Yet another long reflux question...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by DATJMom, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Well, actually questions. Both of my DS's have reflux but one is worse than the other. They are both on Prevacid and the one is great but the other still is arching his back, stiffening his legs (mostly after feedings), still spitting up even 2 hours after a feed and seems very uncomfortable, etc...I have read that others who were on the Prevacid noticed remarkable changes with it. It seems to have worked really well with my other twin but this one not so good or it is working well and he would be really, really miserable without it. I took him to one GI Specialist who actually told me "that every baby has reflux, just to what degree" and she said take him OFF the Prevacid [​IMG]. Hence I am waiting for a second opinion. I have talked to my Pedi about Reglan and we are in line for an upper GI first before starting that. So I guess I want to know from all you experienced reflux mom's did adding the Reglan with the Prevacid work to make them more comfortable? I understand that the Reglan will empty the stomach faster and hopefully we wont still be refluxing 2 hours after a meal--but what about immediately after the meal during the 30 minutes of keeping baby upright. Did your kids on the Prevacid still arch their backs and have stiff legs and you thought this was better than nothing at all? I should add he has a potential milk allergy so we are on the liquid gold Alimentum. I have tired the rice cereal route too and it works but not all the time. I am having a hard time assessing what is good and what is great! Ahh sorry for so many questions but this is so hard to get a handle on and I am tired of thinking that I could be doing more.

  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Well, actually questions. Both of my DS's have reflux but one is worse than the other. They are both on Prevacid and the one is great but the other still is arching his back, stiffening his legs (mostly after feedings), still spitting up even 2 hours after a feed and seems very uncomfortable, etc...I have read that others who were on the Prevacid noticed remarkable changes with it. It seems to have worked really well with my other twin but this one not so good or it is working well and he would be really, really miserable without it. I took him to one GI Specialist who actually told me "that every baby has reflux, just to what degree" and she said take him OFF the Prevacid [​IMG]. Hence I am waiting for a second opinion. I have talked to my Pedi about Reglan and we are in line for an upper GI first before starting that. So I guess I want to know from all you experienced reflux mom's did adding the Reglan with the Prevacid work to make them more comfortable? I understand that the Reglan will empty the stomach faster and hopefully we wont still be refluxing 2 hours after a meal--but what about immediately after the meal during the 30 minutes of keeping baby upright. Did your kids on the Prevacid still arch their backs and have stiff legs and you thought this was better than nothing at all? I should add he has a potential milk allergy so we are on the liquid gold Alimentum. I have tired the rice cereal route too and it works but not all the time. I am having a hard time assessing what is good and what is great! Ahh sorry for so many questions but this is so hard to get a handle on and I am tired of thinking that I could be doing more.

  3. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My twin boy is on Prevacid since 3 weeks and after a 1 1/2 week we started to notice an improvement, however the last 3 days were back to scratch, including a little bloody streak in his spit up mucus, so I called the GI, and she's now increasing his dose to twice day (morning and evening, 2 ml each time; he's on the suspension) and try that for another 2 weeks.

    The Prevacid reduced spit up and he was way more comfortable. He could easily drink 5-6 oz bottles without spitting up more than a mouthful. Without he already has trouble drinking 3-4 oz and then he's still hungry but he can't keep it down anyway.

    By the way, my GI specialist insists that I give the Prevacid 30 minutes (or more) before a feeding, not at the same time.
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I asked my Pedi about upping the dose and she said no. He takes 1/2 solu-tab in 3 mls water at night before the feeding. He is about 11.5 pounds. Maybe he does need more??
  5. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My son is on the suspension, so I have no idea about the tabs. But he was 11 pounds at 2 months, I expect him to be closer to 13 right now (he has been drinking 5-7 oz bottles the last 2 weeks when he was doing so well).
  6. Dragonfly76

    Dragonfly76 Well-Known Member

    In our case nothing helped not Zantac, not Prevacid and I said NO to Reglan, because the risks associated with this drug are not worh even thinking about giving it to a child. For some reason doctors are not tellin that FDA have approved Reglan for only the short term use 4-12 weeeks. There are national lawsuits are happening around it. Just check this out
    I would never recommend it to anyone.
  7. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    I refuse to put my babies on Reglan either. My pedi would give me an RX anyway, and he said one of his other patients went somewhere else (another state), got the Reglan, and now are dealing with side effects. I was on Reglan for a couple of days when I was pregnant, and then took myself off of it, when I read about the side effects- even in adults. I was in the ER, mentioned that I had some of it, and the Dr said, 'you know that can cause you to permanently smack your lips constantly??'...needless to say, we dont need any lipsmackers around here! Reglan can cause odd neurological effects- sometimes permanent- think i would rather deal with the Reflux. And yes, both my twins have reflux, prevacid does not seem to be doing to mcuh for them, this is after Axid and Zantac. Mine are almost 8 months, and often waking up 1-4 times a night due to reflux issues, their sheets are covered in spitup, causing their hair to be sticky in the is miserable, I know!
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info about the Reglan. I will definitely rethink that one!!
  9. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    My Jack had horrible reflux... he was on Zantac and Reglan... I quit giving him the Reglan on my own, after reading the side effects.

    The only thing that helped him was giving him rice cereal along with bottle feedings. The pedi reccommended it. It did help... it didn't cure it, but it cut down on the spit ups... I also added Mylicon (Or little tummy's) to his bottles.
  10. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Dragonfly76:
    In our case nothing helped not Zantac, not Prevacid and I said NO to Reglan, because the risks associated with this drug are not worh even thinking about giving it to a child. For some reason doctors are not tellin that FDA have approved Reglan for only the short term use 4-12 weeeks. There are national lawsuits are happening around it. Just check this out
    I would never recommend it to anyone.

    I agree 100%!! When my pedi told me about the potential side effects (and only because I asked!!) I looked at him like he was growing a second head if he really thought I was going to go for that!! I'd rather deal with reflux, thank you! Plus, he told me it has only helped reflux in 30% of his patients who have tried it! Something about forcing the food through their digestive track seemed a little unnatural to me.

    We were never on Prevacid but we were on Prilosec. DS had "silent reflux" and DD had FULL ON reflux (slept on a sling wedge until she was 5 months old.) Anyway, it hasn't gotten any better for her, in fact I think as we added solids it has gotten worse. We are scheduled for an upper GI tomorrow and the GI doctor prescribed Zegerid, I have to say, so far I am impressed. We have had 1/2 the spit ups, much happier days and sleeping through the night again - YAY!!! I'd try to switch to Zegerid before you tried Reglan, JMO! HTH!
  11. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    We were on Prevacid and Reglan for a while. I stopped the Reglan b/c it didn't make that big of a difference and the side effects are very scary. We're 9 months now and still spitting strong! They gain great so no big deal except for laundry! Reglan wouldn't really help with the back arching...maybe a different acid medicine?
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