Do you vaccinate your children?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by CraigS, Apr 16, 2007.


Do you vaccinate?

  1. Yes, for everything.

    2 vote(s)
  2. No. Never.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but only for specific diseases.

    1 vote(s)
  1. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Mellizos @ Apr 17 2007, 12:38 AM) [snapback]222824[/snapback]
    Everything on schedule.
    My uncle contracted polio as a child. Thankfully he survived. But his life has been difficult physically. Contracting some of these diseases while pregnant can harm or kill the baby. I'll take the risks from vaccines over the risk of disease.

    I completely agree. I think the risks of not vaccinating are more detrimental than vaccinating. There is a small percentage of side effects and there are studies that are pro-con for vaccines. It's all in what bias you read. I think it's responsible so that we are not putting anyone else at risk for an infection. These diseases are virtually non-existant because of the vaccines, such as polio, meningitis, typhoid and other potentially fatal diseases.
  2. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I vaccinate per the ped's schedule - just some food for thought to those who don't vaccinate and and feel that vaccinations are partly to blame for such afflictions as ADD/ADHD, Autism etc...

    is it not possible (and just entertain this thought for a minute) that the reason we've seen such a rise in such disorders is due to better testing, diagnosis and education of the public of these disorders? 40 or 50 years ago such children that may have been afflicted were more than likely misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all, because we did not have the tools to do so?

    While such diseases as polio may have been eradicated, meningitis has not and I would hate to think of my kids getting meningitis (which in my mind is FAR FAR worse than the alternative) when I could have done something to stop it...
  3. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    While such diseases as polio may have been eradicated

    The only disease eradicated with vaccines was small pox. Polio is still very much around. There was a huge outbreak in Nigeria in recent years because a rumor started that the vaccine was really invented by the West to sterilize Africans. Polio swept through parts of the country as vaccination rates dropped, and then spread to neighboring countries that had previously been polio free.

    And we've had the discussion about disease being more rampant in 3rd world countries because of inferior santitation and nutrition. The reality is that most of Latin America has higher vaccination rates than the US - and the children do not die of measles and polio. They die of cholera, rota virus and other diseases that we don't even give a 2nd thought to in the US. (I speak of Latin America because I live there and have for several years. No direct knowledge of Africa or Asia besides what I read). So the assertion by the PP that sanitation and nutrition are linked to higher rates of diseases that are prevented with vaccine are just not true. I remember your theory that disease spreads more rapidily because people use wells or communal water. I just think that it doesn't take into acount reality, and I don't believe it.

    Yes, you are free to make decisions for your family. But your rights end where my begin. So please remember that you are benefiting from "herd immunity" and that all of us who vaccinate protect your children and your right not to vaccinate. Lastly, I read the link provided showing a relationship between vaccines and SIDS. But I would like to read the real study, not a synopsis written by an anti-vaccine group. From what I could gather from the synopsis, the researchers showed a correlation but not a cause and effect. I could gather stats that show that most babies that die of SIDS were wearing cotten clothing, but that's not a cause and effect - it's just a correlation. Until researchers can show me a cause and effect, they won't convince me that the greatest medical advance of the 20th century is bad for us.
  4. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I voted for some. As you know if you read the Chicken Pox thread, My girls haven't had that vaccination. In Mexico there are two types of vaccinations, ones you get at public health centers and ones you pay for at private clinics. Unlike Australia, you can't get the free ones from private doctors. My girls have had all the free ones. Mexico has just added the Leomuccoco (sp?) to infant vaccinations, but didn't have it two years ago so my girls haven't had that one. I also take my daughters to a state funded daycare which would not accept them with out the vaccinations, I actually have to take their vaccination card in every six months for the administrators to check that they are up to date. So I feel like I have no choice, I do even those of you who get to choose, here they seem way to vaccination happy for my tastes, they give way more boosters than I've seen recommended in parenting books/on-line. I have refused to allow them some of the boosters when the nurse couldn't explain to me why they "needed it" if it wasn't even listed on their national vaccination card.
  5. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mbcrox @ Apr 17 2007, 12:38 AM) [snapback]222825[/snapback]
    I have had all 6 of my children vaccinated. What a blessing to live in a time when there are vaccinations. Many people used to get very sick, and come out of illnesses with lifetime problems or even die. This kind of thing still happens in third world countries because of the lack of availability of vaccinations. We are so blessed to live in a time when so many of these illnesses have been almost eliminated from our society so that they pose no threat. I for one, am greatlful for the advances in medical science that have helped me protect my children. I wouldn't miss a vaccination. The chicken pox vaccination was not available when my two older children were young and they both got the chicken pox at 7 years and 3 years. It was very painful to see them suffer, and I mean really suffer. (When I was child and had the chicken pox I don't remember being that ill) so, my other children have had that vaccination as well.

