Did you dream about twins sexes

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by DenaP, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. DenaP

    DenaP Well-Known Member

    I can find out next week (if we decide to.. still on the fence) the sexes of these little ones. I keep having dreams of two little boys. Which I would love. But in my dreams I give them random names.. HA.. Dieter and Miles were the latest.. before I named them the same names as my Best Friends little twin boys. Did you dream of their sexes.. were you right?
  2. DenaP

    DenaP Well-Known Member

    I can find out next week (if we decide to.. still on the fence) the sexes of these little ones. I keep having dreams of two little boys. Which I would love. But in my dreams I give them random names.. HA.. Dieter and Miles were the latest.. before I named them the same names as my Best Friends little twin boys. Did you dream of their sexes.. were you right?
  3. MommyWannabe

    MommyWannabe Well-Known Member

    I had several dreams we were having b/g twins, but we're really have 2 little girls. I think the whole b/g thing was because that's what everyone was convinced I was having. I knew deep down I had 2 little princesses in here.
  4. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    With my ds, I had a very clear dream about him. I actually saw what he looked like and knew for sure he was our son. He looks just like he did in the dream and even though they couldn't tell what he was at my 20 wk. ultrasound--I knew!

    With this pregnancy, I knew I would have twins, and I knew they were boy and girl. And voila! Here I am prego with b/g twins. I had a dream about them as well.

    With that said, I am so NOT an intuitive person who has premonitions regarding anything else....apparently just with my kids!

    I had an ultrasound technician tell me that mother's intuition about the baby's sex is usually 85-90 % accurate. Considering the ultrasound is about the same effectiveness...I'd say you've got a pretty good chance at knowing what you're having!

  5. jennlynnmahan

    jennlynnmahan Well-Known Member

    I had several dreams that I was having b/g twins and that is what we are having. I think I knew it deep down inside, but whenever anyone asked I would just say that I didn't have a feeling one way or the other.
  6. Michelle B

    Michelle B Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] I had a dream that I was having two boys. I dreamt I had an u/s of them and they were sitting indian style on a glass coffee table with me looking up. They were very clearly both boys. When I actually did get my real u/s at 18 wks, this was exactly what happened. Great views and very clearly boys!
  7. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    On the flip side - I did not find out the sexes (I think I was one of a handful that didn't find out). I had dreams (and frankly wishes too) that we would have a boy and girl.

    We had 2 girls. I'm very happy and wouldn't trade them for the world!
  8. momoftheforest

    momoftheforest Well-Known Member

    I had a dream before I knew I was pregnant this time with twin girls. When I found out I was pregnant, I had an ultrasound and there were the twins. I dont know the sexes yet, but the doctors office claims that every mom who has been in their practice who has had a dream like that has been accurate. I also have a Blind lady friend from our church that I have known since childhood. She ran into my mother the other Sunday and asked about how I was doing. She said, "does she know shes having twin girls yet?" At that point, nobody knew I was having twins, my mother asked her how she knew, she said, "I had a premonition about 3 months ago she was going to have twin girls" I am 3 months and 4 days pregnant. My next u/s is January 11 when I have my Level II, Im anxiously awaiting.
  9. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    We aren't finding out the sexes of the babies, so we don't know yet ... but I've had a dream where they were two boys and another where they were a boy and a girl ... I frankly have no idea. A lady did a "test" thing with a pencil and needle and thread and told me I would have 2 girls ... I guess we'll see!!! My mom thinks its two girls, my MIL thinks two boys ... it's fun!!
  10. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I didn't really dream about the sexes because we found out the sexes the same day we found out we were having twins. I did have myself really, really looking forward to twin girls before the u/s though, even though I had no reason whatsoever to think we were having twins.
  11. kimber074

    kimber074 Well-Known Member

    We will see on Dec 26th (hopefully) but I keep having dreams that they are b/g. [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. sitkamom

    sitkamom Well-Known Member

    I didn't have any dreams about twins before we knew we were having them and that they are b/g, but I have had two dreams about them being triplets (both times them being two boys and a girl) and heavens to Betsy I don't know what we would do then! I'm pretty sure there are only two of them in there though and I'm just freaking my self out. Although, my sister had a dream I had triplets the same night I did. [​IMG]
  13. Melina

    Melina Well-Known Member

    My dreams were usually two boys, but once or twice it was two girls. I had two boy dreams even after I found out the sex.

    But my gut from before I was even pregnant was b/g. I was having my period that last time and I said to my husband, I will get pregnant on vacation (we went to Gatlinburg when we conceived) and it will be b/g twins. I called it!
  14. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I had this crazy dream that my babies were calico kittens! My family
    said what pretty little girls! I was in tears asking how do you know?
    they are hairy kittens!!

    both of my babies are GIRLS!!
  15. Beebs

    Beebs Active Member

    When I was 12 weeks pregnant and found out my baby (now 2 year old) was going to be a boy I was thrilled that my older son would have a brother, but I really didn't think we'd have any more children and so I was a little sad that I'd never have a daughter. That night I dreamed that we decided to try to have a third child because we wanted a girl and we ended up having twin boys. I told my husband the dream the next morning. Fast forward to this summer when I got pregnant by accident while my husband and I were trying (not effectively) not to get pregnant while we decided if we wanted a third child or just a girl (if the latter, then we didn't want to get pregnant.) I went to my first u/s and found out I was having twins- so bizarre. Then my doctor told me he thought they were both boys. I thought 'of course they are- that's my dream.' But at 18 weeks it turned out they were both girls.

    Crazy situation- I think the dream was me cautioning myself only to have a third child if I really wanted more children... but still weird that I'd dream I'd have twins.
  16. MomToBeX2

    MomToBeX2 Well-Known Member

    I had dreams that I had b/g twins. One was really tiny and one was bigger, lol. One baby is always measuring behind, so I took that dream to mean that the smaller baby was the girl and the bigger one was the boy.

    I've also had a dream where they were b/b and I was upset about it because I wanted my little girl. I've always always always had very strong feelings that I'd have a girl first and then a boy... so I'm hoping for b/g babies! We'll find out next week. [​IMG]
  17. Angelmommy

    Angelmommy Well-Known Member

    I had dreams at first that it was two babies bundled up in pink. But latley i havnt dreamt about them- atleast i dont remeber he dreams if i am having any. Maybe its because its too confusing with my hubby sayingits gonn abe 2 boys, my daughter says 2 girls, and i want one of eacj lol. Guess maybe my dreams will come back on Monday night once we find out the sex's lol.
  18. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    I dreamt about having twin girls when i jsut found out i was pregnant. We were trying so I tested on my due date for my period. And that night i dreamt about twin girls, and a few times afterwards. So when we found out that we were indeed having twin girls at 12 weeks I was estatic. I am a strong believer in mother's intuition!! [​IMG]
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