clean room?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by bigeyes, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. bigeyes

    bigeyes Well-Known Member

    DD room is still walkablebut things are in boxes and containers lining her room. she wont give up things even if it means her room is "prettier" ... i mean we are talking about scraps of paper here people! dolls and stuffd animals, craft project items etc... its like a huge treasure chest but she can't even get to the bottom.. we are stuck in the house right now due to rsv season and newborn twins.. so part of me says lt her play with her stuff it is keeping her occupied.. but at the same time its driving me up the wall... what can i do to get rid of it all without her hating me?
  2. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    When it's actual trash I generally sneak in and remove a little at a time when they're not looking.

    For toys and stuff I usually have them help me go through, but with a motivator: what can we pass along to a new cousin? How can we make room for the toys Santa will bring?
  3. JandCsMom

    JandCsMom Well-Known Member

    What I do is put the stuff I don't think they need in boxes and store it out of sight. If they don't ask for it within a couple of months, it's gone.... Sometimes I go the next step and if they ask for it, I say, "Oh, I think I got rid of that." If they put up a big enough fuss, I will "find" it. If they shrug and go on about their business, it's gone.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Every so often DH will tell the boys anything left on the floor goes in the trash. I do tend to throw out a bit at a time. The boys have also gotten good at cleaning up their room, so I don't throw much away anymore, and they will do it themselves.
  5. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I would just cycle it. Do you have a place to store stuff? Take 1/2 of it and box it away and in about 6 wks switch it. But the trash has got to go! Just tell her its trash and toss it!!
  6. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I clean Annie's room when she's at school. I throw away all the trash and even some small toys, and she never mentions them again! She doesn't even seem to notice that I've cleaned it!
  7. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I would find a storage area for her boxes. About once a week or so I would get out a box and have her help you go through it and choose the few things she wants to keep, the things she wants to donate, and throw away the rest. Put up some shelves to display her treasures.
  8. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I clean my SD's room when she is at school also, which I did yesterday, I got rid of a whole bag of trash.
  9. krysn2ants

    krysn2ants Well-Known Member

    My boys are packrats...UGH!!! They think they have to keep EVERYTHING, every little scrap of paper, it's crazy. I usually make them clean up their room before they go to bed but while they were gone to my Mom's for Thanksgiving week, I went thru their room and threw out ALL the papers and trash, boxed up some clothes that don't fit, and threw out a few small toys. Usually each year right before their bday (Oct) and before Xmas, I make them go thru their toys to pick out the ones they want to donate. After I cleaned their room this time, I told them that if they didn't keep it nice and neat like it is now, that I was going to start throwing out their toys one by one and take the video game system out of their room. When they're cleaning their room, sometimes I will stand in there and watch them and as they're trying to store all the junk papers, I tell them that our house is just way too small to keep everything and that they HAVE to throw that paper away.
  10. Katheryn

    Katheryn Well-Known Member

    I clean Annie's room when she's at school. I throw away all the trash and even some small toys, and she never mentions them again!

    This is what I do, too. If they can't take of it, then I do. If it's important to them then they must learn to put things in their places. My girls do, however, notice if their room has been cleaned and are excited about it and thank me. :love0028: BTW, this for my younger two. I don't clean the older girls' room anymore.... :p
  11. Sarach

    Sarach Active Member

    Hello guys what about cleaning.. i have such a problem with animals, because of my dogs there is a lot of hair at home .. Constantly unpleasant smell, even if the pet is washed and cared for, but the natural smells of animals will not go anywhere. At first I thought that the smell was from the ventilation, but as it turned out, no, this smell comes from the floor.
  12. Ckarl

    Ckarl Member

    It may not be from the ventilation, simply from the number of animals in your home. Just try to get a new special robot vacuum that cleans up after your pets. Review and feedback on this robotic vacuums you can see here by Stephen A. Hancock. I also constantly had an unpleasant smell in the apartment, I had three cats, I constantly cleaned up after them, but the smell of fallen wool and everything else made itself felt.
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