Anyone deliver at 35 or 36wks-with no or little NICU?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Specky, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    see my siggi but No NICU, they came out screaming!!! Good luck!
  2. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I had mine at exactly 35 weeks due to high blood pressure and early stages of pre-E. The babies were both over 5 lbs and healthy! No NICU whatsoever! Stay positive!!!
  3. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    I delivered vaginally at 36 weeks after being induced due to pre-e. Max & Lily spent no time in the NICU. Max stayed one extra night at the hospital after Lily and I were released for monitoring of his heart defect. He ended up having open-heart surgery at 8-weeks old to repair the defect and is a "normal healthy boy" per his doctors now.

    My milk came in within 4 days of being home. I did not breast feed because it just never appealed to me and it took about 6 weeks to dry up.

    Good luck and I am wishing you and your babies a smooth delivery.
  4. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    I just had a c-section due to pre-e as well. My boys came out at 35W3D. One was 7lbs3oz and spent about 28 hours in NICU due to low blood sugar and some fluid in his lungs. The other was 5lbs11oz and just spent about 3 hours in NICU to pink up and transition. They were born on a Saturday, and had the option to go home late Monday night, but was encourged to stick around until Tuesday (which we did).

    In terms of BF, we had to use a nipple shield and a syringe/tube thing at the begining. They were loosing too much weight, so we swtiched to bottles. I pumped and used formula. Both can latch on pretty well now, but we still use bottles for the most part to help me maintain my sanity. Just a word of warning, I was told that PIH or pre-e can make it harder for your milk to come in or have a good supply at first, so don't be frustrated if it takes a little while!
  5. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    Another 36w 1d-er with no NICU time. The girls did come right in and room in with us (after I came out of recovery) and only had to leave a couple of times for temp issues and to go under the 'french fry' lights. They came home with us a couple of days later too.
  6. Cynthia3200

    Cynthia3200 Well-Known Member

    I delivered at exactly 35 weeks. Both girls were in the NICU for 12 days. I breastfed right from the beginning. No problems and I still haven't had to supplement anything.
  7. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    I had mine at 38 weeks, 6 days (due to pre-e, too. the doctor originally was taking me to 40w) although they were both over 7 lbs. DD had to go to the NICU for about 36 hours.

    Sorry it's not GOOD news. But she was totally fine, just some extra fluid in the lungs.

    Don't worry, everything will be okay :)
  8. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    bf'g is absolutely possible if your babes have to go to the nicu. mine were there for ten weeks and one is bf'g exclusively. the other gets ebm because he has a high palate and wasn't able to latch. but that had nothing to do w/his being in the nicu.

    if your babes end up there just make it clear to everyone that you want to bf and want the babes on breastmilk only. they have to respect your wishes.

    best of luck!
  9. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    My guys arrived at 35w0d, weighed 5lb5oz and 4lb13oz, and the bigger one had to spend 18 hours in NICU, but that was due to trauma during delivery, NOT pregnancy and pre-E complications. The little one came right to my room. They were born on a Friday and we all went home on Monday! It took several weeks of pumping and hard work (I allowed formula during their first 10 days, because they were so small and needed to put on weight; the placentas had been failing so they had essentially been starving in utero!) before they were good nursers, but they caught on eventually, and are still nursing strong!
  10. lanasvik

    lanasvik Member

    I was 36 weeks 5 days. Delivered vaginally, had a tubal the following day, NO NICU, and we all went home 3 days later. You can do it! You've made it this far, it can only get better from here!
  11. sbelcher96

    sbelcher96 New Member

    QUOTE(Specky @ Nov 13 2008, 10:30 AM) [snapback]1068705[/snapback]

    I'm 35wks 1 day, and starting to develope pre-e. I'm 100% effaced and 2cm dilated...looks likes delivery will happen in the next week or two.

    I was wondering if anyone has delivered at this stage and had no NICCU time??
    I'm also worried I won't be able to breastfeed if they come this early...any success stories out there??

    I have to admit, I'm struggling with the idea I can't keep them in longer...I know I've done all I can, but I had 38wks in my head!!

    Thanks everyone!


    I was admitted to hospital at 33 weeks, 80% effaced, 3.5cm dilated. Stayed in hospital on bedrest and lots of drugs and kept the boys in until it was no longer safe for me and had to deliver. Boys came via c-sec 35 wks and 4 days. Both very healthy 5lb5oz and 5lb13oz. No NICU, stayed with me in my room and we all went home 3 days later! Lactation nurse helped me in the hospital, gave boys colostrum and supplemented by syringe feeding formula to help them learn to latch. Milk came in once I was home and continued to feed breast milk and formula (boys lost 10% of body weight so went for weight check to peds office every other day, the formula helped get their weight back up). Stopped breast milk when went back to work at 3 months. Boys are happy and healthy! You are doing great! Every day you can keep them in you is 1 more day they get to grow and mature. We were so thankful when another day would pass without them being delivered. It was miserable, but it was worth it to let them grow bigger and stronger. You will worry and fret, but hang in there.
  12. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    My little men came at 35w4d with no NICU time and very little complications. John had to have a bit of oxygen initially, but nothing major.

