yogurt, cottage cheese and egg yolk

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newtothis, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    once my LO's are better i am excited to try some new foods!!
    : )

    he said i could do egg yolk, then cottage cheese, then yogurt.
    how do you serve egg yolk and what types of yogurt do you give your LOs?
  2. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    We do full fat plain yogurt and they love it! They have always loved it. You can mix in fruit or veggie puree if you like.

    Mine didn't like egg yolk (I think i was the texture). They will sometimes eat cottage cheese but they don't like it as much as yogurt. Plus yogurt has all that great bacteria, so it's superior to cottage cheese, in my opinion.
  3. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I didn't think I could give my girls dairy until they were 12 months. But at the 9mth check up, Doc gave me the go ahead with yogurt and cheese. I stay away from eggs, just because I think it is weird just to eat the yoke, and cottage cheese mostly because we don't really eat it at my house. They love yogurt and cheese. I started with yo-baby yogurt (high fat, like pp mentioned) and organic cheese-because most of the food they have had has been. This week I went to Trader Joes and bought their high fat yogurt, and the girls like it too.

    I am following the idea of no wheat, citrus, eggs or dairy until 12 months, with the exception of this yogurt and cheese bit. I have been told it helps prevent allergies- I figured I would at least try it since I live in an area that I can access alternatives easily and my Mom did this with me and I don't have allergies. Whereas my husband and his family have all kinds.
  4. mamammbs2

    mamammbs2 Well-Known Member

    We by yo baby organic yogurt. The girls love as does my 2 year old.
  5. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I just crumbled up egg yolk and let them do it as finger food. You can mush it up pretty well and serve it to them with a spoon too.

    We started with Yo Baby, and then moved on to Yoplait Kids (not the Trix variety, which was more sugary). My kids LOVED and still love yogurt. Have fun!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My kids loved scrambled egg yolks with cheese. We also started off with Yo Baby and my kids loved it. They also loved Greek yogurt too.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I think its just milk you can't give until 12 months. Yes, yogurts and cheeses are allowed beforehand. I just made sure to give whole milk yogurt, the kids love it!! just watch the sugar content on ones that are flavored, you can "flavor" your own by just buying the plain and putting in other babyfood jars or purees you do yourself.

    egg yolks are full of great nutrition. I believe a good amount w/o overdosing is 1 yolk every other day... or I just split a yolk between the twins every day for a while. I mashed it up with their oatmeal.

    good luck!
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    p.s. I did organic whole milk yogurt, in our area the main one available is Stonyfield brand - you want the red label for the whole milk. and like I said I just got plain and added it to things.

    as for cottage cheese, again, I just did full fat, I couldn't find any organic... so I just bought whatever I could find, mostly Publix store brand.
  9. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did scrambled with cheese too. And Yobaby Yogurt. They are still big yogurt eaters!
  10. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    Mine love egg yolks, I boil or poach an egg and split the yolk between the two of them...I usually mix it in with rice cereal or serve it with soft grits. I scramble a yolk sometimes too and add a little cheese....I find this isn't messy and you can cut it up so they can self feed as well or serve it with cereal or soft grits. I serve plain yogurt and mix in a fruit for a snack. My DH just got some Gerber Yogurt Blends for them, they come in Simply Banana, Simply Peach and Simply Strawberry, I haven't tried them with these as yet but I'm sure they will like them. I haven't tried cottage cheese as yet, maybe that'll be next for them.
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