You know what..I'm tired of being tired.

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sullivanre, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I haven't slept for more than a 5 hour stretch in 7.5 months. Most of them time I get up 2-3 times a night with the babies.

    This has got to stop...I'm starting to get really depressed and angry.

    Ugh, I'm not getting to enjoy the babies.
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :hug: I am sorry that you are overtired and overworked. Mine didnt STTN until they were over 9 months old and I was at my wits end. Hang in there. They will eventually sleep longer and so will you. It might not be until they go to college, but it will happen :lol:
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

  4. MyCrazyLife

    MyCrazyLife Active Member

    Ohmygoodness, I'm so with you... LOL, and I'm only at 4.5 mos. I actually teared up reading your post!

    The last 2 weeks, the girls were sick (as was my 20-month-old toddler). Sleep has been scarce and I was starting to debate the value of formula for getting longer sleep stretches. Then, before bed last night, I resolved to stick it out and keep breastfeeding ...

    ... LOL, the girls tested my resolve last night by insisting on 5 feeds between the 2 of them during the night. (Tracy Hogg, your "dream feed" idea ain't workin' in the twins scenario...)

    I ended up co-sleeping in their bedroom (on a single bed originally intended for my older daughter).

    My husband complains about being tired and I want to smack him. Gently. But still... ;-)

    4-5 hrs would be BLISS!!!!!

    And I don't know about you, but I stopped sleeping waaaaay before the babes were born because I was so dang uncomfortable.

    We will sleep again, I'm sure. But when, oh dear, when....
  5. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MyCrazyLife @ Feb 1 2009, 10:39 PM) [snapback]1172206[/snapback]
    Ohmygoodness, I'm so with you... LOL, and I'm only at 4.5 mos. I actually teared up reading your post!

    The last 2 weeks, the girls were sick (as was my 20-month-old toddler). Sleep has been scarce and I was starting to debate the value of formula for getting longer sleep stretches. Then, before bed last night, I resolved to stick it out and keep breastfeeding ...

    ... LOL, the girls tested my resolve last night by insisting on 5 feeds between the 2 of them during the night. (Tracy Hogg, your "dream feed" idea ain't workin' in the twins scenario...)

    I ended up co-sleeping in their bedroom (on a single bed originally intended for my older daughter).

    My husband complains about being tired and I want to smack him. Gently. But still... ;-)

    4-5 hrs would be BLISS!!!!!

    And I don't know about you, but I stopped sleeping waaaaay before the babes were born because I was so dang uncomfortable.

    We will sleep again, I'm sure. But when, oh dear, when....

    I need to do a better job of giving other twin moms hope right. :) We always say it gets better, but this doesn't sound much better. I've been getting 4-5 hours more and more, but I really did expect this guys to sleep longer by now.

    I'll guess I'll wait until their college years as Rachel said above. :D
  6. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    PS- formula won't help. My guys get breastmilk and formula, and it really doesn't matter.
  7. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    So in my personal experience just when you think you cant take whatever it is they are doing anymore - It will change!
    Lets hope your babies got the memo that mommy is tired! Are you feeding them together at night?
  8. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Ahh Rachel...I'm sorry they are still getting up! Are they in the same room? Could you split them up and see if one is waking the other one? I sleep better when Laud is in the livingroom in the pack n' play. Then I will let Creed squirm and cry it out, but it usually only takes less than 5 minutes. (I share a bedroom with them cause we only have 3 rooms for the 8 of us). Have you tried CIO yet? What are they doing when they get up? Do they take a bottle? About this time with my other kids if they woke up I was giving them water only. Eventually they stopped waking up. Are they teething? That always seems to set us back.

    I hope things turn around for you real soon!
  9. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: I am so sorry!! Those first few months were harder than hard. I can tell you that it does get better, and I hope it happens soon for you!! :hug:
  10. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(E&Msmom @ Feb 1 2009, 08:31 PM) [snapback]1172273[/snapback]
    So in my personal experience just when you think you cant take whatever it is they are doing anymore - It will change!
    Lets hope your babies got the memo that mommy is tired! Are you feeding them together at night?

    This is so sister in law told me the same thing over and over again in the early days. She said "just when you think you can't take it anymore" it gets better...

    7.5 months is a long time, we definitely had some full nights sooner than that....You'll find your way, we all do!
  11. lucky123

    lucky123 Well-Known Member

    I'm right there with you. 7.5 mo. Not sleeping. At all.

    Just when they start to improve (and by improve I mean waking at 12 and then 5 am, so 2 five huor stretches) they get the tinest cold and BAM they're nursing all. night. long. Seriously, it's barely the sniffles and they're all out of whack. I'm ready to toss them both out the window.

    Plus, what good is this CIO business if I'm not supposed to do it when they're sick. I'm half joking...but half not.

