You have GOT to be KIDDING ME!!!!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kendraplus2, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    OK, I had an NST and a doctor appt today. NST went fine, had a contraction while on the monitor that I didn't even feel (happened last time too). Went for my doc appt and I'm figuring we're going to discuss possible induction and things since I'm coming up on 37 weeks and every doctor there has said if they don't come by 38 weeks they typically induce labor. He checks me, I'm a fingertip dialated and 30 percent effaced ... measuring 45 weeks. I ask him about induction, and he says that he doesn't seem any medical reason to induce after 38 weeks, I told him that the other doctors have said it can be harmful to carry twins past 38 weeks, he said it can also pose risks to induce labor, he would rather take a "wait-and-see" approach and monitor me closely, but he "definitely won't let me go past my due date."

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Is he on crack??!!??!!? He won't let me go past 40 weeks with twins??? I just want to cry!!!! Here I'm thinking I might get an induction date today if things don't happen naturally by next Saturday (38 weeks) and instead I get a "wait and see, we won't let you go past 40 weeks!!!" Plus the holidays are right around 38 weeks, am I going to have these babies on Christmas???

    I am soooo frustrated!!! Next week I am starting every single method I have ever heard of to induce labor - to heck with carrying these babies to 40 weeks. He's insane.
  2. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    OK, I had an NST and a doctor appt today. NST went fine, had a contraction while on the monitor that I didn't even feel (happened last time too). Went for my doc appt and I'm figuring we're going to discuss possible induction and things since I'm coming up on 37 weeks and every doctor there has said if they don't come by 38 weeks they typically induce labor. He checks me, I'm a fingertip dialated and 30 percent effaced ... measuring 45 weeks. I ask him about induction, and he says that he doesn't seem any medical reason to induce after 38 weeks, I told him that the other doctors have said it can be harmful to carry twins past 38 weeks, he said it can also pose risks to induce labor, he would rather take a "wait-and-see" approach and monitor me closely, but he "definitely won't let me go past my due date."

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Is he on crack??!!??!!? He won't let me go past 40 weeks with twins??? I just want to cry!!!! Here I'm thinking I might get an induction date today if things don't happen naturally by next Saturday (38 weeks) and instead I get a "wait and see, we won't let you go past 40 weeks!!!" Plus the holidays are right around 38 weeks, am I going to have these babies on Christmas???

    I am soooo frustrated!!! Next week I am starting every single method I have ever heard of to induce labor - to heck with carrying these babies to 40 weeks. He's insane.
  3. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    that stinks!! I was just thinking you should be getting an induction date any day now.

    Maybe he expects you will go into labor naturally, which is why he isn't too concerned.

    I'll send labor vibes your way for next week.

  4. stephsboys

    stephsboys Well-Known Member

    Oh sweetie, I am so sorry! I'm sure you were hoping to get an "end date"... you know the chances are really slim of going to 40 weeks.. hang in there, it could even happen tonight, you just never know!
  5. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    Your story sounds like mine. [​IMG] I finally got them to induce me at 39 weeks. I was so miserable. I feel your pain..but know the end is near..and you will do awesome.

    Your body does need to be ready for induction to work, if it isnt they could start the medicine and YOU not go into labor. I was told I might have to go home for 3 days and come back..I was so scared. I hope you go into labor on your own. You are doing great holding these babies in..even though I really do know how you feel right now.


