2 year olds don't need soda - When did you let your kids start having it

Discussion in 'General' started by cjk2002, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for all your responses.We don't see them all that often and if it were a 2-3 time a year thing it would not bother me. The main problem I have with it is when they see me with soda and want some and then throw a fit because I won't give in like their gramdma and uncle.

    They truly feel that just because it's sugar free it's not harming them in any way.

    There really is no point now mentioning it to them because it could be months before I see them again in a social setting and I'm pretty sure they would not remember the conversation. The next time we see them I will ask for them not to give in because of the issues I have with my boys when I have some.
  2. cowgirl

    cowgirl Well-Known Member

    You know my mom once had a run in one time with my grandmother , her MIL , who was one of the sweetest kindest people ever but she intervened when my momma tried to discipline my sister. My mom told her politly but firmly that she had her chance to raise her children the way she saw fit and now it was my mothers turn and she needed to respect that and let her have her chance. I think saying that really might set your in laws straight too. Everyone needs to respect others boundries.

  3. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    I am not a soda drinker and plan on not allowing my children to drink soda for as long as possible. I hope that in the process I won't make it more tempting because it is "forbidden" - I will try to limit their exposure to it so they don't see it all the time and want it. Luckily my inlaws and parents are not big soda drinkers (my dad has the occasional cola) so that will hopefully make it easier to keep it out of sight and out of mind. I also want to put off giving them juice for a while and try to get them accustomed to drinking water instead (as of now one of them makes a face when I give her water and the other is okay with it). I would most certainly be upset if someone (family or otherwise) was feeding my young children soda against my wishes. You have every right to be upset. I think you should stand your ground and reiterate your views on this point. However, they sound like they are fully aware of how you feel but just don't care. That is frustrating. I hate to recommend limiting their time with the children or insisting that you supervise visits but there has to be some kind of consequence for their blatant disregard for your wishes.
  4. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I just think there are many drinks that kids don't need to have -- pop/ soda, coffee, wine, beer, hard liquor, Gatorade (the yellow dye, sugar/ salt in that stuff !! it is made for athletes not kids), Tang, tea, ..... There is nothing wrong with there being ADULT drinks and CHILD drinks.

    I know my sister gives her daughter sips of her coffee (to each their own) but I don't want them attempting to take my coffee which one day could be hot !! Or have them hovering around while I have my morning coffee. I guess for us we have eliminated pop/soda from the house so it is often a treat when the girls have juice even. (they love fruit and eat a fair amount of fruit)

    I think soda would be one thing but DIET with the aspertame !!! Never. Could you buy a fizzy soda which is carbonated fruit juice and have it at the in-laws house. THEIR special "soda" for when they come to visit them ?? This way they get the FIZZ and you get something a bit better for them.

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  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine get soda to drink when we go out to dinner or if we are at a party at someone's house. They don't just drink it around the house though (my 4 years olds) and then we stick with sprite or caff. free root beer. We do let our oldest DD have 1-2 sodas a week at home.
  6. Millie&twins

    Millie&twins Well-Known Member

    In Argentina you get soda from early on, I was not allowed into my country until I was 10 so not an issue for me but my smallest brother got soda in his sippy cup when he was just a babe, just as all my cousins did. They all grew up to be perfectly normal, normoweight people with no strange addictions to any soda.
    I do not buy or allow soda at home because I don't allow a lot of food. I am a food nazi and I am ok with it, they are allowed juice for breakfast and thinned down juice or smoothies as a snack. They had soda, my mom and grandma sort of always gave them soda and at 10 and 9 the older ones of course have it at every party they go to, the twins at 6 also get it at birthday parties. My daughter at 3 has had soda but it is not something she gets often, I won't buy it for them but if they are offered it they are of course ok to take it (that is our rule with most food, as I cook and therefore am usually the one offering the food). As opposed as I am to soda I am a lot more opposed to aspartame and any kind of fake sugar. If you read secent studies on how aspartame can affect the brain you would too.
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  7. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My girls are 7 1/2 and have only tried it 2 or 3 times. My sister gave them a sip when they were two or three and I yelled at her for it. Thankfully my girls didn't like it and never asked for it again (they didn't like the carbonation). Since then they may have tried it one or two other times but still don't ask for it (I think they remember they didn't like it when they were younger and assume they still don't like it). They know they aren't aloud to have it and that it is not good for you. They also know they aren't supposed to have it until they are older. My son has never had soda at almost 4 but he has had carbonated water and loves that so I am hoping he never tries soda because he will most likely like it. Both my brothers kids and my bils kids have had soda at young ages probably between 1 and 2yrs old. They get it when they want and my kids know that is their parents choice and they accept that (for now I assume we will get into problems when they get older and see more of their friends drinking and doing other things that they aren't aloud to do).

    I would try to voice my opinion more with my in laws and I would make sure my husband also spoke to them about it.
  8. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    Everything in moderation. The girls have had it but Allison does not really like it. Zoe will have drinks of Devons.
  9. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    The only time my kids drink it is when we are at a restaurant.
  10. Slackwater

    Slackwater Well-Known Member

    My kids can have "woot beah" or "spite" when we go out to eat. We do have some root beer in the house, but they rarely drink that - maybe once a month??? It often goes bad before they drink it all.

    But I'm not one to talk - I'm addicted to diet Dr. Pepper :escape:
  11. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain! My mil gave dd1 pop at that age.. even earlier and it irritated me too. There is NO reason they need that so early on. I do let the girls have it now at a restaurant or on a special occasion but they're 6 and 8 now!
  12. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls had their first sip at 6 months....my FIL slipped it to them while at a restaurant while I wasn't looking. However, it just rolled out of their mouth and with the exception of Sunkist and Sprite, they really don't care for it. They have never had any more than just sips from someone else's drink and never had a glass to themselves. They would rather have juice, lemonaide, or tea for sweet drinks.
  13. kim01

    kim01 Well-Known Member

    i'm actually very proud to say that at the age of 8 my boys have yet to have any soda or junk drink :) to me there is no reason for them to have it yet. they also don't get kool aid or any other sugar filled,non healty waste drink. they don't get tons of juice either.
    they drink,water and milk,and when they do get juice it is a cup of it,and its 100 percent juice only.
    they dont get icee's or any of that junk.
    i don't get why on earth people give that crap to their kids at such young ages. i don't see why they start them on it so early and waste their money.
    the boys from time to time will get flavored water(no sugar added). but again it is every once in a while.
    death would happen to anyone who gave my kids any soda or junk drink. and my family knows this and would never sneak it to them.
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