple size. I was apprehensive about it because of the spit up; but a friend convinced me that they would actually get less air if they weren't having to suck so hard. Plus, one of the boys seemed to be getting frustrated with his bottles. We worked with them with the new nipples for a couple of weeks (started with just one feeding per day). The first time we tried, you would have thought we were waterboarding them; but they slowly figured out that they didn't have to work so hard (we would let them take a few sucks and then take the bottle out so they could swallow/take a break). Once they got the hang of it, it was amazing. Their eating improved in speed, volume of intake, and volume of spit-up immediately. So if you haven't already tried that, it might be worth a shot to pick up a couple of new nipples and see if they are ready.

    Big hug to you. Trust that every week will get easier to manage. And you do need to get out of the house. I understand the stress about naps and bottles; but it's important for your sanity that you feel like you belong to the world. Motherhood can be so isolating. My pediatrician is great about giving us formula samples; so I keep a bunch of those two ounce bottles of pre-mixed formula in the diaper bag in case we get stuck. If you can't get those, there are the 8 oz cans you can tote along without having to keep them cold.

    Mine are also done with the swing, which DH and I are really sad about. It was our "go to" "nothing else will work" solution for over-tired babies. If they were really fussy/tired, but too worked up for the crib, we could generally get them to calm down in the swing. Now the swing leads to crying as well--I think they are bored with it or have realized that they just want to be held--hard when only one parent is home.

    You are a great mom, and it's going to get easier! Everytime mine adopt a new behavior that is less than desirable, I just think to myself "next week, it will be something different." DH is always asking if whatever the new thing is the "new normal," which makes me laugh. What's normal?!? :rotflmbo:

    Take care!

    They are now on fast flow nipples, have been for about a month I guess. When it was taking about an hour to get down their bottles we knew it was time to change. lol

    I was thinking of looking into the exersaucer...didn't know if it would be too soon. Might be an idea since the swing is basically out of the picture now. So glad we didn't buy them and they were loaned to us from family members.

    What is normal? That is a great question. I have a feeling there is no normal LOL

  12. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(caryanne07 @ Jul 9 2008, 08:12 AM) [snapback]867291[/snapback]
    Oh Dianna...I so know how you feel. I didn't enjoy it at all at that age. I think 3 months / 4 months was the worst part for me. I kept thinking it was supposed to get better. Yes, they were sleeping more at night, but during the day they were just so much harder. Their naps were all over the place (I started keeping track of their naps at that age and most days they were having 5 or 6 20 minute naps!). And they needed constant attention when they were awake! And Daniel was in the worst part of his reflux...hardly eating and throwing up whatever he did eat. Yuck!

    Mine are now 7 1/2 months adjusted. It is a TON better, but I still have days where I HATE it. Being summer makes it even worse for me. I feel so jealous of everyone else that is out enjoying summer while I am stuck inside with my boys.

    But, here's what you have to look forward to:

    My boys now sleep through the night (12 hours!) - I've probably jinxed myself by writing this down though. LOL!
    They take 2 2-hour naps a day at the SAME time! - It's heaven!
    When they are awake - they can mostly entertain themselves. I do have to watch them closely though...especially Daniel since he is crawling all over!
    Daniel's reflux is pretty much non-existent. He's still on meds but has only thrown up once in the last 3 weeks. And he LOVES his bottle now!

    Anyways..sorry for the long post. But please don't feel guilty because you are not enjoying it. I think that is the twin mommy's lot...guilt, guilt, guilt.

    Hugs to you!

    I thinking feeling stuck inside does make it worse. I got the ok for sunscreen now, so maybe that will help.

    I know we have been very lucky that neither boy has had reflux. A big hug to all the moms who have to deal with it. It can't be easy.

    Long posts are ok. :) We all need to vent and I think when we see we are not alone in our feelings, it really does help.