    Same here. My DS2 was so incredibly ill with chicken pox he nearly had to be hospitalized. Fever of 105, hallucinations, catatonic stare. I had no idea, until he got it, how serious chicken pox can be. I know it's rare to get so ill from it, but after that I wasn't willing to risk putting my girls through it, so they got vaccinated. We are so fortunate in these times not to see what diseases like measles and polio routinely did to children before vaccinations. Measles was frequently fatal for children under 5.

    I respect everyone's right to choose to vaccinate or not, but I also know that those who choose not to (other than for health reasons, such as egg allergies) have that luxury because most children are vaccinated and that stops pandemics from happening. My granduncle, for instance, died in the flu pandemic of 1918 (this was an avian flu). He was 4. This affected my grandmother, who was 7 at the time, quite a lot.
  6. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Lots of questions, lets see if I can answer them....

    Is it possible that the reason we are seeing an increase in Autism, AD/HD is b/c the medical profession is dx them better, maybe but I doubt it. Autism was known about many, many years ago. When I was born in '79 the autism rate was 1 in 10,000, now it is 1 in 100 (since Jan 07) That is a VERY scary number! Many believe that autism is somehow genetic, meaning you are born with it. That means this is something that you have since the day you were born. You would show signs from day 1, behavioral, physical, and mental signs. But autism doesnt show up that way. A child who grows normally, develops normally, does everything according to the "charts" and then on a day around 15 months (usually), they just shut down and then are called "autistic" That isnt genetic that is environmental, IMHO. Something is causing it that has nothing to do with genes. What has changed so much in the last 30 years that would account for the autism rate to climb so dramatically? The number of shots children receive. Last count, a 2 year old now a days gets close to 34 shots all containing dangerous chemicals. So to answer your question, no I dont think it is medical doctors dx better...

    I dont believe in herd immunity. The studies show that the diseases being vaccinated for today were on the decline (by the thousands) years before the vaccine was ever invented. These diseases were going away on their own.

    And also about the SIDS article, it was published in JAMA magazine, I am sure if you did a search, you would find it so you could read the entire study.
  7. marieta

    marieta Well-Known Member

    I don't think the jury is out yet on cause of SIDS or autism, most likely I think it's genetic. Why so many gene mutations? That's the real question. Probably the chemicals, pesticides, engineering of foods in our culture... but who knows. I'm glad we have the resources to study it, and I hope we can find an answer.
  8. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    yes we do. We did it for health reasons. If I hadnt given my daughters a small pox or polio vacination and they became deathly ill from catching one of the diseases I would never forgive myself. I have heard reasons why people choose not too and everyone has their reasons. I just couldnt forgive myself if they got something that could have been prevented.

  9. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I think those are less serious if they get them.

    Actually it depends on the person, as mentioned before you can have high fever and other things... high fever can result in seizures... and other worse case scenarios. Also Chicken Pox can stay in your bloodstream resulting into the shingles later in life... which is VERY painful.
  10. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Is it possible that the reason we are seeing an increase in Autism, AD/HD is b/c the medical profession is dx them better, maybe but I doubt it. Autism was known about many, many years ago

