Yes, another sleeping issue

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by goofyjilly, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. goofyjilly

    goofyjilly Well-Known Member

    Yeah I know everyone (well almost) has sleeping issues. I just want to get people's opinions on how to solve (try to) this issue.

    My twins just turned 8 months on the first. They are STTN, yes! It is just that they sometimes think it is time to wake up at 5 am. It doesn't happen everyday. I would say at least 3 times a week, the rest they don't wake up until 6 am or after. Ever since the time change they have been going to bed at 6pm. I know I shouldn't complain since they are in bed for 11 hours. I just want to see if I could at least get them to start the day after 6 am. I don't care if they go to bed later. I have tried and well they seem to melt down between 5:30 and 6 pm. But lately it seems after we give them their bedtime bottle, they are wake and not completely ready for bed. They have been starting to complain when we put them down but it is only for about 10 minutes at the most then they just start talking for about another 15 minutes then they are quite. I was just wondering if there is anyone out there that has some advice about it. It would just be nice to have them a little bit more predictable for a wake up time. I know that might not be something that will happen for until they are older.

    Also when they do get up between 5 and 6 am, they seem to have a HORRIBLE day with sleeping. I try to stay on top of when they are ready for bed but it doesn't seem to matter. UGH! I am at a loss. As I am sure many are with their sleeping issues. I have tried letting them CIO until 6 am but that doesn't seem to curb the issue since it doesn't happen everyday. (I also have a 3 year old that gets woken up by them if they CIO, so I am not to keen on that but will do it.)

    Any advice on what to try would be great! I am up for anything. Tonight I am going to see if I can keep them up maybe by 15 minutes to see what happens.

    Ugh! The trial and errors of sleeping issues. :BDH:
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I would do the opposite of what you are going to do. Keeping them up longer might backfire on you. I would try and get them down a little earlier and see if that helps them sleep longer on the other side. Are they over tired when they go to bed? If not, I might also keep putting them to bed at their "normal" time and if they arent screaming when they wake at 5ish I wouldnt go to them right away. See if they learn to self soothe back to sleep. Or, it just one of those things that you cant change and they will mature out of. Mine woke at 5-6am for about 3 months and really they just had to mature out of it. GL!
  3. goofyjilly

    goofyjilly Well-Known Member

    Well the thing is it isn't a constant thing. Their wake up time is all over the place. UGH! What I have tried is letting them CIO in the morning, not go to them until 6 am, even if they wake my 3 year old (which when he is up he is up) and that works when they seem to get into a pattern of getting up before 6 but then they cycle back to it after waking up past 6 for a few days. I haven't tried keeping them up longer so I thought I would give it a try, I know it will most likely backfire and they will just get up earlier.

    I hope it is something they will mature out of. The thing that seems to be changing is that they use to go to bed with no complaining what so ever but now they are starting to complain some, not badly but some. I just wonder if they want their bedtime bottle but want to stay up a little bit longer for whatever reason. I don't know as I am sure many have had the same issue.

    I guess I will see how they are at bed time and go from there. UGH, Hurry up and grow out of it already (LOL!)
  4. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    do they have any toys in their crib with them that they can quietly play with? I know both my older dd's had cribside soothers and at that age could turn them on and off and would drift back off to sleep after playing for a while. I hope they start to "sleep in" more consistently for you!
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