Chroid Plexus Cyst

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by AKilburn, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Well I had my 2nd MFM appt on Thursday. Both babies are almost 1 lb each, growing well and moving, baby A was kicking baby B in the head, lol. Baby A wouldn't cooperate to determine the sex, the doc and the ultrasound tech are pretty positive that Baby A is a girl, but couldn't completely confirm it. That was all great news, the bad/scary news is that Baby B (my boy) has a Chroid Plexus Cyst, which could be an indication of Trisomy 18. My doc said he's not too worried b/c my screening showed that it was 1 in 350,000 chance and baby B was opening and closing his fists, and his heart looks great, but regardless I'm worried. He said normally the cysts disappear around 28-32 weeks, I go back on the 10th to see him, in the meantime I'll have probably 2 appts with my OB. He has me on 2 week appts b/c I have started funneling and baby A's placenta is low lying, so he wants to keep an eye on it all.

    Anyway, has anyone else experienced this cyst? If so how did it turn out? I know my doc says not to worry but honestly it's hard not to.

    Thanks gals!
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think there are several people that have experienced the cysts, but of course, today's Sunday and no one is on. So I'll just :bump: this thread for you.
  3. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    I didn't have this but did want to say that one of the benefits, and drawbacks of twin pregnancies is lots of ultrasounds. It gives peace of mind when all is well but is stressful when things are flagged. In singleton pregnancies, the difference is that anomalies come and go without notice because they aren't having ultrasounds so frequently. That's probably why your Dr says not to worry because it's likely to resolve itself. I'm pretty sure I've seen others post about that happening to them in previous threads. Good luck!
  4. jaam4eva

    jaam4eva Well-Known Member

    i personally have not experienced this, BUT my cousin AND one of my best friend's babies both had this at their ultrasounds. apparently, it's pretty common. both babies were boys, and both babies are PERFECT. the cysts were gone at later ultrasounds. i really would not worry, especially if there are not other markers. now, for a personal story, one of my babies had a short femur measurement, and they freaked me out with all these statistics about down syndrome and dwarfism, etc. so i freaked out until i could get into the MFM dr and get a level two u sound. there were NO other markers. obviously there are no guarantees, but at a later ultrasound, the femur was measuring in the 40th percentile, not the 3rd. i'm guessing everything is ok. so i tell you all that to say DON'T worry about it. there are NO other markers for you baby, either, and the cysts are fairly common. easier said than done, though, i know. (((hugs)))
  5. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    My singleton had several cysts. He also had some other soft markers including dilated kidneys. By 30-something weeks the cysts were gone and by birth the kidneys, etc had worked themselves out too. He's now a very healthy and happy 4 year old :). Since coming here I've found out that the cysts are very common...I wish I had know that when I was preggers with him but at least I can now offer a positive story to others going through the worry I went through!
  6. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    This happened to me too. My baby A had a cyst when I had an ultrasound done at 18(?)ish weeks. I know I posted about it on here somewhere. This was the only marker she had, but they still sent me for a fetal echo for their hearts just to make sure. Turned out to be nothing, thank G-d. Hang in there!
  7. staceyloraine

    staceyloraine Well-Known Member

    My baby B had this too. Scared me so much! I did all this reading on it and what conditions it could be a marker for and worries so much. It did in fact go away and my boy is fine now! I kept asking the Dr and the ultrasound tech about it and both of them said they had never seen one not disappear. They didn't do any further testing, but just waited until the 28 week ultrasound and sure enough it was gone.
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