    Yep, guilt,guilt, sucks LOL


    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Dianna let me start by saying your boys are absolutly adorable. I think one lady already said this but I don't think things will ever get easier. Things do get different and change. I remember when I had my baby girls I thought that I would have that instant feeling of loving them so much.... like I did with my older dd (almost 12 year old), but I didn't and I felt so guilty about it and I never told anyone. Everything we did for the first 6 months was just to get by. But they did start changing and turning into babies and not so much infants. KWIM? I love all of my girls just the same and my heart melts when I see them, but I didn't at first. I loved them and knew that I had to take care of them, but it just didn't feel like that special kind of love that I thought it was supposed to be like. My babysitter(MIL) watches the girls for me and from the time they were 6 weeks till they were about 7 or 8 months the afternoons was the worst. I kept thinking she wasn't getting them to take naps. I think all they would take was just a bunch of little cat naps. Our naps didn't get better until they were about 10 months. I know all of this is a bunch of usless information but it felt good to get it off my chest.

    Someone may have already suggested some of this but here goes anyway:

    Do you swaddle them for naps? My girls never really liked being swaddled but some people say their babies love it.
    Do you have an activity mat thing they can lay on or under and try to swat at the toys? My girls loved these things. They had a bear one and they had another one and they loved them.
    Do you have any walkers or exersaucers? If they hold their head up pretty good you could put them in there and stuff blankets around them. It might entertain them for a little while.
    How about bouncy seats with a toy bar? My girls never really liked theirs. They never really liked their swings either. That was a big waste of money.
    Also my girls really loved going places. They loved going to the grocery store and walmart. We were also going to my daughter's softball games and they loved that. Just my opinion, but it was a lot easier to take them places when they were little tiny babies than it is now.
    And sometimes when everything else would fail I would put them in their baby bed together and they would stop fussing and just stare at each other.
    Oh they really liked to look outside too. We have a big sliding glass door at the back of our house and they loved to look outside. Especially if the dog would sit on the outside of the door and they could look at her.

    Oh and one more thing. Your husband sounds like a dream to have around. My dh always helped but a bubble bath sounds wonderful.

    I hope some of this will help you feel better. You are a great mom and twins are hard.
  14. jschiess

    jschiess Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dianna @ Jul 8 2008, 07:34 PM) [snapback]866693[/snapback]
    I know it will never be easy. I don't know....guess I am ready for them to be heading off to school, being able to feed and dress themselves. Just not good with babies I guess.


    Dianna, and everyone(!), give yourself a break!!! What we are doing is HARD! One baby is tough--two is challenging on a whole different scale. You have all the work, times two, compounded by the guilt of not being able to do everything you would want to for each one because they both need you. Plus, you are exhausted, and most of us don't have a lot of other multiples moms to serve as examples. Thank goodness for this forum! I say "Yeah, us!!!" We rock!!!
  15. jschiess

    jschiess Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dianna @ Jul 9 2008, 11:47 AM) [snapback]867894[/snapback]
    They are now on fast flow nipples, have been for about a month I guess. When it was taking about an hour to get down their bottles we knew it was time to change. lol

    I was thinking of looking into the exersaucer...didn't know if it would be too soon. Might be an idea since the swing is basically out of the picture now. So glad we didn't buy them and they were loaned to us from family members.

    What is normal? That is a great question. I have a feeling there is no normal LOL


