Yet another Nap Transition Question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by agolden, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I just got a really upsetting phone call from my sister. She has an office in my house so she hears what goes on when I'm not there. She said that my nanny put Ezra down for his afternoon nap and he was really unhappy for a loooong time. She went in to try to calm him eventually but he just continued to be unhappy. Over the last weekend, I was with him for 5 days and he took an afternoon nap 3 out of the 5 days. The others he was just up - sometimes happy, sometimes not. My sister was at the cottage with us so clearly, my nanny left him crying longer than I would or she wouldn't have called me. I just don't know what to do. Ezra is a live wire. Since he was about 4 months old I've said he has electricity in his veins, he's just go go go. For the longest time, he'd take 20 minute catnaps. Oh, and he's not happy when he does that. Now he does have a good 1.5 hour nap in the morning but the afternoon is just hit and miss. Elias takes 2 naps. I don't think Elias can be pushed into 1 nap. He's really tired in the morning and if I did one nap I'd have to push it later and I don't think he can make it. The last time Ezra missed his afternoon nap I put him to bed at 6:15 because he'd been up since 10:30 and he was just miserable. I don't know how to play this. Has anybody done a schedule with one baby napping twice a day and one baby napping only once. We (and my nanny) will never get out of the house. It will be Elias sleeping from 9-10:30, Ezra from 11:00-?, and Elias from 1:00-2 or 2:30. I think they would also be on different meal schedules. That's a mess. Can I ask that of my nanny? Can I survive the weekends?

    What has other people's experiences been.
  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    If Ezra needs to go to one nap, then I would start by transitioning Elias too. I would get them both on the same eating schedule because it is going to make both of you lives easier. I would feed them both lunch at 10 am... you will have keep Elias up. Then put them down at 10:30, 10:45ish. Eventually, start moving it back further and further til you get it at 11:30 and then 12. I think it will make your like simpler.

    I wish I had more advice to take away the crying. :hug99: Still working on that myself.
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Sarah© @ Aug 8 2008, 07:32 PM) [snapback]920887[/snapback]
    If Ezra needs to go to one nap, then I would start by transitioning Elias too. I would get them both on the same eating schedule because it is going to make both of you lives easier. I would feed them both lunch at 10 am... you will have keep Elias up. Then put them down at 10:30, 10:45ish. Eventually, start moving it back further and further til you get it at 11:30 and then 12. I think it will make your like simpler.

    I wish I had more advice to take away the crying. :hug99: Still working on that myself.

    I totally agree.
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Babies4Susan @ Aug 8 2008, 01:44 PM) [snapback]920905[/snapback]
    I totally agree.

    Me too. Transition they both at the same time. You might be surprised at how well they do (I was).
  5. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    They eat, nap, and bed time on schedule and altogether. It does make my life much easier!

    Good luck!
    D, w/Rianna and Justin
  6. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I am right there, right now. My Lily has never needed much sleep, she too is a live wire. Her brother, Jack; however, can still knock out two good hour and a half naps a day plus falls asleep immediatly at night. They wake at 7:30 and used to go down at 9:30 and 2:30. When Lily started to skip at least one of these naps pretty much every day I went ahead and moved the am nap back to 10:30am. I then put them both down again at 3:30pm. After I put them down I run to take a shower and then I go and get Lily out of her crib. Basically, I just leave her in there for about 20 minutes so I can grab a shower or do something productive and if she has not fallen asleep by then , which usually she has not, I go and get her. Then I get to hang out with her for a bit before her brother works. I also like this because it gives her a chance to take that nap on the odd chance that she needs it.

    HOpe that helps!
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Agree with the pp's. Do them at the same time? It will give you some down time when you are home with them.
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