    yes and so was cancer - however many many (using your terms) years ago by the time cancer was diagnosed was nearly the end for most they can detect cancers at their very earliest stages and treat them better because the tools and technology and education are better...
  11. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mbcrox @ Apr 17 2007, 12:38 AM) [snapback]222825[/snapback]
    I have had all 6 of my children vaccinated. What a blessing to live in a time when there are vaccinations. Many people used to get very sick, and come out of illnesses with lifetime problems or even die. This kind of thing still happens in third world countries because of the lack of availability of vaccinations. We are so blessed to live in a time when so many of these illnesses have been almost eliminated from our society so that they pose no threat. I for one, am greatlful for the advances in medical science that have helped me protect my children. I wouldn't miss a vaccination. The chicken pox vaccination was not available when my two older children were young and they both got the chicken pox at 7 years and 3 years. It was very painful to see them suffer, and I mean really suffer. (When I was child and had the chicken pox I don't remember being that ill) so, my other children have had that vaccination as well. (Many years ago we lived near a family whose child contracted Hepatitis and this child almost died and as a result is handicapped in different ways because of this illness. Again, I just feel very blessed to be able to provide this kind of protection for my children.

  12. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    I vaccinate. I felt the need to reply because I feel as if the 'homework' people have done in researching this is flawed. Sorry JMHO. First of all I have to address the question of genetic linkage.... Hundreds (if not thousands) of genetic mutations are not visable until a certain age. THere are many examples but I will give 3: Huntington's disease is a dominant gene that cause a terrible neurological deterioration in the mid 50's.... otherwise you develp TOTALLY normally. You may even decide to have children before you know that you have the disease. Then there is the heart break of Tay Sach's imagine having a normal baby then at 6 mos devleopment starts to reverse itself until death around age 5. or Battans which is for me the worst normal development until age 8 where development stops and reverses, the child goes blind, can't walk....death around age 18.... ALL genetic disorders all seemingly normal UNTIL the disease 'wakes up'. You show NO signs until.... :(

    There is no reason Autism can't be similar in its function. There are many different explanations for the increase in Autism numbers... one of the most compelling is there are more autisic adults reproducing.

    The problem I have with discussion is source information in order to be valid experimental data must be repeatable by several different authors and I haven't seen that with the data on vaccinations. The studies I have seen posted are by only one author....

    I have seen herd immunity in a herd of animals and this convinces me that herd immunity isn't about belief it just is.

    So yes I vaccinate my education tells me I should.
  13. MeldieB

    MeldieB Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kma13 @ Apr 17 2007, 05:46 PM) [snapback]223827[/snapback]
    I vaccinate. I felt the need to reply because I feel as if the 'homework' people have done in researching this is flawed. Sorry JMHO. First of all I have to address the question of genetic linkage.... Hundreds (if not thousands) of genetic mutations are not visable until a certain age. THere are many examples but I will give 3: Huntington's disease is a dominant gene that cause a terrible neurological deterioration in the mid 50's.... otherwise you develp TOTALLY normally. You may even decide to have children before you know that you have the disease. Then there is the heart break of Tay Sach's imagine having a normal baby then at 6 mos devleopment starts to reverse itself until death around age 5. or Battans which is for me the worst normal development until age 8 where development stops and reverses, the child goes blind, can't walk....death around age 18.... ALL genetic disorders all seemingly normal UNTIL the disease 'wakes up'. You show NO signs until.... :(

    There is no reason Autism can't be similar in its function. There are many different explanations for the increase in Autism numbers... one of the most compelling is there are more autisic adults reproducing.

    The problem I have with discussion is source information in order to be valid experimental data must be repeatable by several different authors and I haven't seen that with the data on vaccinations. The studies I have seen posted are by only one author....

    I have seen herd immunity in a herd of animals and this convinces me that herd immunity isn't about belief it just is.

    So yes I vaccinate my education tells me I should.


    I wasn't actually going to respond to this debate ... but I felt compelled to enter after reading so many comments that are quite simply wrong. No nicer way to put it. Specifically, I was also going to respond to the comment regarding autism not being an inherited/genetic condition because it doesn't appear from infancy. As quoted above, MANY diseases are inherited but do not appear until later in life. The three mentioned above are perfect examples. And there are hundreds more ....