    Ours started having some saucer time at about the age yours are now. The both really prefer being upright to lying down; so playmats have a limited usefulness. I usually get about 15 to 20 minutes of happy playmat time a day, then they want to be "standing" on my lap, which gets a little hard to manage. :D They were too short for the saucers at first; so we put pillows under their feet. We don't leave them in there for very long; but they love the independence; and it's fun to watch them gradually figure out how all the toys work. Now we have two (one bought, one borrowed), and they'll face each other in dueling saucers and stare at each other. It's pretty cute. If their necks aren't stable, you'll have to be pretty vigilant and sit with them (I don't leave mine unattended; but I don't literally sit behind them with my hand on their backs anymore.); but FWIW, mine find the saucer pretty entertaining and we can usually get a few 20 minute playtimes with happy babies per day out of them. In my own mind, I also imagine that the saucer time is helping with their back strength as well. One of my boys still hates tummy time (he is still not really pushing up at 4 mo.--something else to talk to the doc about at his check up this week); so I figure some saucer time might help him get a little stronger as well.
  16. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(CROSSTWINS @ Jul 9 2008, 01:22 PM) [snapback]867995[/snapback]
    Dianna let me start by saying your boys are absolutly adorable. I think one lady already said this but I don't think things will ever get easier. Things do get different and change. I remember when I had my baby girls I thought that I would have that instant feeling of loving them so much.... like I did with my older dd (almost 12 year old), but I didn't and I felt so guilty about it and I never told anyone. Everything we did for the first 6 months was just to get by. But they did start changing and turning into babies and not so much infants. KWIM? I love all of my girls just the same and my heart melts when I see them, but I didn't at first. I loved them and knew that I had to take care of them, but it just didn't feel like that special kind of love that I thought it was supposed to be like. My babysitter(MIL) watches the girls for me and from the time they were 6 weeks till they were about 7 or 8 months the afternoons was the worst. I kept thinking she wasn't getting them to take naps. I think all they would take was just a bunch of little cat naps. Our naps didn't get better until they were about 10 months. I know all of this is a bunch of usless information but it felt good to get it off my chest.

    Someone may have already suggested some of this but here goes anyway:

    Do you swaddle them for naps? My girls never really liked being swaddled but some people say their babies love it.
    Do you have an activity mat thing they can lay on or under and try to swat at the toys? My girls loved these things. They had a bear one and they had another one and they loved them.
    Do you have any walkers or exersaucers? If they hold their head up pretty good you could put them in there and stuff blankets around them. It might entertain them for a little while.
    How about bouncy seats with a toy bar? My girls never really liked theirs. They never really liked their swings either. That was a big waste of money.
    Also my girls really loved going places. They loved going to the grocery store and walmart. We were also going to my daughter's softball games and they loved that. Just my opinion, but it was a lot easier to take them places when they were little tiny babies than it is now.
    And sometimes when everything else would fail I would put them in their baby bed together and they would stop fussing and just stare at each other.
    Oh they really liked to look outside too. We have a big sliding glass door at the back of our house and they loved to look outside. Especially if the dog would sit on the outside of the door and they could look at her.

    Oh and one more thing. Your husband sounds like a dream to have around. My dh always helped but a bubble bath sounds wonderful.

    I hope some of this will help you feel better. You are a great mom and twins are hard.

    It is so hard when things don't fall into place like we pictured they would.

    They have never liked swaddling. We stopped once we can home from the hospital. They wouldn't listen to us there that they didn't like it.

    We do have some play mats. They like them ok. They seem to get bored with them.

    We do not have exersaucers yet.

    We do have the bouncy seats with the toy bar...they just started the other day taking interest in the toy bar. Just wish t hey could figure out how to bounce LOL

    They do like being outside. They seem to really like it when it is windy and they can watch the leaves on the huge tree in our yard move.

    Just got back from a long walk to dunkin donuts. They did great. :)


    QUOTE(JennTx @ Jul 9 2008, 03:37 PM) [snapback]868273[/snapback]
    Dianna, and everyone(!), give yourself a break!!! What we are doing is HARD! One baby is tough--two is challenging on a whole different scale. You have all the work, times two, compounded by the guilt of not being able to do everything you would want to for each one because they both need you. Plus, you are exhausted, and most of us don't have a lot of other multiples moms to serve as examples. Thank goodness for this forum! I say "Yeah, us!!!" We rock!!!

    I don't feel like I rock LOL
    But that is ok :)


    QUOTE(JennTx @ Jul 9 2008, 03:45 PM) [snapback]868288[/snapback]
    Ours started having some saucer time at about the age yours are now. The both really prefer being upright to lying down; so playmats have a limited usefulness. I usually get about 15 to 20 minutes of happy playmat time a day, then they want to be "standing" on my lap, which gets a little hard to manage. :D They were too short for the saucers at first; so we put pillows under their feet. We don't leave them in there for very long; but they love the independence; and it's fun to watch them gradually figure out how all the toys work. Now we have two (one bought, one borrowed), and they'll face each other in dueling saucers and stare at each other. It's pretty cute. If their necks aren't stable, you'll have to be pretty vigilant and sit with them (I don't leave mine unattended; but I don't literally sit behind them with my hand on their backs anymore.); but FWIW, mine find the saucer pretty entertaining and we can usually get a few 20 minute playtimes with happy babies per day out of them. In my own mind, I also imagine that the saucer time is helping with their back strength as well. One of my boys still hates tummy time (he is still not really pushing up at 4 mo.--something else to talk to the doc about at his check up this week); so I figure some saucer time might help him get a little stronger as well.

