WWYD - UUGH, getting out of bed.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kiely Girls, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Kiely Girls

    Kiely Girls Well-Known Member

    UUGH, I have been a single dad so to speak for 2 weeks now and will continue to be for another few weeks. My wife is recovering at home from abdominal surgery and cant really parent. But saying that, she doesnt know what I could do to solve this either....as it was starting to happen prior to her surgery.

    They (3 year olds) keep getting out of bed EARLY. I am not a morning person at all which doesnt help the situation.

    Normally I get up at 640ish, ideally I would like to wake them at 710, but I realize that doesnt always happen. Lately they have been getting up at 5/530/600 and coming into to my bed (sleeping in spare room due to wifes surgery) - well 50% of the time I dont wanna fight with them and I let them stay if they go back to sleep - sometimes they do, but usually its tossing and turning, and fighting the desire to play. Sometimes they dont even get as far as into bed with me - they just start running around turning on lights, or screaming at me from their rooms or turning on TV or destroying god knows what.

    These issues are magnified by the fact that Charlotte keeps Chloe awake at night as long as she can, and Chloe wakes up early and forces Charlotte awake as soon as she can.

    I guess I am thinking seperate rooms at logistically its possible as we have the room - I just am have been fighting that as long as I could. So far I have tried to explain to them what they are doing and what I want them to do (in 3 year old speak) and that doesnt work. I have punished them and that doesnt work. I have bribed them and that doesnt work. I have had daycare minimze Charlotte's naps and that doesnt work.

    I am thinking of drugging them.....lol.

    I am kind of at my wits end....and to add to it, now my wife says I can move back into the bedroom [​IMG], but I fear that they will hurt my wife if they jump in there in the morning. My wife sluffs it off - but I am being logical here, and it will happen.

    I dont get this - I had them for two weeks alone last summer and it was FINE..no issues like this at all. But it seems since they turned 3 (after xmas) it has been really gaining speed.

    Help?? any suggestions?

    Oh yeah and the worse dad of the year award goes to me today for this - getting out of van Chloe started yelling at me, I snapped and said what quite angrily - she said your phone - I had dropped my new 700$ phone on the ground and she was trying to help - without her telling me, I would have drove over it......feeling a tad guilty about that..... [​IMG]

    Any suggestions? Please and thank you.

  2. Kiely Girls

    Kiely Girls Well-Known Member

    UUGH, I have been a single dad so to speak for 2 weeks now and will continue to be for another few weeks. My wife is recovering at home from abdominal surgery and cant really parent. But saying that, she doesnt know what I could do to solve this either....as it was starting to happen prior to her surgery.

    They (3 year olds) keep getting out of bed EARLY. I am not a morning person at all which doesnt help the situation.

    Normally I get up at 640ish, ideally I would like to wake them at 710, but I realize that doesnt always happen. Lately they have been getting up at 5/530/600 and coming into to my bed (sleeping in spare room due to wifes surgery) - well 50% of the time I dont wanna fight with them and I let them stay if they go back to sleep - sometimes they do, but usually its tossing and turning, and fighting the desire to play. Sometimes they dont even get as far as into bed with me - they just start running around turning on lights, or screaming at me from their rooms or turning on TV or destroying god knows what.

    These issues are magnified by the fact that Charlotte keeps Chloe awake at night as long as she can, and Chloe wakes up early and forces Charlotte awake as soon as she can.

    I guess I am thinking seperate rooms at logistically its possible as we have the room - I just am have been fighting that as long as I could. So far I have tried to explain to them what they are doing and what I want them to do (in 3 year old speak) and that doesnt work. I have punished them and that doesnt work. I have bribed them and that doesnt work. I have had daycare minimze Charlotte's naps and that doesnt work.

    I am thinking of drugging them.....lol.

    I am kind of at my wits end....and to add to it, now my wife says I can move back into the bedroom [​IMG], but I fear that they will hurt my wife if they jump in there in the morning. My wife sluffs it off - but I am being logical here, and it will happen.

    I dont get this - I had them for two weeks alone last summer and it was FINE..no issues like this at all. But it seems since they turned 3 (after xmas) it has been really gaining speed.

    Help?? any suggestions?

    Oh yeah and the worse dad of the year award goes to me today for this - getting out of van Chloe started yelling at me, I snapped and said what quite angrily - she said your phone - I had dropped my new 700$ phone on the ground and she was trying to help - without her telling me, I would have drove over it......feeling a tad guilty about that..... [​IMG]

    Any suggestions? Please and thank you.