  6. Babygus0

    Babygus0 Well-Known Member

    Oh how disappointing. I will be sending labor vibes your way!
  7. Marbear

    Marbear Well-Known Member

    Kendra, you have GOT to get that man to induce if you haven't gone into labor by 38.5 weeks. They told me they wouldn't "let" me go more than 10 days over with my son. When he arrived he was in thick meconium (meaning it was there a WHILE) and was NICU'd for post term complications. My peri says it it cruel to keep twins in past 38 weeks...cruel to babies and mom. I have dealt with guilt and stress over postterm problems and they are as real as preemie issues...still life and health threatening.
  8. Mommy2PJ

    Mommy2PJ Well-Known Member

    Wow! That really stinks! Maybe you can get him to change his mind somehow? I didn't think most OBs let you go past 30 weeks. Hang in there girl!
  9. ReallyTiredMom

    ReallyTiredMom Well-Known Member

    Geez - that guy is nuts! I mean - my doc told me at 37 weeks, we're definitely scheduling a c section. Of course, I have had a few issues, but STILL! My MIL went 2 weeks overdue with my husband and his twin and they were almost 8 pounds each! Does he take bribes? How can you get him to make it happen?! As far as methods of inducing lanbor - here are the ones I am aware of:

    Sex (is that even possible at this point?! [​IMG]

    Raspberry tea

    Walking, running, jumping, whatever you can handle


    Not much - I know there are a ton out there. Let us know what you can negotiate!
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Yeah - I think him and the banana are related [​IMG]
    that is crazy! my peri said that 38 weeks is full term for twins!

    Bless your heart!!!
    Is there another doctor in the same practice that you can schedule your next apointment with?
  11. kaybee711

    kaybee711 Well-Known Member

    I have heard eating eggplant too. I am so bummed for you. If you were going by c-section would he schedule that?
  12. Marbear

    Marbear Well-Known Member

    I have heard fresh pineapple, primrose oil, sex (like who can do that at 38 weeks with twins), and nipple stimulation using an electric breastpump...the birthing center on House of Babies actually recommends the primrose oil and electric pump ideas.

    I tried the raspberry tea and it didn't work, but it is actually a great tea for uterine health so go for it. It can't hurt and it can help.
  13. ireland37

    ireland37 Well-Known Member

    This is absolutely, positively insane. This might sound equally insane, but would you consider switching OBs? Getting a referral from friends....I mean it's what these docs do for a living so vaginal delivery/c-section is an everyday occurrence for them and aside from having twins, as far as I recall you've had no serious complications or issues with your pregnancy. Just throwing it out as a possibility b/c I feel so badly for you!
  14. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain i was at 38 weeks when i asked "when are we going to induce??"we did 4 days later. I had a GREAT Pregnancy but i would have to say the last two weeks were so hard, i had tons of pelvic pressure, i had very hard time getting around, and was just uncomfortable all the time. Its so hard right now but once your babies are hear it will seem like so long ago. Good Luck!!
  15. AWillow

    AWillow Well-Known Member

    Hope you OB changes his mind.
  16. HayleyF

    HayleyF Member

    Now I know this response (after all the others) is not going to be popular, but it is true.

    I am currently pregnant (20weeks) with my sixth blessing and I have had my share of issues relating to prematurity (that said all mine have been fine even at 32 weeks...incidentally if you want to research how NICU can often be unnecessary you might want to find information written by DR Michel Odent (a frenchman.) That said obviously there are some instances where it is necessary.

    Anyhow, back to the original question. I have done loads and loads of research (and talked with many midwives...who incidentally have the lowest perinatal morbidity and mortality rate amoungst obstetric health care providers) I have my suspicions that planned unassisted home birth might be even lower...but the amount of women doing this is so low that figures are not yet available on this method of delivery.

    The gel that is used to induce labor contains pig semen (like some pp said unless you're ready it won't work anyhow) so you may as well just do it the old fashioned way...I know sex is impossible in some cases, especially at the end, BUT you could always insert your partner/husbands semen in there instead. Even so, syntocinon (the gel) produces what are termed "titanic contractions," these deprive the baby/babies of oxygen (which causes them to be distressed and is often the cause of "emergency c-secs." Synto is now associated with increased risk of haemoorhage and cerebral palsy, as well as higher levels of pain (to the mother) and fetal distress during labour.