    The boys do tend to want to be more upright then laying down. My MIL has one at her house from our nephew, time to get that and see who in the family has another one :)

  17. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    I know it's hard to believe, but yes, it gets much better. Hang in there.

    One of my twins was a MAJOR spitter upper - projectile! And gas, too.

    He just sort of "grew out of it" around 6 months and that was that.
  18. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    The lack of predictability was incredibly hard for me as well. My daughter had been a very low needs baby and the boys? Not so much. I will just say that around 4-5 months, things did start to fall into some semblance of a routine and by 6 months, we were on a great schedule and still are to this day (16 mo).
  19. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(EmilyM @ Jul 9 2008, 06:43 AM) [snapback]867200[/snapback]
    There are days when it's really good, and days that they still drive me crazy. But it is easier in a lot of ways, and more of a challenge in others. My girls got a lot more predictible around 6 - 7 months, and that's when it started to feel easier for me. But when they got a little older and could play more, that was when it got to be fun.

    As one song I really like says "I've got good days, and bad days, and going half mad days..." which happens here, still. But it's not a reason to feel guilty. Trying to be a good Mom, let alone a Mom of twins, is hard. :hug99:

    half mad days....having a full mad day here today LOL


    QUOTE(momlissa @ Jul 9 2008, 06:16 PM) [snapback]868577[/snapback]
    I know it's hard to believe, but yes, it gets much better. Hang in there.

    One of my twins was a MAJOR spitter upper - projectile! And gas, too.

    He just sort of "grew out of it" around 6 months and that was that.

    6 months seems to be one of the magic numbers :) Looking forward to it.

  20. Ashliemj

    Ashliemj Active Member

    Hello Everyone,
    Thanks for posting this...reading everyone's response has me feeling hopeful again. My twins aren't STTN yet, but I feel like things ARE getting easier. I can't wait for them to STTN. It's so draining! So much work! Any suggestions for helping them STTN? Or does it just magically happen when they are "ready". My 2 1/2 year old STTN at 2 months old (I was so!)... getting anxious about it all.

  21. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Glad this is helping you too. I think too many of us feel like things are helpless at times but scared to post about it...that is why I posted. I needed to stop worrying about if anyone thought I was a bad mom.

  22. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Ashlie @ Jul 9 2008, 07:25 PM) [snapback]868685[/snapback]
    Hello Everyone,
    Thanks for posting this...reading everyone's response has me feeling hopeful again. My twins aren't STTN yet, but I feel like things ARE getting easier. I can't wait for them to STTN. It's so draining! So much work! Any suggestions for helping them STTN? Or does it just magically happen when they are "ready". My 2 1/2 year old STTN at 2 months old (I was so!)... getting anxious about it all.


    Do they share a room? We had the exact same situation - DD1 was a great sleeper, the twins, not so much. I'm sure it's because they disturb each other - but what can you do? Seperate rooms is not an option at this point for us. I feel your pain! :hug99:

    QUOTE(Dianna @ Jul 9 2008, 08:56 PM) [snapback]868861[/snapback]
    Glad this is helping you too. I think too many of us feel like things are helpless at times but scared to post about it...that is why I posted. I needed to stop worrying about if anyone thought I was a bad mom.

    I think we are way harder on ourselves than anyone else would ever be :hug99:
  23. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ThreeLittleSnowflakes @ Jul 9 2008, 10:22 PM) [snapback]869059[/snapback]
    I think we are way harder on ourselves than anyone else would ever be :hug99:

    I agree. lol I am so hard on myself and expect so much from myself and I think b/c of that I set myself up for failure a lot of the time.

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