Do the, "I always wanted to have twins" comments bother anyone else?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by [email protected], Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Me too. And I honestly always did think having twins would be super cool, even before we had fertility problems. Once we started having troubles ttc #2, I secretly hoped to have twins so I could get all my fertility crap/miscarriage worries/pregnancy concerns over with in one bundle and move on with my life. Who knew it would be when ttc #3 that we'd get the double blessings?! :wub:
  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Growing up, I never wanted twins. When I was 18 my sister had id twin girls (they are now 23). Even after seeing them I never "thought or hoped" for twins.

    Fast forward to 2003 when my DH & I started ttc. It started with clomid and quickly moved to ivf. It took us 5 years and 3 ivf cyles to get pg and during those treatments I will admit that I hoped for twins. For me it was because I knew because of my age (starting at the age of 33 and finally getting pg at 39) and my condtion, that if we were successful, it would most likely be our only chance. Plus the older I got, I kept thinking about how hard it would be as an only child as we got older. Being a first time mom at 40 makes you think a lot about your mortality; something I doubt I would of thought of at 25.

    My DH's niece is having her first child in May. When she announced her pg, she posted on FB that she really hoped she was carrying twins. I was in no way offened by it. She stayed with us for a week last Febuary when my boys were a little over a year. She actually told me she wanted to see how hard it was being a sahm and what I did all day with them. After she left, she still wanted kids (even twins) and I took that as a compliment.

    When people tell me that always wanted twins, I tell it like it is. It's a lot of work, but also a lot of joy.
  3. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    When people make the comment, I generally respond with... It is something you get, its not something we would have asked for. I love my twins, don't get me wrong, but I think when people hope for twins, they are not really thinking about the down and dirty aspects but more the novelty of it. My initial response was more devastated when we found out it was two. We were totally unprepared for that possibility. I had to grow into the idea and learn to love it. I do love it, but there is no denying that there are struggles.
    I have some relatives that are completely obsessed with the idea of having twins. One just had her first baby. She is so in love with the idea of twins that finding out there was only one turned out to be a disappointment for her. I do hope people that want twins have them, but I hate the idea that they are disappointed when they don't.

    [email protected] Active Member

    Just to be clear- I never used the word offended. That has a very different connotation than something I find irritating at times.
  5. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I always take it as a complement too....I feel like we were picked specially because we were strong enough to take on the extra work and sleep deprivation that goes with raising twinfants! The one question I do want to ask people though when they tell me they always wanted twins is "any advice on finding a good babysitter?" Out of all the things we had to learn about taking care of twins, that is the one thing we haven't figured out yet!

    I agree with other pp: the most annoying question is "Are they twins?" No, I just decided it would be fun to attempt grocery shopping/eating out, etc with 2 infants so I borrowed someone else's
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