    While I do not agree with the logic of those who choose not to vaccinate, I fully acknowledge that we live in a country where people DO possess the right to make choices. Fine. But just realize that by choosing not to vaccinate your children, you are, in fact benefiting from all of us who do. If vaccines were suddenly gone, we would indeed see a reemergence of disabling and deadly diseases.
  14. mellizomama

    mellizomama Member

    I too vaccinate my children for all recommended diseases. I think what is often understated in this debate is the effect of failing to vaccinate can have on others, not just the risk to your children. For instance, my son caught german measles when he was eleven months (before he was due to be vaccinated). At the time, we were living in a developing country where vaccination was uncommon. From his point of view, it was no big deal as he was not seriously ill. However, if he had infected an unvaccinated, pregnant woman, the consequences for her unborn child could have been very serious. There is no question that vaccination does involve risk (although I think this risk is greatly overstated); however, this is a risk we need to take for the overall health of the population.

    It is my understanding that they have done several studies on autism and vaccination and have not conclusively linked the two. The symptoms of autism develop at about the time children are vaccinated, so it is very hard to determine cause and effect. Nevertheless, I'm willing to believe that perhaps in some individuals vaccinations may trigger or worsen autism. Again, I don't think the risk of a rare side effect justifies exposing everyone else to serious diseases.

    It is too easy to take our communal health for granted, or attribute it solely to better medical care or improved sanitation. But vaccination works. If you don't believe it, travel to India or Nigeria, where children are still crippled by polio because their parents don't trust the vaccines.

    We don't know all the answers in medicine. However, I think that when the scientific community is in general agreement about the value of vaccination, you should be very careful about deciding to opt out. Very few of us have the training and education to make truly informed judgments about these matters.
  15. titania

    titania Well-Known Member

    no, we don't do any vax. my sister was injured by a vax when she was 6 months old. it was a couple days after getting one of her vax that she started seizing, and she continues to have seizures regularly, at least weekly, if not daily, 27 years later. she can not talk, walk or use the bathroom. she is spoon fed, and often chokes on her food. her muscles are so stiff. she has no way of telling anyone when she has a bladder infection, so it goes unchecked until she is having uncontrollable seizures for hours straight and is then hospitalized for it, only to get pneumonia while there. this has happened 3 times in 6 months. my mom has had a **** of a time with all the doctors, and insurance and schools over the many many years this has been her life. for my kids, i am simply not willing to risk it. i am not as afraid of the diseases as i am of the vax.

    QUOTE(2IrishBlessings @ Apr 16 2007, 09:14 PM) [snapback]222479[/snapback]
    yes we do. We did it for health reasons. If I hadnt given my daughters a small pox or polio vacination and they became deathly ill from catching one of the diseases I would never forgive myself. I have heard reasons why people choose not too and everyone has their reasons. I just couldnt forgive myself if they got something that could have been prevented.

    what state do you live in where smallpox is part of the recommended schedule? i had no idea children were getting it, i thought it was just military and maybe healthcare personelle? wow.

    QUOTE(LmSjt915 @ Apr 16 2007, 10:13 PM) [snapback]222595[/snapback]
    My vote was "no never" and I know I am the minority here. I don't have time to get into detail at this moment (have to feed the girls dinner), but I could never forgive myself if something happened to my girls BECAUSE of vaccines.


    it is my understanding that japan at one point lowered their vax age and then chose to raise it back to 2 yrs after they saw an increse in sids at the lower age. i have no research on this, but i have heard it many times.

    i have no problem with parents vaxxing their kids. i just wish they would do research before hand if they had even a single shadow of a doubt. i find it revolting that the govt makes parents think they have to do it or their kids won't be allowed to attend school.
  16. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Actually it isnt wrong. There are studies to back these claims up. The US doesnt do many independant tests but many other countries do (Japan, Britian, etc.) on the dangers of vaccines. I have researched vaccines for years, both the pros and the cons, and have yet to find any studies that "prove" vaccines work. All I keep finding are sites that say "vaccination works" without anything to back it up. On the other hand I have seen thousands of studies done by many doctors, hospitals, labs, etc. that do show the dangers of vaccines.

    Here is a very recent study done here in the US about autism and vaccines

    Thimerosal was recently "banned" from certain childhood vaccines but the old ones were never recalled so they are still on the shelves, and thimerosal is still in flu shots. Not to mention the other ingrediants that create a toxic cocktail.

