Anyone's children really sleep 7pm-7am/12 hrs?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Andi German, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    I never thought we'd get there but yes my girls sleep 6:30pm - 7AM. For awhile they were taking super naps. 9:30-12 and 2-4:30. I remember teasing a friend who had a kid like this back when my boys were younger. I asked when she ever saw her kid? I was so jealous. LOL But that period only lasted a few weeks. Now one twin takes a long morning nap but plays the whole afternoon nap time. After an hour, I go get her. The other truly needs that afternoon nap. BTW I have the girls in separate rooms. I don't know how I'm ever going to get them to share again since one really likes her sleep and needs a quiet room while the other is happy to bounce off the walls of the crib, babble etc. for a long time before sleeping.
  2. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    My LOs used to sleep 7am-7pm with naps BUT that was when they were about 7 months old.

    When we changed to summer time, I basically moved their bedtime to a later time otherwise I´d be up at the crack of dawn like you. Mine eat dinner at around 8.30pm (sometimes earlier if they´re really tired), have a bath then go to bed which is about 9pm. They usually go to sleep around 9.30pm and will sleep to 8am. It does vary though. Sometimes they wake at 7.30am but I dont go into them until 8am unless they are crying. They are quite happy to play for a little while before breakfast. Sometimes they wake at 9am so it depends on how tired they are. They will nap for 3 hours during the day.

    I find they sleep better at nights when they have a morning nap, post-breakfast, and an early afternoon nap, after lunch. They are then up for 4+ hours before dinner time. Lately though they are changing on me so I need to re-work the naps!

    My DS used to be a terrible sleeper but he´s recently got so much better, thank goodness! It may just be that your DS doesnt need much sleep. Maybe try tweaking his naps and bedtime, you may be surprised! GL!
  3. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the replies ladies.

    Have been trying a few things. Yesterday I blacked out his room even more so it really is dark now and he went to bed half hour later. Surprise surprise he slept till 6 am this morning!!!! And that's only because elliot gave a big cry in his sleep and woke him up! (thin walls). He is teething as well which I forgot to mention. So am going to keep going with the half hour later and see if it consistently makes a difference.
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