Information for babysitter when I'm in hospital

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by christinam, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I like to make up an information sheet for whoever watches the kids while I'm in the hospital. It actually came in handy last time when DS got stung by a bee and needed benedryl. :( Anyway, I like keeping it to one page and hanging it on the fridge. Just wanted to see if you would include anything else that what I list. Obviously, it would be both DH and mine phone numbers. I also include our full address in case someone has to call 911 - having it listed is easier than trying to remember. I also include the kid's pedi name, number, and the kid's birth dates in case someone had to call. I also like to include tylenol, claritin, and benedryl dosing for the kids. I think I have it covered but can you think of anything else?
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Allergies? Nap/bedtime routines? An emergency contact other than you & your hubby in case they can't get a hold of you?
  3. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    Their weights, maybe? I know you are already listing the dosing for certain OTC meds but it could come in handy. Poison control number?
  4. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies! I have the poison control number already on the fridge. Weights are a good idea in case they need to give some other med.
  5. lola5

    lola5 Well-Known Member

    I love the idea of creating an information sheet for babysitters, especially during hospital stays. Having contact numbers, including the care com phone number , addresses, and medication details in one place is so helpful. It’s great that you’ve already included your kids’ birth dates and the pediatrician’s contact details. You could also add any allergy notes or snack restrictions, so your babysitter feels confident preparing meals. A quick daily routine outline can keep everyone on the same page and ensure a more relaxed experience.

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