    Another great site about autism and vaccines
  17. mellizomama

    mellizomama Member

    Sorry, but do you mean that vaccines don't work as in they don't prevent disease, or that there is no clear evidence that the benefits outweigh the risk? I don't have studies on hand, but I believe that there is any real debate that the reason we don't have polio in the United States is because of vaccination. Polio outbreaks in other countries are clearly tied to failure to vaccinate.

    I don't think anyone can say that vaccination doesn't carry risks. But, the question is whether the risks outweigh the benefits. Have they banned vaccinations in Britain or Japan as a result of these studies you mention?
  18. 4kids4Cat

    4kids4Cat Well-Known Member

    If you guys are interested in reading some of the science behind vaccines (both pro and con), I highly recommend this thread,
    [SIZE=14pt]Vaccination Video[/SIZE]. (ETA: the thread itself; not the video in the first post.)
    It deals with many of the questions and issues addressed here and links a number of scientific studies and data.

    Please check it out!
  19. titania

    titania Well-Known Member

    the video link didn't work for me.

    however, here is another one. [post=""]vax video[/post] it is very long, like an hour and a half.

    eta~ ok, sorry, i can't get it to work. maybe there is a filter on for it. who knows! anyway, you can google 'vaccination- the hidden truth 1998' and should be able to find it if you want.
  20. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Cathy, your link worked fine for me. Helen, your link gave me an error.
  21. 4kids4Cat

    4kids4Cat Well-Known Member

    I'm referring to the thread itself; not the video in the first post.
  22. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(KYsweetheart @ Apr 17 2007, 05:10 PM) [snapback]223746[/snapback]
    Actually it depends on the person, as mentioned before you can have high fever and other things... high fever can result in seizures... and other worse case scenarios. Also Chicken Pox can stay in your bloodstream resulting into the shingles later in life... which is VERY painful.

    Okay, what about the very COMMON high fevers that are accompanied with vaccinations? I cannot tell you how many times I have read on this and other forums about fevers, uncontrollable crying, seizures, etc. immediatley following vax's. These side effects are so common, and the sad thing is that doctors tell parents that they are "normal". Each and every reaction SHOULD be reported to VAERS, but only 10 percent of reactions are reported.
  23. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(angie7 @ Apr 17 2007, 12:12 PM) [snapback]223669[/snapback]
    And also about the SIDS article, it was published in JAMA magazine, I am sure if you did a search, you would find it so you could read the entire study.

    Not JAMA, I don't think.

    BUT, here's the most recent study (ETD: most definitive) on the issue of SIDS and vaccines:

    Vaccine. 2007 Jan 4;25(2):336-40. Epub 2006 Aug 4.
    Sudden infant death syndrome: no increased risk after immunisation.

    Vennemann MM, Butterfass-Bahloul T, Jorch G, Brinkmann B, Findeisen M, Sauerland C, Bajanowski T, Mitchell EA; The GeSID group.

    Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Munster, and Children's Hospital, University of Magdeburg, Germany. [email protected]

    BACKGROUND: Although previous studies have shown either no association between immunisation and SIDS or even a decreased risk of SIDS, adverse effects, including death, from immunisations continue to cause concern, especially when a new vaccine is introduced. METHODS: A large case control study with immunisation data on 307 SIDS cases and 971 controls. RESULTS: SIDS cases were immunised less frequently and later than controls. Furthermore there was no increased risk of SIDS in the 14 days following immunisation. There was no evidence to suggest the recently introduced hexavalent vaccines were associated with an increased risk of SIDS. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides further support that immunisations may reduce the risk of SIDS.
  24. titania

    titania Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(FirstTimeMom814 @ Apr 17 2007, 06:53 PM) [snapback]223959[/snapback]
    Cathy, your link worked fine for me. Helen, your link gave me an error.

    weird. i'll try again. thanks.

    eta~ ok, i see that you were referring to the thread, not the video. that works, just not the video link. sorry, i misunderstood. and not sure what went wrong with my video. :unknw: i got an error message too when i tried it just now. will try and fix it.
  25. missmomoftwins02

    missmomoftwins02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(angie7 @ Apr 17 2007, 12:26 PM) [snapback]223913[/snapback]
    Thimerosal was recently "banned" from certain childhood vaccines but the old ones were never recalled so they are still on the shelves, and thimerosal is still in flu shots. Not to mention the other ingrediants that create a toxic cocktail.

