Yeast Infections

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by amyjoy3, Dec 31, 2007.

  1. amyjoy3

    amyjoy3 Well-Known Member

    Anyone have problems with recurrent yeast infections during the 2nd trimester??? I had one about a month ago, got a persciption and now it's back. I went to the Dr. today and he gave me another perscription and said this could be a sign of gestational diabetes. Anyone with experience/advice? I'm going for the GD test on Thursday. How long does it take for the Dr. to get the results?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I had a yeast infection three months in a row during this pregnancy. I think I'm good this month! :) (knocking on wood) I never heard of it being an indicator for GD. I have mine scheduled in two weeks. What 'prescription' are you getting? I'm being told that the OTC creams is all I can take for mine, not that 'magic' pill that starts with a 'D.' I hope you find some relief!
  3. alliandre

    alliandre Well-Known Member

    With my first pregnancy I had a YI the entire time. No GD. I feel for you, I really do.
  4. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    What is your diet looking like? Are you taking an acidopholis supplement? While it could be GD related it could also be that your partner is passing the same infection back to you. I would suggest partner treatment also!
  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had seveal yeast infections while pregnant with Liam. I did not develop gestational diabetes.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a really bad one with my oldest DD around 30 weeks. I did not develop gestational diabetes with her. Good luck!
  7. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    I've had gestational diabetes with a previous pregnancy (they haven't tested me yet this time), and I never had problem with yeast infections. Have you been on any kind of antibiotics lately that might have knocked the good bacteria off a bit? Also, don't quote me on this, but I believe hormonal changes can also account for bodily changes "chemically" that might encourage the yeast infections.

    As for the GD tests, I guess a lot of the timing depends on whether your doc does the screening in office or has to send out to a lab for the results. My doc has to send off to a lab nearby, and usually we get the 1 hour test results in a few days (2-3). If you test positive for GD or if your numbers are iffy, they typically do a longer 3 hour screen. That also takes my docs another few days (2-3). Others might have a different experience to share.
  8. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    ive been living with YI and UTI's for pratically the whole pg! some woman are just prone to them:(
  9. amyjoy3

    amyjoy3 Well-Known Member

    Thanks gals! Feeling MUCH better! I am not taking any supplements. And my husband and I have not been sexually active for some time because I'm so tired. Poor guy. LOL! The 1st one I did not take any antibiotics. The 2nd time I was diagnosed with it I was on antibiotics for bronchitis, but that was 3 weeks before it came back.

    The Dr. did not give me the one time treatment with the pill. I'm on a cream that starts with a "T". I take 1/2 applicator for 6 days.

    I take the GD test at the hospital.
  10. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    Ok, definately try to cut some of the sugar and processed foods from your diet, it stinks but it can make a big difference. Also a great supplement is Culturelle which is a vitamin supplement of Acidopholis. Just google Culturelle to find a local retailer for you. The hormones and shifts of pregnancy do tend to make lots of women more prone to yeast infections.
    Good luck!
  11. amyjoy3

    amyjoy3 Well-Known Member

    Failed the 1 hour GD test. The nurse said it was only slightly elevated. Doing the 3hr GD test on Friday. Sigh...
  12. prat

    prat New Member

    Did Anyone use Monistat-7 for yeast infection. I 'm 29 weeks pregnant and diagnosed with yeast infection today and was told to use it.
  13. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(prat @ Jan 29 2008, 05:19 PM) [snapback]595809[/snapback]
    Did Anyone use Monistat-7 for yeast infection. I 'm 29 weeks pregnant and diagnosed with yeast infection today and was told to use it.

    Yep, just picked it up today! I just got diagnosed with my 4th yeast infection in my 6 months of pregnancy and I'll be on that treatment for the next 7 days! Dr. said when pregnant, yeast infections are harder to get rid of. I passed my glucose test!
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