    Now, what I'm about to say really won't be goes...c-sec's (even though they are sometimes needed and can be life-saving...a lot of the saving incidentally wouldn't be necessary if the hospital staff (who are only doing their jobs trying to run a business efficiently/economically)could just let the body do what it is designed to do and in it's own time (in my own exp. my longest labor took 3 weeks...this was not just braxton hicks...if you have questions feel free to email me privately.) C-sec increases the risk of infection, haemorrhage and even death due to anaesthetic complications, as well as reducing future fertility.

    C-sec is less safe than vaginal birth (even in multiple births) because it is major surgery. I have known of a lady who was told by her ob she could never have any more children (she had twin girls by c-sec.) Her bowels adhered to the uterus and she has had around (from memory)somewhere in the vacinity of 20+ surgeries trying to fix the problem, which somedays means she can't walk (this was four years ago.) Another friend of mine had twin boys (her first c-sec and now every time she has another child her bladder gets stretched with her uterus..and gets thinner.) Now to balance this I have another friend who has 4 month old twin boys, who realised when the placenta was hard that it wasn't a placenta (the midwife hadn't arrived at her house at this point...she decided against an ultrasound...many questions and many facts surrounding the safety of ultrasound...again email me privately if you're interested) Outcomes have repeatedly been shown in studdies to not be any better because of the use of ultrasound and in fact it is producing many false positives and false negatives...leading to false reasurances of health of baby/babies and murders of unwanted babies due to termination.

    So much of the testing that is done is terribly inaccurate and unecessary and outcomes are no better if not worse. I have known of many women delivering twins and even triplets at home with excellent outcomes because they chose a non-medical model of care. I think this ob/dr sounds very smart in my opinion and my advice would be to listen to him and forget the rest (who sound to not care about the outcome for you or the babies...even though you may have a great relationship with them.) In the end you are ultimately responsible for you and your babies and it's your choice and you have to trust (to some extent) anybody who holds your life in their hands (not to mention anybody (esp. a man) who is going to be seeing you naked...just because they have a peice of paper and work in a certain job.) Isn't it funny thought there are no guarantees in life, we could be gone tomorrow...each day is a matter how heavy and uncomfortable and irritated we feel. This is not meant as a judgement in anyway...I know it has probably come across that way BUT I am sending it in love and hope you consider it seriously. They're your babies and it's your body and you know what is best for you, have confidence in yourself and your bodies and your babies to come when they're ready. If you've been taking good care of yourself (supplements exercise etc) then your babies should be fine until 40 weeks or longer if they're ready later.

    I think this dr sounds cool [​IMG]

    In love,

    Hayley xx
  17. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I have no personal experience with this (but I was so miserable by 40 weeks with my ds I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now...) but my mother had twins and my brothers came on their 40 week due daten at 7 and 8 pounds. They all went home with no complications or any NICU time. Just thought you might want to hear a happy ending story....

  18. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    I hope you don't take this the wrong way....

    Why does everyone think that a "twin" pregnancy is not suppossed to last 40 weeks. It is suppossed to last 40 weeks...a lot of people just don't make it that far. If you can make it that far, that's great! What another 2 weeks? :) I know, it sucks!

    BUT, on another note....I have my twins at 34 weeks 4 days an let me tell you, it was not fun. They were in the NICU for 10 & 12 days and had early intervention every week for the first 14 months of their lives. That was not fun! Now, it has slowed down and they only have it every 4-5 weeks but it is not fun!
  19. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I guess this is mute since Kendra has delivered her precious little ones but I have actually read where 39 weeks is starting to be the norm for singletons. Alot of docs are starting to consider 39 weeks to be the 40 weeks of old and actually adjusting due dates accordingly.
  20. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    I hope you go into labor on your on ASAP!!!

    That being said, my sister (a GP dr) carried her twin boys to 39+ weeks and they were 8 lbs + each. She herself though was determined to carry them to 40 weeks. She really pushed me to go atleast to 38 and not give in to inducement or section before then (unless medically necessary).

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