    Thank you for making all of us that do vaccinate our children sound like horrible people...telling us that we poison our children with deadly toxins. I am sorry, but that is the way you make it sound. If you choose to vaccinate...fine. If not...that is fine too (if that is what you see best for your family). But don't criticize those that do.

    When I was born in '79 the autism rate was 1 in 10,000, now it is 1 in 100 (since Jan 07) That is a VERY scary number!

    Is that autism rate for children or all ages? It is amazing that when I was born in 1978 and was vaccinated completely and very few people that I know that are this age have any of these problems. Perhaps there is something else that is causing these issues and it's not the vaccines. There have been no studies that can say "yes we are 100% sure that vaccines cause autism." And until then, I will continue to vaccinate my kids.
  26. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I don't even know where to start with the misinformation that is being spread on this thread, so I think I may bow out here. I just wanted to say that babies are DYING from the vaccinations that are administered to them and many times it is just passed off as "SIDS". And yes I said dying, because it DOES happen and it is not as "rare" as many are led to believe. Just look at the VAERS website for reports and see for yourself.

    I am sorry that some believe my "homework" is wrong, but to be frank I don't care. At least I HAVE done my homework on the issue and come to a decision that is right for my family and my daughters. That is more than some people can say they have done, and I know that for a fact.
  27. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(missmomoftwins @ Apr 17 2007, 07:05 PM) [snapback]223982[/snapback]
    Thank you for making all of us that do vaccinate our children sound like horrible people...telling us that we poison our children with deadly toxins. I am sorry, but that is the way you make it sound. If you choose to vaccinate...fine. If not...that is fine too (if that is what you see best for your family). But don't criticize those that do.

    She didn't say that people are poisioning their children with deadly toxins, those were your words. But while we are on the subject of toxins, do you even know the ingredients that are IN vaccinations? Check out this website for ingredients. I am not trying to attack you, but these ingredients are not meant to be injected DIRECTLY into a tiny child's blood stream. They just aren't.
  28. 4kids4Cat

    4kids4Cat Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(missmomoftwins @ Apr 17 2007, 12:05 PM) [snapback]223982[/snapback]
    Is that autism rate for children or all ages? It is amazing that when I was born in 1978 and was vaccinated completely and very few people that I know that are this age have any of these problems. Perhaps there is something else that is causing these issues and it's not the vaccines. There have been no studies that can say "yes we are 100% sure that vaccines cause autism." And until then, I will continue to vaccinate my kids.

    Christa, actually, many believe the rise in Autism and other disorders on the the PDD spectrum is due more to increased awareness of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders and better defined diagnostic procedures. You can read more in the thread I linked above.
  29. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(angie7 @ Apr 17 2007, 11:12 AM) [snapback]223669[/snapback]
    Lots of questions, lets see if I can answer them....

    Is it possible that the reason we are seeing an increase in Autism, AD/HD is b/c the medical profession is dx them better, maybe but I doubt it. Autism was known about many, many years ago. When I was born in '79 the autism rate was 1 in 10,000, now it is 1 in 100 (since Jan 07) That is a VERY scary number! Many believe that autism is somehow genetic, meaning you are born with it. That means this is something that you have since the day you were born. You would show signs from day 1, behavioral, physical, and mental signs. But autism doesnt show up that way. A child who grows normally, develops normally, does everything according to the "charts" and then on a day around 15 months (usually), they just shut down and then are called "autistic" That isnt genetic that is environmental, IMHO. Something is causing it that has nothing to do with genes. What has changed so much in the last 30 years that would account for the autism rate to climb so dramatically? The number of shots children receive. Last count, a 2 year old now a days gets close to 34 shots all containing dangerous chemicals. So to answer your question, no I dont think it is medical doctors dx better...

    What has changed so much in the last 30 years?
    A BIG reason why autism rates 'seem' to have gone up is because IT WAS misdiagnosed for decades and decade . . .
    instead of knowing these people/children were autistic, the Docs diagnosed them as mentally retarded.

