Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommymauro, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    So my twins (3 on 4/20) have their own rooms and each have their own bathroom… one is potty trained (even stays dry at naps). This morning I went to get him out of his crib and he said to me “I waited for the night light to turn on to call you”. I said “what a good boy thank you” (I am having an issue w/ the sun waking them too early and re teaching them to wait for the night light that is on a timer to turn on before they call me to get them out of their cribs... but that is a a different post for a different day :rolleyes: ). Then he said, “I had to go potty but couldn’t get out of my crib so I went pee in my diaper a little…” I then went on and explained to him that I understand… and that since he is still in his crib and can’t get to his bathroom that it was ok… as long as when we have our big boy underwear on, we stay dry… that’s what matters… then he went on about daddy fixing his crib and making it a big boy bed… that got me thinking… is he too young to get up and use his potty all by himself… he can get his pants on and off and get on and off his potty (toilet w/ a smaller seat cover)… do we move him to his toddler bed even though he isn’t trying to escape the crib? There is nothing in his bathroom or even in his room but his crib (we just moved in a have not decorated his room… I was waiting until they moved to beds to do that). What would you do? Would you now move your little one to a big boy bed so he can get to his potty in the early AM? My older DS was WAY older when he was potty trained… so it was less of an issue letting him “free”

    Thank you in advance… and for reading my novel of a post :blush:

  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    First off, it's awesome that he's able to talk to you like that!! Having a speech delayed child, I can not wait until he can converse like that :wub:

    I would totally move him to a toddler bed. We did the transition to toddler beds before potty training but I wanted them to have full access to the bathroom if they needed it.
    Good luck!
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'd move him to toddler bed also... If he can tell you that kind of things he seems to be mature enough to handle it.
  4. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ladies,

    DH just said he thinks he wants to skip the toddler bed and put their full size mattress (they have one of those cribs that can be used as a head board for a “full size” bed) on the floor… so I think we will buy some this weekend… not sure… I just see sleepless nights… and yes, that conversation impressed ME. My oldest DS had speech delays so I was in extra awe when they were early talkers… Seth was calling Nathan “Nay Nay” around 8 months old… it might have been sooner but it took us that long to realize when we left the room to change Nathans diaper Seth would yell… Nay Nay…

  5. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    With him communicating like that, you may be able to skip the sleepless nights. I agree he should be in a big boy bed.
  6. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    I still find myself (3 years later) saying…. They are NOT Noah… and I still am shocked that I just casually said one day… let us try pee peeing in a potty… and BAM Nate was dry from then on… Seth still has accidents… but my oldest (Noah) OY is all I can say… I really need to stop thinking all children are the same… your right… i need to hope for the best and forget my past … Thanks again, big boy bed here we comes … it also means I get to decorate… :woo:
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would go for the big boy bed too. My two do not have a bathroom off of their rooms to get to, so I leave their little potties in their room for nap time and overnight in case they have to go. Good luck!
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