    Neither one was able to latch, but I pumped around the clock so that A) they could have what little colostrum I could get out and B) my milk would come in. My milk came in on the 4th day, and I was an exclusive pumper for the 1st three weeks of their lives. They couldn't latch properly because they didn't have the cheek muscles to do the work for BFing. We had to work with them on that. We had to supplement while we were in the hospital, but they haven't had anything except Mommy's milk since they were 4 days old. I'm still BFing today!
  13. DebDai

    DebDai Well-Known Member

    36 weekers here! No NICU time either THANK GOD!
  14. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dianna @ Nov 13 2008, 10:38 AM) [snapback]1068726[/snapback]
    35 weeks and 6 days, no NICU, me and the babies were home 2 days later :)

    You are doing great!!



    Congrats on making this far, good luck with everything and keep us posted!
  15. mairoge

    mairoge Well-Known Member

    Mines were born at 35 weeks and two days. They weighed 5.6 and 5.9 pounds. They stayed in the NICU as a precaution for one week. Your babies will be fine.
  16. melissa1

    melissa1 Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 36weeks with no nicu time strong healthy 6lbs. babies:)
  17. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    35 weeks, 4 days; vaginal birth; no NICU - all of us home 2 days later!

    Good luck.
  18. prayzGod

    prayzGod Member

    went into labor at 35.5 days, had them at 35.6 days. they were 5 lbs. 9 oz and 6 lbs 10 oz. vaginal birth, no nicu, went home 2 days later. now they are beautiful 15 and 19 lb. ebf 4 month olds.
  19. ca2pa2005

    ca2pa2005 Well-Known Member

    I had emergency c-section at 35 weeks 1 day due to sever pre-eclampsia. My babies were 4lbs 12oz and 5lbs 1oz and did not need any NICU. We went home with both babies 4 days later when I was released.
  20. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    I delivered mine at 34w1d (TTTS), and they did NICU time mostly because of the TTTS. They were in the NICU 2 weeks or less and did great. I think 35 weeks is awesome!
  21. christencameron

    christencameron Well-Known Member

    I had my baby girls 10 days ago at 36w. They were in the NICU for 18 hours because of not clearing the fluid from their lungs due to the c-section. But they never needed any kind of intervention they were just there for observation. Their weights were 5lb 4oz and 5lb 7oz. We all came home together 3 days later. They're currently breastfeeding and then supplementing with EBM, hopefully after their doc appt tomorrow we can cut out some of the supplemental feedings.
  22. DoublyThrilled

    DoublyThrilled Well-Known Member

    Congratulations for making it so far....hurray!!!

    I was hoping for 38 weeks too...But mine were born at 36 w 1 day.

    Had a vaginal delivery...No NICU time and my boys were home with me.

    And yes, I could BF them right from the start....

    You are doing great...Don't worry...Good luck!!!
  23. rarasnake

    rarasnake Member

    Congrats on making it this far!!!

    I went at 36wks 4days. I can tell you, it doesn't matter how far you go,
    it depends on the babies health at birth. Baby B (James) did great, he
    was 6lbs 12oz and came home with me. Baby A (John) was born 6lbs
    5oz and ended up having exploratory surgery and couldn't get is blood
    sugars up (ended up with a pick-line in his neck) and then had bad
    gastro-reflux. He ended up being in NICU at the Children's Hosptial
    (not where I delivered, he was transported on day 1) for a month.

    You continue to bake those babies alittle bit longer and I hope all goes
    well and they can come home with you!!!
  24. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    Congrats on making it this far!! I had my twinkies at exactly 36 weeks. DS was 6lbs 5oz, DD was 5lbs 13.5oz. Healthy, healthy, healthy! No NICU time, and we all came home together three days later!
  25. theklafkas

    theklafkas Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 36 weeks 6 days and we have no NICU time at all. Alyssa was 6lbs. 12oz and Austin was 6lbs 14oz. They are still growing like weeds and it has been 3 1/2 months.
  26. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    This is a very encouraging thread! :)
  27. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 36 weeks and 3 days -- they were both so healthy! In fact, I delivered at 11:07 and 11:13 at night, and they babies were back in our room feeding at midnight. I had the babies on a Monday night and we were home iwth them on WEdnesday afternoon. THey weighed 4lbs 13oz and 5lbs. so they were normal size twins (according to the doctor)-- not particularly big.
  28. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    Mine were delivered at 35 weeks 4 days. Beau was 3.8 and Savannah was 4.11... NO NICU time at all... Savannah had 2 hours of oxygen and both babies were in the room with me next day (had a difficult time with the mag drip). We all left 4 days later... Beau was 3.9 when we left and Savannah was 4.7... We chose not to BF, so no help there but i am sure that you will be fine. :) I had severe preclampsia too...
  29. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    congrats! mine were born at 36 wks exactly and were in the NICU for 5 days:) They are pretty much feeders/growers at the latest stage of your pregnancy and 36 wks is awesome! In My city they talk induction at 37 wks as full term. GL!

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