    I have a neighbor w/ twins, 3 yrs old.
    One had the vaccination that allegedly causes autism and the other didn't since she was quite a bit smaller, they decided to wait.
    Guess what? They're BOTH autistic.

    I understand people want and desperately NEED answers, but there's not enough evidence yet that I've seen to be convinced autism is caused solely by vaccinating.
    Doctors used to label children retarded. . . now they don't. Just as autism rates are rising, metally retardation rates have lowered.
  30. mellizomama

    mellizomama Member

    I don't think that you should conclude that, because we don't agree with you, we "have not done our homework". Your argument boils down to this: I will not risk any harm to my own children, even if protecting them results in injury to others. The irony here is that by trying to protect your children, you may be exposing them to a far greater injury. I hope that is not the case.

    Vaccines were not just created out of thin air to address a nonexistent problem or so drug companies could make a buck. They were created to combat very real, damaging childhood diseases. Those diseases killed far more children than the side effects you speak of. A cousin of my father was a victim of polio. He was fortunate to survive with only minor damage, but it still has an effect on his health to this day. We have become complacent about vaccination because we have forgotten what life was like without them.
  31. missmomoftwins02

    missmomoftwins02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(LmSjt915 @ Apr 17 2007, 01:14 PM) [snapback]224000[/snapback]
    She didn't say that people are poisioning their children with deadly toxins, those were your words. But while we are on the subject of toxins, do you even know the ingredients that are IN vaccinations? Check out this website for ingredients. I am not trying to attack you, but these ingredients are not meant to be injected DIRECTLY into a tiny child's blood stream. They just aren't.

    Someone else had said something abt them being poisonous or deadly...I do not remember what exactly was said, but what I was getting at is taht she (and you for that matter) make us sound like terrible people that are poisoning our kids.

    If it wasn't safe then the govenrnment would never approve of it. If it wasn't safe and caused all kinds of terrible diseases and mental problems then the government would not approve it and any good parent would not givie it to thier kids. But they ARE safe and they DO prevent deadly diseases and they ARE NOT proven to be more harm than good. And for that reason I will protect my children with vaccinations.
  32. 4kids4Cat

    4kids4Cat Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(LmSjt915 @ Apr 17 2007, 12:14 PM) [snapback]224000[/snapback]
    But while we are on the subject of toxins, do you even know the ingredients that are IN vaccinations?

    Yeah, and you can read more on the "toxic cocktail," in the thread I linked, too.

    Most of this was debated two months ago.
  33. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    but these ingredients are not meant to be injected DIRECTLY into a tiny child's blood stream

    last time my kids were vax'ed it wasn't in their bloodstream - it was in the muscle...

    oh and I detest your insinuation that most of us didn't do our "homework" before we vaccinated our kids thank you very much...
  34. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2gherkins_(4kids4Cat) @ Apr 17 2007, 02:24 PM) [snapback]224020[/snapback]
    Yeah, and you can read more on the "toxic cocktail," in the thread I linked, too.

    Most of this was debated two months ago.

    YES, this comes up VERY often.
  35. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mellizomama @ Apr 17 2007, 07:24 PM) [snapback]224016[/snapback]
    I don't think that you should conclude that, because we don't agree with you, we "have not done our homework". Your argument boils down to this: I will not risk any harm to my own children, even if protecting them results in injury to others. The irony here is that by trying to protect your children, you may be exposing them to a far greater injury. I hope that is not the case.

    Vaccines were not just created out of thin air to address a nonexistent problem or so drug companies could make a buck. They were created to combat very real, damaging childhood diseases. Those diseases killed far more children than the side effects you speak of. A cousin of my father was a victim of polio. He was fortunate to survive with only minor damage, but it still has an effect on his health to this day. We have become complacent about vaccination because we have forgotten what life was like without them.

    I was referring to a comment made earlier in this thread that just because I don't vaccinate my children my "homework" is false. I take offense to that, just because I DON'T vaccinate doesn't mean I am some idiot that is just trying to "harm others" or be "different". I have spent many many many hours reading both sides of the argument, studying both pro and non vaccinating websites, books, etc. I have come to a conclusion that I see fit for OUR family, not the rest of the country. I do what I feel is best for my children and you do what you feel is best for yours.
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