  3. twinboys505

    twinboys505 Active Member

    My boys are nowhere near being able to get out of bed on their own, so I can't help from experience, but I did read something once about early rising and how to help combat it. I read once that you can put an alarm clock in the kids' room and set it for the time that you will be ready for them to leave their room. You tell them that if they wake up before that, they can play quietly in their room, but cannot leave the room before the alarm clock goes off. You could set it for 7 if that is the time that you want them to come out. It kind of makes it a game, which can be fun for kids. Maybe make a special bin of quiet toys, games, and books and it can be their 'morning bin', then if they are awake they can quietly play and not disturb you or your wife. Like I said, though, I have never tried this, so I don't know how well it works. Give it a shot, and I hope they start sleeping for you. I can definitely understand, because I am NOT a morning person at all either!

    Hope your wife is feeling better soon, and way to go for taking care of everything while she is healing!
  4. Kiely Girls

    Kiely Girls Well-Known Member

    Its so funny you say that - and its a AWESOME idea btw..I was thinking of a clock - but couldnt get figure out how to get them to know the time...lol, an alarm clock never came into my thinking. Ok I am definetly trying that one tonight. Thank you!

    Anyone else? I am very open!

  5. Janet36

    Janet36 Well-Known Member

    I solved this problem by buying 2 digital clocks. I told them that they couldn't talk or get out of their beds until 6:00. After the first morning, when they got up at 5:26, I realized that they can't tell time (they had a "6", it was just in the wrong place)! So I covered up the last 2 numbers with paper and tape, and only left the hour showing. Then I set their clocks about 30 minutes slow. Now they wake up anywhere from 5:30 to 6:15, but don't get up until they have a "6", which is 6:30 real time. Does that make sense? It has worked like a charm.
  6. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    I think we need to address the real underlying problem here being that you spent $700 on a cell phone. For that kind of money, the phone should be babysitting your kids while you sleep in. (Just kidding [​IMG], my boys get up between 5 and 6 and I would so like it to be an hour later.) I hope the Mrs. is feeling much better soon.
  7. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We got the boys a digital clock at 3 1/2. The rule is they can't leave their room until 7. I don't set the alarm, because I don't want to wake them if they sleep later. At first there was a few mornings of--check your clock, is it 7 yet? Now it is rare that they will get out of their room before then.
  8. twinboys505

    twinboys505 Active Member

    Good luck, and let us know what happens!
  9. Kiely Girls

    Kiely Girls Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Sue1968:
    I think we need to address the real underlying problem here being that you spent $700 on a cell phone. .

    LOL I should have said 700$ replacement cost - I got a couple hundred bucks cheaper on a plan, wives amazingly have spending limits on these type of things....go figure [​IMG]

    Well I tried it tonight, alarm clocks with nice quiet radio to go off at 645 tomm morning....wish me luck, will keep everyone posted.

    btw - thanks all for the wishes, she is doing ok - kind of couch bound and suddenly greatful for all the movies I buy...that and Oprah....uugh.

  10. Kiely Girls

    Kiely Girls Well-Known Member

    Well its the morning.

    Maybe I am approaching this wrong. Here's another question - how long do your 3 years olds sleep in a day? Chloe gets 1.5 hour nap, Charlotte no more then 1 hour nap. They go to bed at 730 - Chloe is asleep at 8ish and Charlotte 830-900. They get up typically at 6am.

    So Chloe 10 hours, and Charlotte 8.5-9.5 hours depending....I know every kid is different, but they seem tired and grouchy throughout the day...is this enough or to much?

    Alarm clock didnt work sadly - i will try it again though to see if it takes a few tries (i suspect it does). Thye laughed with glee when it did go off - but they had been out of their rooms and back again for 45 minutes.

  11. Kiely Girls

    Kiely Girls Well-Known Member

  12. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    I hope you get the early rising thing straitened out. My boys get up late and always have so I do not have any tricks (they have always been on a late schedule). Regarding your question on the amount of sleep, my boys just turned three and they get about 10-11 hours sleep at night and then nap for about 1 ½ to 2 hours in the afternoon.
  13. twinboys505

    twinboys505 Active Member

    Too bad it did not work! I would say keep trying, and make it known that this is not an option. They don't have to sleep until 6:45, but they have to stay in their room. They can play quietly in their room if they wake up earlier than their alarm. Maybe make some sort of consequence for coming out if their alarm has not gone off already? It is hard because they are catching you at a time when you are probably not all there, you know? It is hard to discipline early in the morning when you are not a morning person! [​IMG]

    My boys are a lot younger than your girls, so their schedule is probably not helpful to you, but they go to bed at 7:30 or 8, sleep until 7:30, 8, or even 8:30 in the mornings, and take an hour to an hour and a half nap during the day.

    Good luck! I can only imagine what will happen once my boys are in toddler beds and can get up and roam whenever they want. I am taking notes on this so I will know how to handle it, because I am SURE it will happen to me soon! [​IMG]
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