    Sorry to turn this into my own personal rant but it was a long night.
  12. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: to you. It's frustrating to not get sleep. I know I would be tired and angry too (and have been) and I hope they will get the memo that when everyone gets a good night's sleep then everyone is happy!
  13. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: We've all been there.. and wouldn't want to go back! :hug: I hope they start sleeping for you soon.
  14. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm so sorry Rachel. Is there any way someone can come over take the night wakings for one night, so you can sleep through? :hug:
  15. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Since mine were born, I haven't slept in more than 2-3 hr spurts before waking up.. if only to look at the time. EVEN when they're at grandmas house for the night!! I heard, "once you have children, you never really sleep well." Though I wonder how much of that is true.

    Sometimes [usually when I have to get up more than 2X in a night] I get frustrated. Then I think back to how they were as newborns - waking every 2 hrs and wonder how the heck I made it through! Continue to be patient mama, it will come. Just not as soon as we'd like ^_^

  16. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SweetGirl @ Feb 2 2009, 03:02 PM) [snapback]1173115[/snapback]
    :hug: I'm so sorry Rachel. Is there any way someone can come over take the night wakings for one night, so you can sleep through? :hug:

    this is what I was thinking too. What about DH? a friend? I think even hiring a babysitter for a night or two if that's what it takes will go a long way toward making you feel more like "you". I bet you will think it's money well spent!!

    If that's not an option, I would try to set aside at least one night a week where you get in bed asap after the boys. Order in and eat off of paper plates, leave the toy clutter and whatever work you usually do at night and hop in to bed to catch a few extra hours of sleep. :grouphug:
  17. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    Cami slept through most of the time at about 6 months. Kyle has just started recently to sleep longer. They have their occassional all nighter and their occassional waking up every few hours. I think it will be inconsistent until they stop teething and then again when they are sick. I know it will get better at some point. :hug:

  18. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    Misery loves company right? Mine aren't sleeping either at 8+ months. I have them in separate rooms, formula feeds at night. Nothing helps. One is sleeping longer stretches but then getting up an hour earlier than her sister in the morning. 6AM is wayyyyyy too early when you been up 2-3 times. Waaahhhhhhh!!!!!
  19. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sullivanre @ Feb 2 2009, 05:01 AM) [snapback]1172151[/snapback]
    I haven't slept for more than a 5 hour stretch in 7.5 months. Most of them time I get up 2-3 times a night with the babies.

    This has got to stop...I'm starting to get really depressed and angry.

    Ugh, I'm not getting to enjoy the babies.

    :hug: I understand. Have you had your iron levels tested? This can cause tiredness and depression too. I hope things start to improve for you really soon.
  20. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2B2G @ Feb 3 2009, 02:13 AM) [snapback]1173818[/snapback]
    Misery loves company right? Mine aren't sleeping either at 8+ months. I have them in separate rooms, formula feeds at night. Nothing helps. One is sleeping longer stretches but then getting up an hour earlier than her sister in the morning. 6AM is wayyyyyy too early when you been up 2-3 times. Waaahhhhhhh!!!!!

    We've got that problem too. Fortunately, my DH gets up with them, and I try to sleep. However, lately they are really noisy in the morning, and I can't sleep through it, so I think that's what has caused this tiredness to get worse.

    QUOTE(Rach28 @ Feb 3 2009, 07:27 AM) [snapback]1173899[/snapback]
    :hug: I understand. Have you had your iron levels tested? This can cause tiredness and depression too. I hope things start to improve for you really soon.

    Nope, I probably do need to go to the doctor for a regular check up.

    But on the positive side, I slept for a long time last night. I went to sleep at 11:30, and the boy woke at 12:30, so I fed them. They slept from 7-12:30, which is a huge improvement. But here's the funny part. Apparently they woke at 3:30, and I slept right through it. My DH got up and fed them. I guess he felt bad for me because I never sleep through their noises, but when I heard them as he was feeding them, I went in and he said, "Go back to sleep." I did, and I didn't wake up again until like 9AM. Nice
  21. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sullivanre @ Feb 3 2009, 09:56 AM) [snapback]1174088[/snapback]
    But on the positive side, I slept for a long time last night. I went to sleep at 11:30, and the boy woke at 12:30, so I fed them. They slept from 7-12:30, which is a huge improvement. But here's the funny part. Apparently they woke at 3:30, and I slept right through it. My DH got up and fed them. I guess he felt bad for me because I never sleep through their noises, but when I heard them as he was feeding them, I went in and he said, "Go back to sleep." I did, and I didn't wake up again until like 9AM. Nice

    What a good DH. He should do that for you more often! Glad you got some sleep!
  22. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    mine dont sttn either, and its usually 2-3x im up too. dd actually sttn last week one time, 13hours total. i was shocked! of course it hasnt happened again! hang in there we'll make it through! mine are formula fed and dont sleep any better than yours so keep BFing. also, mine get 3 solid meals a day and still doesnt help. so much for that!
  23. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    Mine started sleeping through the night right around 7.5 months. We started stretching out their feedings to 4 hrs instead of 3 & suddenly, miraculously they dropped the middle of the night bottle all on their own! We still have bad nights when they're up a bunch, especially when they're sick or teething, but it's still better. I hope yours start STTN soon!!!
  24. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    It's nice to know how many other twin mamas are up at night with 6 month+ babies. At times I feel like I have the worst sleepers twins, but I guess my guys have some competition in that department.
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